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Module 6 Films and TV Programmes,Hollywood suggests glamour (魔力)Its a place where the young starstruck (崇拜明星的) teenagers could, with a bit of luck, realise their dreams.And some big movie stars become millionaires (百万富翁)overnight. Movies were first made in Hollywood before World War .Its fame and fortune reached its peak in the 1930s and 1940s, the golden days of the black and white movies.In those days Hollywood was like a magnet(磁石), drawing ambitious(有雄心的) young men and women from all over the world.,Hollywood is no longer the heart of the worlds motion picture industry.Most movies today are filmed on location.That is to say,in the cities,in the countryside,and even in any part of the world that the script demands.The Hollywood studios are still standing, but most of them have been leased to television networks.About 80% of all American TV entertainment comes from Hollywood. And in this module, well learn about a famous Hollywood movie.It will show us many aspects of the Hollywood movie that everyone is crazy about.Lets begin now!,1script n剧本,笔迹 2lease vt.出租,Notes,Period One Introduction & Reading and Vocabulary,.单词自测 1_n海报 2_n充满刺激的电影 3_n喜剧 4_n剑 5_n女演员 _n男演员 6_n角色;人物,poster,thriller,comedy,sword,actress,actor,character,7_adj.女的;女性的 _adj.男的;男性的 8_n杰作 9_n屋顶 10_vi.跳跃;飞跃 _过去式 _过去分词 11_adj.优美的;优雅的,female,male,masterpiece,rooftop,leap,leapt/leaped,leapt/leaped,graceful,12_vt.使感兴趣 _n兴趣,爱好 _adj.有趣的 _adj.感兴趣的 13_adj.勇敢的 14_adj.感人的 _adj.感动的,interest,interest,interesting,interested,brave,moving,moved,.短语默写 1_出现;出版 2_爱上;喜欢(表动作) 3_爱上;喜欢(表状态) 4_扮演角色 5_令某人吃惊的是 6_吃惊地 7_关心;顾虑;在乎 8_有时;偶尔,come out,fall in love with,be in love with,play a part,to ones surprise,in surprise,care about,every now and then,阅读清障,原文呈现,影评:卧虎藏龙 功夫片通常好看,却难登大雅之堂。令大家惊讶的是,曾经拍了许多优秀影片的导演李安,现在拍了一部名为卧虎藏龙的功夫片。结果成了一部经典之作。 这部电影属于中国武侠故事的一种。这些故事讲述的是19世纪那些有着非凡才能的功夫大师。武侠电影在中国很受欢迎,现在在西方也很受欢迎。,课文译文,(卧虎藏龙的)故事发生在19世纪初的中国。一男一女两位功夫大师,李慕白(周润发饰)和俞秀莲(杨紫琼饰)相爱了。但是,由于慕白是秀莲过世情郎的生前好友,他觉得无法迎娶秀莲。当秀莲的剑被盗之后,慕白和秀莲试图将其追回。故事情节的发生地从京城房顶到遥远的中国西部大漠。正如在古代武侠故事中一样,影片中的人们不时地在空中飞跃并做出许多优美的动作,观众看到这些时都发出了惊叫声。,不同寻常的是,(影片中的)女性角色最吸引我们。我们最关注秀莲这个角色,她勇敢、善良、坚强。美丽的章子怡扮演玉娇龙,一个并不像外表看起来那样善良的年轻女子。娇龙和秀莲的打斗场面是现代影院里最为精彩的时刻。但是谁也不会忘记周润发,他真是很了不起,他使剑和使枪一样厉害。他和俞秀莲之间的感情戏很感人,他们的眼神传递了所有的爱意,这种爱是不可以通过语言表达的。 像这样的影片在电影院很少。去看看卧虎藏龙吧。它将用美来使你心灵激荡。,.True(T)or False(F) 1Martial arts films are often enjoyable and they are usually great art.( ) 2Wuxia films are not only popular in China but also in the west.( ) 3Crouching Tiger,Hidden Dragon is a romantic story taking place in the early 1800s.( ) 4Watching a martial arts film makes you excited.( ),F,T,F,T,.Choose the best answer for each question according to the text. 1The film review mainly tells us_. Athe general story of the film Bthe advantages of martial arts films Chow to make a film Dthe development of martial arts films 答案 A,2Martial arts films_. A often bring us entertainment as well as art value Bcombine education with amusement Cplay a very important part in developing Kung Fu Dare often amusing but they are seldom great art 答案 D,3Wuxia films are now_. A popular in China, but not acceptable in the west Bpopular neither in China nor in the west Cpopular both in China and in the west Dpopular in the west,but the Chinese dont like it any longer 答案 C,4Mubai thinks he cannot marry Xiulian, because_. AXiulians fianc has died Bhe doesnt love Xiulian CXiulians fianc was his good friend Dhe had a fight with Xiulians fianc 答案 C 5Which character do the audience care about most? ALi Mubai. BYu Xiulian. CYu Jiaolong. DNone of them. 答案 B,6The last paragraph aims to_. Aintroduce the film Bintroduce some actors Cadvise you to go to see the film Dadvise the cinemas to put on the film 答案 C,.Analyse the following difficult sentences. 1Brave,good and strong,Xiulian is the character we care about most. 句式分析 自主翻译 _ _,我们最关注秀莲这个角色,她勇敢、善良、坚强。,2His romantic scenes with Yu Xiulian are very moving,as their eyes show all the love that they must not express in words. 句式分析 自主翻译 _ _,他和俞秀莲之间的浪漫场面很感人,他们的眼神传递了所有的爱意,这种爱是他们无以言表的。,语境感悟 (1)(教材P52)Because this fianc was a good friend of Mubai,Mubai feels that he cannot marry Xiulian. 因为秀莲的未婚夫是慕白的朋友,慕白觉得他不能娶秀莲。 (2)She married her daughter to a wealthy man. 她把自己的女儿嫁给了一个富人。 (3)Julie is getting married to Kevin this weekend. 茱莉这个周末要跟凯文结婚。,1marry v结婚;嫁;娶,归纳拓展,marry.to.把嫁给;为娶亲 be married (to sb)(与某人)结婚(可与一段时间连用,表状态) get married (to sb)(与某人)结婚(不可与一段时间连用,表动作) marry late
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