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Unit 7 What dose he look like?I.重点短语1.look like 看起来像. look the same=are the same看起来一样 The twins look the same./are the same. 这对双胞胎看起来一样。2.curly /short/straight/long hair 卷短直发 good-looking 好看的 3.Play a joke on sb 戏弄某人 Tell jokes讲笑话4.be of medium height/build 中等高度身体 a little bit+形容词 有一点儿=kind of=a little=a bit be popular with sb .受sb欢迎 The teacher is popular with students.这个老师受学生欢迎。5.wear glasses 戴眼镜 have a new look呈现新面貌 the captain of the basketball team篮球队队长 6.Nobody knows me 没有人认识我the pop singer with funny glasses戴着滑稽眼镜的流行歌手 a girl with long hair留着长发的女孩7.notany more=notany longer=no more=no longer 不再例句:四个同义句He dosent live there any more.=He lives there no more. He dosent live there any longer.=He lives there no longer.8.Stop: stop doing sth 停止做某事 stop talking.停止说话 Stop to do sth停下来去做另一件事 stop to read your book停下别的事去读书Stop sb from doing sth 阻止某人做某事My mother often stops me from playing computer games.妈妈常阻止我玩电脑游戏9.Remember :Remember to do sth 记得去做某事 Remember to close the window before going out.记着出去之前关窗Remember doing sth 记得曾经做过某事 I remember meeting you我记得在哪儿见过你。10.And和or的区别 ,两者都表示“和” 新 课标第 一网1.and通常用于肯定句中2.or通常用于否定句和疑问句中,既不。也不。 例句: I dont have any brothers or sisters我没有弟弟,也没有妹妹。I have no brothers or sisters=I have no brother and no sister.II.重点句型(背)) -What does he look like? -Hes really short. He has short hair./ He is of medium build.2)Do you know I have a new friend in Class Five?) -She has beautiful, long black hair.) -I dont think hes so great .否定前移,译为我认为他不那么伟大这样的句子还有:I dont think you are right. 我觉得你是不对的。7)I can go shopping and nobody knows me.III.单选:( D )1. What _ your English teacher _ ? A. do ; look B.do,look like C.does;look D. does;look like( B )2. My brother is a medium _ boy. A. high B. height C. tall D. taller( B )3. Tom is thin but his brother is a little bit _ . A. thin B. heavy C. heavily D. heavier( A )4. Our teacher always _ a pair of glasses. A. wears B. wearingC. wear D. to wear( C )5. Stop _ ! Dont _ in class, Sally. A.eat ; eat B. eating ; eatingC. eating ; eat D. to eat ; eating( B )6. Kitty is a (an) _ girl. She looks nice. A. ugly B. good-lookingC. bad D. ugly-looking( C )7. I only know one of the _. I dont know _. A. girl;other girls B.girl;other girlC. Girls;the other girls D.girls;other girl( D )8. My brother likes _ jokes. A. talking B. speakingC. saying D. telling( A )9. I have a good friend in _ . A. Class Three B. Three Class C. Class D. Class three( B )10. I know that she _ black hair. A. doesnt has B. doesnt have C. dont haveD. dont has( C ) 11.Smith has look. A. new B. the new C. a new ( B )12.The girl glasses is my friend. A. has B. with C. wears(A C ) 13.-Tom is not very heavy.-Yes, I think we can say he is heavy. A. a little B. a bit of C. a little bit ( C ) 14. Your hair is very beautiful. . A. No, it isnt B. Not at all C. Thank you ( B ) 15. What does she look like? She long,straight black hair. A. is B. has C. have ( B ) 16. ? He is short with blonde hair. A. Why do you like his hair B. What does he look like C. How does his hair( B ) 17. Stop ,the teacher is coming. A. to talk B. talking C. talks( A ) 18. My mother glasses. A. doesnt wear B. isnt wear C. wear ( C ) 19. Bob has curly hair. A. a B. an C. /( B )20. -Is your friend quiet? -No, he never stops .A. talk B talking C. to talk IV.根据句意写单词1. Wang Lin is the captain_ of our school basketball team. 2. Some people dont like his new look_. 3. Nancy is a cute girl with_ long hair. 4. My friend, Linda, likes to wear _ sunglasses.5. I want to be a p_op_ singer. V.改写句子11. My mother is short and heavy. (对划线部分提问) what does your mother look like ?12. My brother likes playing chess. (对划线部分提问) what does your brother like doing ?13. Cathy is not tall or short.(改为同义句) Cathy is of medium height .14. She wears funny glasses. (改为一般疑问句) Does she wear funny glasses?15. Is that your uncle? (肯定回答) Yes , it is . 连词成句。1short, has, tall, is, he, and, hair, curly, brown Heis tall and has curly brown hair.2new, his, image, dont, like, people, some Some people dont like his new image. 3does, Sally, like, look, What?What does Sally look like?4the, school, to, ne
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