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Unit 1 Section Learning about Language & Using Language .词汇知识1_(n.)公路;大路2_(n.)手提箱;衣箱3_(n.)大衣;外套4_(n.)十几岁的青少年5_(adj.)感激的;表示谢意的6_(n.)提示;技巧;尖;尖端;小费;(vt.)倾斜;翻倒7_(vt.)交换8_(n.)项目;条款9_(vi.& vt.)安家;定居;解决_(n.)10_(vi.& vt.)痊愈;恢复_(n.)11_(adv.)确实如此;正是;确切地_(adj.)12_(vi.)不同意_(n.)_(反义词)13_(n.& vt.)不喜欢;厌恶_(反义词)答案:1.highway2.suitcase3.overcoat4.teenager5.grateful6.tip7.swap8.item9.settle;settlement10.recover;recovery11.exactly;exact12.disagree;disagreement;agree13.dislike;like.重点短语1suffer_遭受;患病2get/be tired_ 对厌烦3pack(sth.)_ 将(东西)装箱打包4get _with 与相处;进展5Fall _love 相爱;爱上来源:学|科|网Z|X|X|K6Disagree _ sb. 不同意某人的看法7be grateful _sb. 感激某人8join_ 参加;加入答案:1.from2.of3.up4.along/on5.in6.with7.to8.in.必背句型来源:学|科|网1Although I try to talk to my classmates,I still _make good friends with them.虽然我十分努力地去跟班上的同学交谈,但我还是发现很难跟他们成为好朋友。答案:find it hard to2I am _my classmates at the moment.现在我与班上的同学有了些麻烦。答案:having some trouble with3Im _a boy in my class.我和我们班里的一位男生一直相处得很好。答案:getting along well with4I _change this situation,but I dont know how.我的确想改变这种状况,但我不知道该怎么办。答案:do want to5_you could give me some advice.如果您能给我提一些建议,我会非常感激。答案:I would be grateful if.品句填词来源:Zxxk.Com1At first I d_with his suggestion,but later I changed my mind and agreed.答案:disagreed来源:学.科.网Z.X.X.K2Im really g_ for everything youve done for me.答案:grateful3Belinda knows Japan really well. Perhaps she could give us a few t_.答案:tips4I think_(十几岁的青少年)have similar tastes in dress.答案:teenagers5Within a few days Mary had become seriously ill,_(遭受)great pain.答案:suffering6To tell the truth,thats _(确切地) what I wanted.答案:exactly7After a few days of fever,he began to _(恢复).答案:recover8He didnt pass the exam,so he looked very_(心烦意乱的).答案:upset.完成句子1他问我的新工作是否进展顺利。He asked _ _ _ _ _ _ _my new work.答案:if I was getting along well with2我将会住在上海,因为去年我去了上海并且喜欢上了这座城市。Ill live in Shanghai,because I went to Shanghai last year and _ _ _ _ _.答案:fell in love with it3我们应该邀请我们的老师参加我们的聚会。We should _ _ _ _ _ _ our party.答案:invite our teacher(s) to join in 4当你在学习上有困难的时候,要及时向你的老师寻求帮助。When you_ _ _ _ _ _,turn to your teacher for help in time.答案:have some trouble with your study5我厌烦了看电视,咱们出去散散步吧!I _ _ _ _ _ TV;lets go for a walk.答案:have become tired of watching.单项填空1I dont think she is a nice woman;I am_her empty talk.Agrateful forBtired ofCcrazy about Dconcerned about解析:选B。结合语境可知此处表示的是“我厌倦了她的空话”。be tired of“厌烦,厌倦”;be grateful for“因感激”;be crazy about“对狂热”;be concerned about“关心,挂念”。2I used to quarrel a lot with my parents,but now we_fine.Alook out Bstay upCcarry on Dget along解析:选D。句意:过去我常常和父母争吵,但是现在我们相处得很好。get along“相处;进展”,符合题意。look out“当心,小心”;stay up“熬夜,不睡觉”;carry on“继续,进行”。3You cant imagine what difficulty we had _ home in the snowstorm.Awalked BwalkCto walk Dwalking解析:选D。本题考查固定句型“sb.have no/much/some difficulty in doing sth.”。4As a kind and warmhearted man,he made _ his duty to help others who are in trouble.Athis BthatCone Dit解析:选D。句意为:作为一位热心肠的人,帮助有困难的人是他的职责。it为形式宾语。5As a teacher he should encourage his students to _the class discussion actively.Atake part BjoinCjoin in Denter解析:选C。此题是对有关“参加”的考查。在表示“同某人一起参加某种活动”时,常用join in,本句为“作为老师,应鼓励他的学生积极参加课堂讨论。”6While _the dog,you should take care not to _.Otherwise,it may be dangerous to strangers.Awalking;let it looseBwalk;be looseCwalking for;get it looseDtraining;get it runw解析:选A。walk the dog意思是“遛狗”;let loose意思是“松开”。当when、while等引导的时间状语从句的主语和主句的主语一致时,可以省略从句的主语和谓语的一部分。7The woman doctor devoted herself _to her research and it earned her a good reputation in her field. Astrongly BextremelyCentirely Dfreely解析:选C。strongly“强有力地,坚强地”;extremely“极端地”;entirely“完全地,彻底地”;freely“自由地”。根据句意,C为正确答案。8My grandfather spends most of his time _because he loves nature.Aoutdoor Boutdoors Cindoor Dindoors解析:选B。句意为“我的父亲大多数时间都是在室外度过的,因为他热爱大自然”。由句意可知B正确,outdoors为副词作状语,意思是“在室外”。9We can communicate_people in every part of the world _the Internet.Awith;with Bwith;t
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