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Unit 4 What should you do?复习资料一、短语 1、give it to charity 把它捐给慈善机构 2、medical research 医学研究3、What if 如果怎么样? 4、get nervous 紧张5、take a big exam 参加大考 6、help with 有助于7、in public 在公共场合 8、hardly ever 几乎不9、the whole school 全校 10、without permission 未经许可11、be(make) friends with 与交朋友 12、ask ones permission 请求的允许13、introduceto 把介绍给 14、inviteto do 邀请 .做15、social situations 社会环境 16、not in the slightest 根本不,一点也不 17、right away 立刻,马上 18、all day 全天19、be friendly to 对友好 20、at lunch time 在午饭时间21、a bit shy 有点害羞 22、English speech contest 英语演讲比赛23、represent the class 代表班级 24、come top 名列前茅25、let down 使失望 26、come up with 提出、想出27、be sure of + n./pron. be sure to do 相信 be sure +that 从句 28、the rest of the students 其余的学生 29、have a lot of experience (in) doing sth 在做某事方面有经验30、deal with 对付,处理 31、come out 出版32、give advice on 在方面提出意见、建议 33、by accident 偶然地,无意之中34、hurry to do sth 匆匆忙忙做某事 35、an internet friend 网友二、句子1、He doesnt know if he should bring a present. 他不知道是否该带礼物。2、You shouldnt worry about what other people say.你不应该考虑别人说什么。3、What will you do if you had a million dollars? 如果你有一百万美元,你会干什么?4、If I were you, I d take a small present.如果我是你,我会带一个小礼物。5、Im too tired to do well.我太累了,没考好。6、Dogs can be a lot of trouble.狗会带来很多麻烦。7、What are you like? 你是什么样的人?8、Id invite him/her to have dinner at my house.我会邀请他(她)到我家吃饭。9、You enjoy the company of other people.你喜欢别人的陪伴。10、I feel nervous talking in front of many people.我在众人面前讲话时感到紧张。11、She always comes top in the school exams.她在学校的考试中总是名列前茅。12、She doesnt want to let her friends down.她不愿让朋友失望。13、If I were you, Ill get out of here.如果我是你,我会离开这里。 宾语从句:宾语从句在复合句中作主句的宾语。由连接词+ 主语+ 谓语构成常由下面的一些词引导:由that 引导 表示陈述意义 that 可省略He says (that) he is at home. 他说他在家里。由if , whether 引导 表示 一般疑问意义(带有是否、已否、对否等)I dont know if / whether Wei Hua likes fish. 我不知道韦华是否喜欢鱼。由连接代词、连接副词(疑问词) 引导 表示特殊疑问意义Do you know what he wants to buy? 你知道他想要买什么吗?从句时态要与主句一致 当主句是一般现在时,从句根据情况使用任何时态He says (that ) he is at home. 他说他在家里。I dont know (that) she is singing now. 我不知道她正在唱歌。She wants to know if I have finished my homework.她想要知道我是否已经完成了我的作业。Do you know when he will be back? 你知道他将会什么时候回来?当主句是一般过去时,从句应使用过去某时态 (一般过去时,过去进行时,过去将来时,过去完成时) He said (that) he was at home. 他说他在家里。 I didnt know that she was singing now. 我不知道她正在唱歌。 She wanted to know if I had finished m homework. 她想要知道我是否已经完成了我的作业。 Did you know when he would be back? 你知道他将会什么时候回来?二、句子详解1. pretend to do sth. 假装做某事 I pretended to sleep just now.pretend +从句 假装 I pretended that I fell asleep.2. be late for 迟到 如:I am late for work/ school/ class/ party.3. a few 与 a little 的区别,few 与 little 的区别 a few 一些 修饰可数名词 a little 一些 修饰不可数名词 两者表肯定意义如:He has a few friends. 他有一些朋友。 There is a little sugar in the bottle. 在瓶子里有一些糖。 few 少数的 修饰可数名词 little 少数的修饰不可数名词 但两者表否定意义如:He has few friends. 他没有几个朋友。 There is little sugar in the bottle.在瓶子里没有多少糖。a little = a bit 修饰形容词、副词 a little = a bit of 修饰不可数名词 4. still 仍然,还 用在be动词之后,行为动词之前 如:I am still a student.我仍然是个学生 I still love him.我仍然爱他。65 hundred 、thousand、mi11ion与数字连用不能用复数。hundreds of、thousands of、mi11ions of中必须用复数。6. what if + 从句 如果怎么办 , 要是 又怎么样 如:What if she doesnt come? 要是她不来怎么办?What if LiLei knows? 如果李雷知道了怎么办?7. add sth. to sth. 添加到如:I added some sugar to water. 我把糖添加到水里。8. 系动词与形容词连用 get nervous 变得紧张feel shy 觉得害羞 look friendly 看起来友好9. too +形/副+to do sth. 太而不能 如:Im too tired to stand. 我太累了而不能站。10. help with sth. 如:They help with this problem.help sb. do. 如:They help you relax. 他们帮助你放松11. in public 在公共场所 如:Dont smoke in public. 请不要在公共场所吸烟。12. energetic adj. 活力的 如:She is a energetic girl. 她是一个活力的女孩。energy n. 活力 如:She has lots of energies. 她有活力。13. ask sb. to do 叫做某事ask sb. not to do sth.叫不要做某事tell sb. to do 告诉做某事 tell sb. not to do sth. 告诉不要做某事如:Teacher asked me to clean the classroom.Teacher asked me not to clean the classroom.14. start doing = start to do. 开始做某事 如:He started speaking/ to speak. 他开始说话。16. borrow sth. from sb. 从某人那里借来某物 如:I borrowed a book from Lily. 我从莉莉那里借来一本书。 lend sth to sb. 借某物给某人 如:That friendly boy lended a book to me.17.wait for sb.等某人 如:I am wait for him. 我正在等他。18. introduce sb. to sb. 把某人介绍给某人 如:I introduced Lily to Anna. 我把莉莉介绍给安娜。19. invite sb. to do 邀请某人做某事 如:Lily invited me to go to her home for supper. 莉莉邀请我去她家吃晚饭。20. have dinner/ supper 吃晚饭 have lunch/ breakfast 吃午餐、吃早餐21. plenty of 修饰不可数名词,也可以修饰可数名词 许多 如:They have plenty of food/ apples. 他们有许多的食物/苹果。22. give sb sth=give sth to sb类似的词还有:pass、lend、show、write、send等buy sb sth=buy sth for sb类似的词还有:make、draw、cook等23. get along (with)=get on (with)进行,进展 eg The business is getting along very well. 生意进展的很顺利
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