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智课网TOEFL备考资料新托福TPO阅读快速记忆词汇的方法 摘要: 新托福TPO阅读快速记忆词汇的方法,亲爱的同学们,在做TPO阅读的时候,你是否被大量生词搞得晕头转向?很多学生初学托福阅读,看到不认识的单词会一个一个查字典,特别浪费时间。很多同学因为不耐烦查单词,放弃或者延误了托福学习。现在,为了节省大家的时间,笔者为大家整理了TPO上的重点单词。学学这些单词吧!TOEFL之TPO阅读单词语境记忆,让记忆单词快速准确! 新 托福 之TPO阅读重点单词语境记忆 The geologic history of the Mediterranean Gypsum 石膏 Gypsum can be used as a soil conditioner. 石膏可以用作土壤改良剂。 This method of handling gypsum is satisfactory. 这种输送石膏的方法是令人满意的。 Fragment 碎片;片段 I overheard a fragment of their conversation. 我无意中听到他们谈话的片段。 Do not let the discussion fragment into a desultory conversation with no clear direction. 不要让讨论变得支离破碎,成为没有方向的漫谈。 Peculiarity 特色;特性 Each country has its own peculiarity. 每个国家都有自己的独特之处。 One peculiarity of the childs deportment remains yet to be told. 这孩子的举止上还有一个特点也要说一说。(deportment举止) Interbedded 层系间的;层间的 A shale formation with sandstone interbedded is also a potential oil bearing formation. 以泥岩为主,夹砂层的地层也可能是油气层。 Sandstones are, as a rule, interbedded with shales. 砂岩通常都与页岩互层。 Windblown 被风吹(斜)的 This windblown pine is over 300 years old. 被风吹斜了的松树已经有三百多岁了。 The girl has a windblown hairstyle. 那个女孩的头发会随风飘舞。 Seaway 航道 English for navigation, seaway, and enterprising management is officially starting. 航空英语、海乘英语、企业代培正式启动! The Saint Lawrence seaway opened in nineteen fifty-nine. 圣劳伦斯运河开辟于1959年。 Strait 海峡 The sea narrows into a strait. 海变窄形成了海峡。 The ship passed through the strait between two islands. 船从两岛之间的海峡穿过。 Strait of Gibraltar 直布罗陀海峡 Landlocked 被陆地包围的;内陆 Switzerland is completely landlocked. 瑞士完全是个内陆国。 The problem of transport is especially serious for landlocked countries. 内陆国家的运输问题尤为严重。 Precipitate 沉淀;下降 Adding sulphate to the solution will give a precipitate. 将硫酸盐加入该溶液会产生沉淀。 A cool breeze caused a precipitate drop in the temperature. 冷风使温度急降。 Deluge 洪水;倾盆大雨 This little stream can become a deluge when it rains heavily. 雨大的时候,这条小溪能变成洪流。 I got caught in the deluge on the way home. 我回家的路上遇到了倾盆大雨。 Cascade 倾泻;小瀑布 The cascade falls over a tall cliff. 瀑布从高高的悬崖上倾泻下来。 Her hair fell over her shoulders in a cascade of curls. 她的头发被做成了瀑布般的螺旋形卷发。 A cascade of rainwater 如注的雨水 Spectacular 令人吃惊的;壮观的 A spectacular display of fireworks on New Years Eve.除夕燃放的壮观的烟火 A spectacular film耗费巨资拍摄的豪华巨片 A spectacular rise in house prices房价的暴涨 Ooze 软泥;满满渗出 Blood oozed out of the wound.血从伤口满满流出来。 She walked into the party oozing confidence.她信心十足地来到晚会上。 Mediterranean 地中海 She was hoping that the Mediterranean climate would restore her to full health. 她希望地中海的气候能够将她恢复到完全健康的状态。 This dish is a cross of Asian and Mediterranean food. 这道菜融合了亚洲和地中海的风味。(cross混合。如a cross between coffee and hot chocolate.咖啡和热巧克力的混合饮料) Vessel 船;舰 He was accused of operating the vessel while drunk. 他被指控酒后驾船。 We had sighted the vessel and were following it. 我们已看到那船并在跟随着它。 Cruise 巡航 Id love to go on a round-world cruise. 我很想乘船周游世界。 She wants to cruise the canals of France in a barge. 她想乘驳船游览法国的运河。 Invertebrate 无脊椎的 Half of all invertebrate species live in tropical rain forests. 一半的无脊椎动物物种生活在热带雨林中。 Worms are an example of invertebrate animals. 蠕虫是无脊椎动物的一个例子。 Fauna 动物区系 A very toxic gas escaped and sported flora and fauna. 非常有毒的气体泄漏并影响到了动植物。 Composition of birds fauna and habitats are also analyzed and evaluated. 文章对库区鸟类的区系组成和生态环境进行了分析与评价。 Spine 脊柱;脊椎 A bone in my spine was out of alignment. 我的脊椎骨有一节脱位。 The disease had deformed his spine. 疾病导致他脊柱变形。 Silt 淤泥 The river deposited silt at its mouth. 河口沉积了淤泥。 The channel is almost choked with silt. 水渠里淤了很多泥沙。 Salinity 盐分 For water of photograph comparing hot spring, the salinity content of natural mineralwater is more. 相比温泉水来说,天然矿泉水的盐分含量较多。 Absolute salinity 绝对盐度 Salinity indicator 盐度指示器 Brine 盐水 The meat marinated in the brine for two days. 这块肉在盐水里泡了两天。(marinate使受浸泡) She steeped the cucumbers in brine. 她把黄瓜泡在盐水里。 Sulfate 硫酸盐 The use of calcium sulfate requires a greater capital investment. 用硫酸钙做原料,需要更多的基建投资。 Ordinarily, standard ferrous sulfate loses strength with age, due to air oxidation. 标准硫酸亚铁盐类由于受到空气的氧化一般会随时间而失去其作用。 Sodium 钠 Common salt is a compound of sodium and chlorine. 食盐是钠和氯的复合物。 Out over the town the sodium lights were lit. 在外面,全城的钠光灯都亮了。 Chlo
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