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组装电脑配置推荐:www.dndiy.net http:/www.xideni.com/article.php?id=98一 补全对话。1. A: Look, Gao Wei.Are those ducks? B: _, _ _.( 鸭子)2. A: Hi,Lisa.Are these roosters? B: _, _ _.( 母鸡 )3. A: Excuse me, can ducklings swim? B: _, _ _. A: How about chicks, can they swim? B: _, _ _.4. A: What are these? B: _ _ _.( 猪)A: And what is this ? B: _ _ _.( 狗)5. A: Excuse me, _ _ geese? B: No, they are swans.二选择合适的句子完成对话。A: Lucy, look here, _ in English? B: Its a cat.A: _ Are they cats? B: No, they arent.They are kittens. _A: _ in English, then? B:Its a pig.A:_ Are they pigs? B: No, they arent. They are piglets._A: Look, _ They are playing with their mother. B: Yes. _.A. What are these? B. Their mum is a pig. C. Whats this?D. What lovely puppies. E. What are those? F. Their mother is a dog.G. Whats that? H. Their mum is a cat.三将短语填在合适的横线上。A:There are many rooms in our school. B: Well, what do you do in them?A: We _ in the music room. We _ in the science lab.We _ in the art club.We _from the library.We _ in the language lab.a. How often do you have science classes?b. What do you do in English classes?c. Do you often have science classes here?d. Do you like English ?e. How many English classes do you have a week?We do morning exercises_.We _ in the dance club.We _ in the GymnasiumAnd we have maths and Chinses classes _.B: Would you like to _ your school?.A: Certainly. Lets go.A:Excuse me.LiYan,_ _English classes _ you _ a week?B:We have four.A:_ _ _ _in the music club?B:We sing and dance.A:_ _ often _ meeting in _ meeting hall?B:Yes,we do.A:_ _ _ you _ sience classes?B:We have them twice a week.A:Thank you.B:Youre welcome.选择合适的句子完成对话。A:This is our science lab.B:_?A:Yes, we do.B:_?A:Twice a week. This way, please. Look ! This is our language lab. We often have English classes here.B:_?A: We have three.B:_?A:We often do listening, speaking and writing.B:_?A:Yes. We all like it very much. B:Thats great.2. 补全对话。A. Tom.Come _. Look _these animals.B. Oh, _ nice they are! A. What _ this in English?B. _ a lion.A. _ _ is it?B. Its brown.A. What are those _ Chinese?B. _ 老虎。A. _ you like lions or tigers?B. I like tegers.A. _ can tigers do?B. They _ jump through a ring.A. Look! _ those monkeys?B. Yes, they _.A. Lets go and _ them.B. OK. Lets go.3.A. _ this in English?B. _ a sheep.A. What _ you call it in English?B. We call it a _. (小绵羊)4.A. _ those kids?B. No, they arent.A. Are they _.(小鸭子)B. Yes , a _ is their mother.5. A._ science classes do you have today?B._.(1)A._ do you have science classes?B._ ( 2 ) a week.6. A. Look _ the lion.B. They can clamb up a ladder.A. _ they _ ?( 骑自行车 )B. No, they _.
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