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A、你满意你的工作环境吗?D: So, jun , how did the interview go?(那么,jun,面试进行的怎样?)H :The interview was fine but I dont think Ill take the job. The office was asful.(面试还不错,但是我不想接受那份工作。那个办公室太恐怖了。)D: What was so bad about it?(到底有多恐怖?)H: Well it was tiny. There were two or three people sharing each desk and it was located right next to a busy market so it was noisy, too.(唉,非常小,两到三个人共用一张桌子,而且正好在一个闹市旁边所以还很吵。)D: At my job, the workspace is also pretty small and its next to a busy vegetable market. I love that!(我工作的地方空间也很小,也正好在一个热闹的菜市场旁边。我喜欢这样的环境。)H: Well, chefs have different needs, paolo. I want to work in a spacious, open plan office on the 30th floor!(哦,厨师有不同的需求,Paolo,我想在第30层宽敞的统间办公室工作。)B 、嘻哈爵士音乐各有所爱D: I love listening to hip-hop. Artists like 50 cent, DMX, and Nelly really know how to make music!(我非常喜欢听hip-hop.像50Cent,DMX和Nelly 这些歌手的音乐真太棒了!)H: Are you serious? ! Thats not music! Frank Sinatra, Louis Armstrong and Bobby Darin those boys knew how to make music!(你是认真的吗?!那种怎么能叫音乐!Frank Sinatra,Louis Armstrong 和Bobby Darin 这些人的音乐才叫棒呢?)D: I dont know who they are! Were they a boy band?(我连他们是什么人都不知道!他们是男子组合吗?)H: A boy band!? No, they are musical legends! Their music is classic and will be remembered forever.(男子组合!?不是,他们是音乐史上的神话!他们的音乐非常经典将永为流传。)D: Oh, then 50 Cent is a musical legend too! Paolo and I were just saying this morning that we will remember his music forever!(哦,那50cent 也是音乐传奇喽!Paolo和我今天早上刚刚还在说我们会永远记得他的音乐!)H: Err thats not quite what I meant.(嗯。我可没有这么说。)C、购物D: Can I help you ?(您要买什么吗?)H: Yes, Im looking for a souvenir for my friendsomething unique. What would you recommend?(对,我想给朋友买个纪念品回去。独一无二的东西。可以给我推荐一下嘛?)D: Well, our number one seller is the cowichan sweater. Each one is hand made by local Coast Salishi natives from Vancouver Island. The cowichan has become an international fashion symbol that makes people everywhere think of Canada.(诺,我们卖得最好的是印第安人厚毛衣。每一件都是来事温哥华岛的撒利希本地人手织的。这种毛衣已经成为让人想起加拿大的一种国际时尚标志了。)H: Oh really? May I see that one please?(噢,真的吗?我可以看看吗?)D: Certainly. Its as warm as an overcoat and as dry as a raincoat. If it is properly cared for, it will last for years and years.(当然可以。它像大衣那样暖和,像雨衣那样干燥。如果护理得当,可以穿很多很多年。)H: Its very nice. How much is it?(非常好。多少钱呢?)D: Its $265.00. The design is an eagle.(¥265.00。 图案是鹰)H: I love it! Ill take it.(我太喜欢了!我要了。)D: Good choice! Shall I wrap it up for you?(眼光真好!你想包起来吗?)H:That wont be necessary. Ive changed my mind! I want to wear my Canadian fashion symbol right now!(不需要了。我改注意了!我现在就想穿着我的加拿大时尚标志出去!)D、计划你的一天Planning your day can be a useful way to make sure that you get everything done.(安排你一天的工作或活动可以保证你完成所有的任务)Listen to these words and practice saying them for todays class prepare,arrange, set-up,priority优先顺序,list,advance,schedule,routine, itinerary.Can you think of any other ways to keep yourself organized?(你能想到其他让你更有条理性的方式吗?)Well talk about the benefits of planning your day and making an itinerary.(我们将谈论安排一天工作或活动的好处并做日常安排。)E、你不能想象的疯狂D: I cant believe some of the things people do these days. Sometimes I think the world is totally crazy. I saw a photo on the inernet of somebody trying to get into the Guiness Book of Records.(我对现今一些人的行为简直不敢相信。有时我甚至觉得整个世界都开始发疯了。我刚在网络上看到一张照片,一个人在试图创造吉尼斯记录。)H: What were they doing? Trying to eat the most pizzas in an hour? I tried that once at Paolos restaurant and almost broke the record myself. He tried to give me a pizza with anchovies, though, and I had to stop. I hate anchovies.(他们在做什么?又是一个小时内比谁吃的披萨多?我曾在Paolo的餐厅里试过一次,而且几乎破了自己的记录。然后他给了我有凤尾鱼的披萨,我不得不停止。我讨厌凤尾鱼。)D: No, they weret eating pizzas. This man was skydiving with his dog. They had a little parachute on the dog. I dont think dogs should wear parachutes. In facts, I think the whole idea of jumping out of an airplane is just mad.(不,他们没有吃披萨。这个男人可是带着他的狗跳伞。他们在狗身上背了个降落伞。我觉得不应该对狗这样。事实上,连从飞机上跳下来这个想法我都觉得太疯狂了。)H: Oh , I dont agree. I tried skydiving once and really liked it. I couldnt find a parachute to fit my dog, though. Now , bungee jumping thats totally insane. Why would anyone want to do that?(哦,我不同意。我试过一次跳伞,而且太喜欢刺激的感觉了。但是我可找不到适合我狗的降落伞。现在,蹦极-那才叫疯狂呢。我想不通大家会想这样做呢?)D: Well, uh I tried it at an amusement park when I was on holiday once. My friends dared me to do it . I was really scared but it was the most thrilling thing Ive ever done in my life. You should try it .(哦。我度假时在游乐场玩过一次。我朋友挑战我,看我敢不敢。我害怕极了不过那可是我生命中做过最刺激的事了。你也该时试试。)H: No way. Im not jumping from high places without a parachute. I guess what they say is true different strokes for different folks. By the way , do you know where I can find a parachute in sizes for poodles?(没可能的,没有降落伞我可不从高处往下跳。我猜他们说的萝卜白菜各有所爱是真的。顺便问一下,你知道我在哪儿可以找到给狮子狗的降落伞呢?)F、疯狂扫街之后D: Phew! Now thats what I call a shopping spree!(哟!这才是我称作的疯狂购物!)表示惊讶的声音 H: I know! All that spending has made me hungry. Where should we have lunch?(我知道呀!买了这么多东西我都快饿死了。我们该去哪里吃午饭呢?)D: Well , it depends what youre up for? Do you f
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