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,Module1 Our Body and Healthy Habits (Cultural corner),学习目标: 1) Train students reading ability. 2) Learn some useful words and expression. 3) Learn some information about the health care system in three different countries 学习重点:Language points, sentence structures 学习难点:How to enable the students to use new words and phrases,上 页,下 页,退 出,A,得分,组名,B,C,D,Words 1.医疗保健 2.拥有 3.最近,近来 4.私人的,个人的 5.保险 6.免费的,自由的 7.费用,Phrases 1.支付 2.对某人是免费的 3.归。所有 4.为。工作 5.把。投入进去 6.结果 7.由于,2,3,5,4,6,1,Translate it into Chinese: 1. Britain was the first country in the world to have a free health care system paid for by the government Key:,2. How about the Health care for the people in Britain?,3. Why the Health care system has been problems in Britain recently?,4. What is the problem with the system in American?,5. Who will pay for the medical fees if you are ill in Canada?,6. Which health care system do you think is the best? Write two or three sentences explaining why.,HOMEWORK,Finish the exercise.,
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