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9A Unit6复习模块三 Integrated skills, Study skills/Pronunciation ,Main task名师导学【视听课堂】设计:刘松勤(视频讲解3)Integrated skills,Study skills/Pronunciation,Main task(幻灯片1)(出像1)T: Hello, everyone.(教师图像) Nice to see you. Today we are going to review Integrated skills,Study skills, Pronunciation,Main task of Unit 6. We are going to have a discussion about a report of a case and how to write a detective story. Here four students are going to study with us. (Ss: Hello!)T: Now, boys and girls, I was told your classmate Tom was praised in front of the whole school. What good deeds did he do?S1: Oh! He found a very beautiful necklace on his way to school last Monday. T: What did he do with it then?(幻灯片2)1、Tom planned to take the necklace to the police station the next day. Tom计划第二天把项链拿到警察局去。 the next day 第二天,常用于过去时或过去将来时的句子中。He said he would come to see me the next day.S1: Tom planned to take the necklace to the police station the next day.T: Whats the meaning of it? S1: Tom计划第二天把项链拿到警察局去。T: Good ! Pay attention : the next day 第二天,常用于过去时或过去将来时的句子中。e.g. He said he would come to see me the next day.S2: 他说他第二天将来看望我(出像2)T: OK. Tom is an excellent student. We should learn from him. How did he get on with his neighbours? (幻灯片3)2、Tom got along with all of his neighbours except the man who lived next door.除了隔壁住的那个人以外,Tom和他所有的邻居相处得很好。 get along / on with. 和相处 How are you getting along with your classmates? Well.S3: Tom got along with all of his neighbours except the man who lived next door.S3: 除了隔壁住的那个人以外,Tom和他所有的邻居相处得很好。T:What does the phrase “get along with” mean here?S4: get along / on with. 都是“和相处”的意思:Would you please make a sentence with it?S4: OK. How are you getting along with your classmates? (Well.)你和你的同学们相处得怎么样? (很好。)T: What does the word except mean ? (幻灯片4)3、Tom got along with all of his neighbours except the man who lived next door.except 介词,除之外 We go to school every day except Saturday and Sunday.S4: except 介词,除之外e.g. We go to school every day except Saturday and Sunday. 除了周六,周日以外,我们每天上学。(出像3) T: Does your aunt go to work every day? S3: No, except on Mondays.She sells books for a living.S4: What does the phrase for a living mean?T: It means: 为了生存She sells books for a living.means “她以卖书谋生/为生。” How to translate this sentence into English?没有人知道他以什么谋生。 S1: Let me try. No one knew what he did for a living.T: That very good. (幻灯片5)4、No one knew what he did for a living.没有人知道他以什么谋生。 for a living 为了生存e.g. She sells books for a living. 她以卖书谋生/为生。 (出像4)T: (问S2)What did Toms neighbour do for a living?S2: He did nothing but steal many bikes in my hometown. Whats more, he murdered an old lady last week.S3: Whats the result? (幻灯片6)5、Hes under arrest for murder. 因为谋杀,他被逮捕了。arrest 在这里是名词 be under arrest 被逮捕Last summer his son was under arrest for robbery.S2: Of course, he is under arrest for murder.S3: What does be under arrest mean? (问S2)S2: be under arrest means. 被逮捕 因为谋杀,他被逮捕了。S1: I hear his son was also arrested. Is it right?S2: Yes, thats right. Last summer his son was under arrest for robbery.(出像5)T: What a pity! We shouldnt learn from them .We should learn how to tell right from wrong .Do you think so?SS: Yes.S4: Who solved the cases in the end? S2: Detective Lu .He is considered as the Ke Nan of China. (幻灯片7)T: Oh, Ke Nan is a very famous detective. Would you like to enjoy a short video about him?SS: OK (学生看短片)(出像6)T: Is it interesting ?SS: Yes. We all like it very much.S3: I also want to be a detective when I grow up.T: Good! To be a famous detective, you must learn how to write a report on a case.SS: Oh. We have learned a lot from Detective Lu. T: Who can tell us how to describe a case?S1:Let me have a try first.S1: 首先要注意描述案情:案发时间、地点,有关人员。 E.g : This morning ,an old man found a young womans body near a river(幻灯片8T: Oh! You are so great!(幻灯片6)S2: 我们还要注意案发现场描述:根据现场勘查如指纹和其它线索和目击者证词 案发现场案情或被害者现场和生平情况介绍。check the scene for fingerprint and other clues , a witness reported that ,be attacked with a knife and bled to death as a result, (幻灯片9)T: 还要注意什么呢?S3:我们还必须注意对犯罪嫌疑人的描述 :如目击者所见案发时间嫌疑人举动可疑之处,如呼吸急促,身有血迹,神色慌张等 或与受害者以往关系。 if the victim had any enemies ,breathe heavily ,have blood on ,at the time of crime(幻灯片10)S4: 最后要说明侦破结果即警方是如何找到凶手的。 offer a reward of contact the police on be under arrest for, (幻灯片10)(出像7)T: Great ! I think youll be famous detectives when you grow up.Since youre all interested in detective stories. Would you please write a detective story?(幻灯片11)昨天晚上十点到凌晨一点之间,人民路上发生了一起谋杀案。被害人是一名商人,年仅35岁。案发时,有人听到了呼救的声音。据警方描述,被害人是因受刀伤,流血过多而死。目前凶手在逃。警方悬赏10,000元人民币奖励提供重要线索的市民。请根据下面的中文提示,以“A young businessman murdered”为题,写一篇不少于80词侦探故事。(幻灯片12)(出像8)(学生写作,老师指导)T:Are you ready ?Ss: Yes.T: OK. Lets read S3s together . SS: Read together.(幻灯片1
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