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G类投诉信的常见思路(上)投诉信一直是移民类小作文常考的话题,根据笔者多年的教学,发现投诉信一般可以从以下四个思路去发展。一、投诉理由1:服务不周投诉信中投诉服务是经常会考到的话题,一般主要集中在对于饭店,宾馆,餐厅,旅行社等服务性行业的投诉,此类书信一般在结构上可分为以下几个部分:(一) 自我介绍,表明投诉内容以及与收信人的相关性。(二) 陈述投诉内容,如时间、地点、人物、事件等,并指出对方服务问题所在以及由此而产生的对自己或者家人的影响。(三) 提出整改建议或者希望得到对方的赔偿或补偿。让我们结合真题来分析一下:You just returned from a tour. However, you were dissatisfied with the service you received from the travel agency. Write a letter to the manager of the agency. In your letter, 1. give the details of your tour2. explain why you were unhappy with the service3. say what you want the company do for you题目并无指明具体投诉内容,因此考生选择余地较大,一般来说,朗阁海外考试研究中心建议考生可以考虑旅行社安排的住所不好,比如房间脏等。具体写法如下:The room was not cleaned on a daily basis and that my bed was made up only every three days. 还可以说房间没有热水,比如:The hot water was only supplied from 6:00 am to 10:00 pm, which means if I arrived back at the hotel late, it was impossible for me to take a shower with hot water.此外,还可以围绕吃饭问题进行投诉,如:The food in the restaurant was disappointing. Not only was it extremely overpriced, but the quality was very poor. 上述所提到的关于服务质量的投诉,大家不难发现里面说的房间,热水,吃饭问题其实换一个服务性行业的考题我们也可以套用。因此我们要熟记这些基本的投诉点。二、投诉理由2:质量低劣投诉信中反映产品质量低劣是经常会考到的话题,一般分为2种:一种是在题目中指明具体产品,如服装、CD-player等;另一种是不具体指明买的产品是什么,让考生自己去虚构一样物品,此类书信在结构上一般由三部分组成:(一) 表明投诉原因以及与收信人的相关性。(二) 陈述投诉内容,如购买的时间、地点、人物等,并指出产品具体问题所在以及由此而产生的后果。(三) 希望得到对方的赔偿或补偿。让我们结合真题来分析一下:You have recently made a purchase from a department store in another town but found some problems with it after you returned home. Write a letter to the manager. In your letter,1. say what product you have bought2. explain the problems3. say what you would like them to do题目并无指明具体产品,因此考生选择余地较大,一般来说,考生可以考虑服装。关于服装的投诉点,一般可以说新买的衣服褪色问题严重,品质有问题。具体写法如下:The color of the sweater faded heavily and even dyed other clothes.还可以说标签和配件丢失,比如:I put on the shirt that day when I returned home and found the buttons on the left sleeve were missing. Also, I couldnt find the label of the shirt, so I was unable to know the proper way of washing or hanging it.此外,围绕服装的投诉点还可以是材质和描述不符,尺寸大小不合身等,如:The garment was stretched out of shape and therefore no longer fits.考生可以从中选择一两项进行描述,还可以从对方店员服务态度方面入手,如:I phoned your store last Wednesday and spoke to the store manager, a Mr. Wang, who was rather unprofessional and inconsiderate on the phone and informed me that I was unable to get a replacement shirt as it was not their fault.上述所提到的投诉产品的思路,可以作为考生在准备投诉信件时的基本切入点。上面所提到的关于服务态度的投诉几乎可以“百搭”各类质量投诉话题的信件。因此朗阁海外考试研究中心建议考生不妨从记忆“经典”套路为本,根据具体考试题目再做调整,起到以不变应万变的效果。(未完待续)
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