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5 英语一年级单词what is your name my yes it this a 一book pen deskmap bag pencildouble good-byenumber in EnglishI am in row too are you no not hi class grade zero one 一and two er hum four three how how old eleven twelve ten hello please Mrs can spell 第二组50个ah.int. secret.n in.prep English.n clock.n box.n pencil-box.nruler.ncup.n pear.n cake.nbanana.nan.art 一apple.norange.negg.n that.pron&adj bike.n bus.n car.n jeep.nlook.vi Chinese.adjEnglish.adjJapanese.adjhe.pron who.pron she.pron bird.n its.pron do.v.aux know.vt think.vt Mr.n very.adv picture.n girl.n woman.n man.n cat.n his.pron teacher.n her.pron everyone.pronhere.adv today.n&advat.prep at school. school.n 第三组50个sorry.adj where.adv home.n at home fine.adj OK.adv thank.vt thanks.n good-bye.int bye.int friend.n or.conj right.adj wrong.adj excuse.vt me.pron here.adv Here you are eraser.n oh.int but.conj these.pron they.pron five.num six.num seven.num eight.num nine.num good.adj those.pron&adj boat.n hill.ntree.n their.pron much.adv very much all.adv all right Thats all right next.adj policeman.n ask.vt thirteen.num see.vt licence.n age.n team.n No.n middle.adj middle school 第四组50个Miss.n have.vt the.art new.adj student.n morning.n class.n on.prep duty.n on duty we.pron twin.n same.adj look the same American.n&adj over.adv over there there.adv look after Miss.n way.n This way,please put.vt our.pron coat.n them.pron toilet.n nice.adj to meet.vt Nice to meet you hat.n in the hat or.conj different.adj of.prep room.n classroom.n look at door.n blackboard.nchair.n floor.n can.v.aux cant see.vt on.prep .behind.prep ball.n under.prep 第五组 50个like.prep look like come.vi meet.vt family.n dad.n mother.n mum.nson.n brother.n daughter.n sister.n ring.n go.vi How are you. nice.adj to please.v come in afternoon.n How do you do.sit.vi sit down. down.adv friend.n bed.n bedroom.n wall.n kite.nwindow.n light.n table.n flower.n football.n some.adj&pron find.vt broom.n China.n let.vt us.pron turn.n Its your turn now now.adv colour.n red.adj black.adj white.adj blue.adj orange.adj 第六组 50个green.adj yellow.adj brown.adj excuse.vt me.pron which.adj&pron;one.pron Mrs.n sweater.n colour.vt mine.pron clothes.n line.n blouse.nshirt.n skirt.ndress.ntrousers.n Mr.n shoe.n whose.pron yours.pron must.v.aux thank.vt hers.pron put on. ours.pron theirs.pron time.n watch.ngive.vt to.prep from.prep 从.from.to 从.thirteen.num fifteen.num eighteen.num twenty.num twenty-one.num thirty.num forty.num fifty.num eighty.num hundred.num forget.vt oclock.n about.adv go to school go to the classroom play.vi 第七组 50个game.n go home. go to bed. doll.nold.adj photo.n young.adj baby.n guess.vi soon.adv
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