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九 年级 英语 学科教案课题:9A Unit 4-Reading1 序号: 2 主备人: 执教人:_教学目标:知识目标To understand what colours represent能力目标 To recognize and understand vocabulary about emotions To develop the students abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing.情感目标 To match colours to the characteristics Know about your own star signs and perfect your characteristic.教学重难点1)词组1. affect/change moods 影响/改变情绪 2. make us feel happy 使我们感到高兴 3. make us feel calm and peaceful 使我们感到平静祥和4. walk into a room 走进一个房间 5. a little bit stressed 有一点儿焦虑不安 6. be painted blue 被漆成蓝色 14. for example 例如 7. be good for the mind and body 对精神和身体有好处 / 对身心有益8. create the feeling of harmony 产生和谐感 9. feel blue / sad / 感到悲伤/难过10. feel stressed 感到有压力的11. the colour of purity / wisdom / nature 纯洁/智慧/自然的颜色 12. feel stressed/tired/relaxed 感到不安/疲劳/放松 2)句子1. Do you know how many colours there are in a rainbow? 你知道彩虹有多少种颜色吗? 2. Do you know anything interesting about colours? 你知道有关颜色的有趣的东西吗?3. This report explains what colours can do and characteristics they represent. 这份报告解释了颜色能做什么以及它们所代表的特征。 4. Have you ever walked into a room and felt relaxed? 你是否曾经走进一个房间并感觉十分放松呢? 5. Wearing blue clothes or sleeping in a blue room is good for the mind and body because this colour creates the feeling of harmony. 穿着蓝色衣服或睡在蓝色的房间里对我么难得身心都很有好处, 因为这种颜色能够使人产生和谐的感觉。 6. Warm colours can give you a happy and contented feeling. People who live in cold climates prefer to use warm colours to give their homes a warm and comfortable feel. 暖色能给你一种快乐和满足感。生活在寒冷气候下的人们较喜欢用温暖的颜色来使他们的家感到温暖而舒服。 7. Orange can bring you success and cheer you up when you are feeling sad. 橙色能带给你成功,在你感到难过时它能使你高兴起来。 8. Yellow is the colour of the sun, so it can remind you of a warm, sunny day. 黄色是太阳的颜色,因此它可以让你想起温暖、阳光灿烂的日子。 9. Anybody who feels tired or weak should wear colours that make you feel energetic. Green is the colour of nature, it can give you energy, as it represents new life and growth. 感到疲倦或虚弱的人应该穿那种给人活力的颜色。绿色是大自然的颜色,它能给你活力,因为它代表着新生命和成长。 10. Wearing red makes it easier for you to take action. This can help when you are having difficulty making a decision. 穿红色衣服能使你更容易采取行动。 当你很难做出决定时它能起一定作用。 11. I think the colour that best represent Lisa is yellow. Simon has a strong personality and likes to be the leader. 我认为最能代表Lisa的颜色是黄色。Simon有很强的个性,他喜欢做领导。 教学方法:情景交际 学习方法:探究与合作六步导学一、课前检测默写上节课中的重点单词及词组。二、激趣导入1. Tell students that different colours can give people different feelings.2. Let students enjoy a series of pictures, including different kinds of colours and let students discuss:Whats your feeling after looking at the pictures?Encourage students to say as much as possible.3. Then teachers make a conclusion: Blue & white can make people calm and peaceful. Blue can also represent sadness and white is the colour of purity. Yellow and orange make you feel warm, happy and contented. Orange represents joy while yellow is the colour of wisdom. Green makes you feel energetic. It represents new life and growth. Red represents power. It is also the colour of heat and strong feelings.三、自主研学1: Discussion.Let students think about:How can colour change peoples moods?Encourage students to express himself using his / her own words.2: Reading comprehension.1. Ask students to scan the passage quickly and then match the colour with what they represent.2. Ask students to read the passage again carefully and then fill in the blanks according to the passage. moodscolourscalm coloursBlue is good for the _ and body and it represents _.White is the colour of _. You should wear white when you feel _.warm coloursThese colour give you a happy and _ feeling. Orange represents _. It can bring you _ and _ you up.Yellow can remind you a _, _ day. It is also the colour of _.energetic coloursGreen can give you _ because it represents _ and _. It is also the colour of _ and the colour of money and _.strong coloursRed represents _ and it is the colour of _ and _ feeling.3: Language points.1. Ask a student at a time to read a paragraph. After each paragraph, ask students to say which parts of the text they do not understand.2. This report explains what colours can do(宾语从句,用陈述句的语序) and the characteristics they represent.(定语从句,修饰characteristics)3. Wearing blue clothes or sleeping in a blue room is good for the mind and body.(对身心有 好处,有益于身心健康)4. Blue can create the feeling of harmony. (创造协调感)5. Blue can also represent sadness. (代表悲伤,象征伤心)6. White is the colour of purity. = White represents purity. 白色象征纯洁。7. You should wear white if you are feeling stressed.(感到紧张,有压力)8. These colours give you a happy and contented feeling.(一种幸福满足的感觉)(be contented with = be pleased with = be satisfied with 对感到满意)(fee
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