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www.paper-translation.com妙文翻译公司翻译样稿一. 基础资料方面:1. 现阶段需首先确定该项目的规划控制性指标,如:总建筑面积,地上、地下总建筑面积,建筑密度等,故希尽快提供技术经济指标和用地平衡表;2. 希尽快提供交通分析图(明确机动车和非机动车场、库的位置和数量) ,便于下一步做交通评价;3. 希尽快提供绿化分析图(该方案覆盖率偏大,绿化率似不足30%)。4. 希尽快提供地下室平面(考虑到停车和设备用房及人防等,估计约20万m2,地下二至三层) ;5. 希尽快征询各方意见,获取勘测、供排水、供气、供电、通讯等管线资料,为人防、变配电站、燃气站、动力中心、公交站点等公用配套设施及居住区所需的社区服务、物业管理、邮政信报、公厕、垃圾站的建设留有余地;I Basic Materials:1. At the current period, the controlling indexes of planning for this project shall be confirmed, namely, total building area, total building area of aboveground and underground, building density and etc, thus please provide the economic and technical norms as well as the land use balance sheet as soon as possible;2. Please provide us the traffic analysis chart(confirm the locations and quantities of motor vehicle park and non-motor vehicle park as well the as the garages for the vehicles) which is helpful to make traffic evaluation for next step;3. Please provide us the greening analysis chart (this scheme has a larger coverage, but the green ratio seems less than 30%) as soon as possible.4. Please provide us the plan of basement (considering parking, equipment room and civil air defense, the area may be about 200,000 m2,the second and third floor underground);5. Please solicit the opinions from each party as soon as possible to get the pipe materials of survey, water supply and drainage, gas supply, power supply, communication and etc to leave some margin for the construction of public supported facilities such as the civil air defense, transformer and distribution power station, gas station, power center and bus stops and constructions needed in residential areas including community services, property management, postal service and newspapers, public toilet and garbage station.二. 规划要求方面:1. 根据南昌市城市规划管理技术规定, 高度100m的建筑的退界约需退30m, 该方案中有几幢不满足要求, 需征询规划主管部门意见;另有二处建筑物超越建筑控制线和人行道;2. 根据南昌市城市规划管理技术规定, 高层建筑距北侧居住建筑的间距应为0.6H,高度130m的超高层距北侧住宅约需78m,现间距不满足要求,需征询规划主管部门意见;3. 北侧二幢住宅朝向大于南偏东15度,日照计算时间需折减(每15度减1小时),不满足日照要求,需征询主管部门意见。II Planning Requirements:1. In accordance with Technical Regulations for Urban Planning Management of Nanchang City, a setback of 30 m is needed for buildings with a height of 100 m, thus some of the buildings in this scheme can not satisfy this requirement and opinions of administrative departments of planning are needed to be asked on this problem; meanwhile, other two buildings exceed the building line and sidewalk;2. In accordance with Technical Regulations for Urban Planning Management of Nanchang City, the distance between high-rise building and building in the north shall be 0.6 H, and the distance between super high-rise of 130 m and residence in the north shall be about 78 m. The current distance can not meet the requirements, thus opinions of administrative departments of planning are needed to be asked;3. The building orientation of two residence in the north is over 15south by east, therefore the sun shading time will be reduced (minus 1 hour for every 15), and the sun shading requirement is not satisfied, thus opinions of administrative departments of planning are needed to be asked;版权所有,妙文上海翻译公司(www.acmetranslation.com),如有转载,请注明出处。www.acmetranslation.com www.acmetranslation.com.cn
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