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HOME | SUBSCRIBE | UNSUBSCRIBE | ARCHIVES | ABOUTThe Mind DietThe right diet makes you healthy. But what about mental junk food - stress, pain and fear?Vegetarian Organic Life talks a lot about diet - how to get rid of the bad food and bring in the good.For total health, a parallel process needs to happen with our minds. We need to learn how to put our minds on a diet, getting rid of harmful, recurring thoughts and emotions and replacing them with constructive, healthful mental activity. Whats on the menu? Generous, frequent helpings of meditation. Our lives sometimes feel chaotic and out of control. Suffering and agony are part of being human.The most common reaction to the inevitable pain of existence is escapism of one form or another. Drugs - including alcohol, prescription medications and illegal narcotics - are the most common and harmful means of escape. TV and other frivolous entertainment, gossip and other diversions, overworking, shopping - even surfing the Internet - are also employed in the universal desire to cope with the pains and stresses of our lives. There is a better way: We can learn to nurture our minds, bodies and spirits with simple and effective meditative techniques. We do not and cannot control what happens in the world. But we can control our reaction to it. Sitting meditation, yoga and tai chi incrementally improve your ability to cope with pain, and maintain a clear mind even in the midst of chaos and crisis. That ability gives you the strength to reject escapism and look reality in the face at every turn.Achieving a clear, peaceful state of mind through meditation also helps you stay connected with fellow human beings - especially loved ones - during both good times and bad. The more we calm our minds, the more we develop our ability to understand the way the world works - and accept it. This gives us a doorway to open our hearts and become more loving and compassionate toward ourselves, other people and even our enemies. Meditation is a gift only you can give yourself. Through the wisdom of physically nurturing your body with wholesome foods and exercise as well as emotionally nurturing your mind with stress management techniques like yoga, tai chi and meditation, you can discover the true potential of your own being to experience inner peace and loving relationships even - or shall I say, especially - in times of hardship. Id love to hear from you. Click here to send e-mail!Food for ThoughtTofu, one of the healthiest foods on earth, is available at all health food stores and many regular grocery stores in the refrigerated section. Organic tofu is the best tofu you can buy. Avoid tofu made with genetically modified soybeans, which are widely used in most conventionally produced soy products. Tofu may come packaged in water, vacuum-packed, aseptic container and in bulk in tubs of water. (See last weeks column to learn about the different kinds of tofu.)The firmness of tofu depends on how much liquid is pressed out as the curds are compressed into a block.Regular tofu will last in the refrigerator until the expiration date. Open tofu packages, however, should be used right away for best consistency. Once open you can also store it in water in a tightly closed container so it wont absorb any surrounding odors and flavors. Try to use it as soon as possibleit will only last a few days. Regular tofu can also be frozen and last a few months (this will change the texture to a spongy consistency). To freeze packaged tofu, open it, cut it into slabs of about a half inch thick, let it drain on a cutting board lined with paper towel or a non-fiber shedding cloth. Store it in an airtight container or wrap in plastic and freeze. Thaw at room temperature or in the fridge, drain once more and use within two days.Silken tofu can be found in the refrigerated sections of health food stores or may also come in aseptic containers that dont require refrigeration. Once open, however, it must be placed in the fridge but it will only last a couple of days. Silken tofu should not be frozen.Baked tofu comes in many flavors such as teriyaki, Italian, Thai, etc., and is readily available at many health food stores and supermarkets to be eaten right out of the package by itself and sliced or cubed to use in salads or sandwiches. It can also be cooked and added to meals and recipes that call for regular tofu. As I said in a previous issue, White Wave baked tofu is my favorite.If time is not an issue, you can bake your own, which is a good way of using up tofu thats about to expire.Since tofu will absorb any flavors you can prepare marinades using your favorite spices and seasonings with dressings or sauces to achieve different types of world cuisines tastes. For Italian flavor for example, create a marinade using olive oil, basil, oregano, tamari sauce, garlic and your favorite tomato sauce or
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