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EDUCATION AND RECREATION GUIDANCE ON FOOD HANDLING 1 INDEX PAGE NO. 1.WHO MAY HANDLE FOOD2 2.RISK ASSESSMENT OF FOOD PRODUCTION3 3.COMMUNITY HALLS & LEISURE CENTRES HIRE4-5 4.VILLAGE HALLS HIRE6-7 5.SCHOOL PREMISES HIRE8-9 6.FUND RAISING FETES AND BARBEQUES10 7.FOOD SAFETY IN SCHOOLS10 8.SCHOOL CANTEENS11 9.FOOD AND THE CURRICULUM12-13 10.GOOD HYGIENE PRACTICES14-17 11.FOOD STORAGE AND DISPLAY18 12.CLEANING PROCEDURES19 13.TEMPERATURE MONITORING AND CALIBRATION20 14.FOOD FROM HOME (BIRTHDAYS ETC)21 15.SCHOOL LUNCHES FROM HOME21 16.FOOD PROVIDED OUTSIDE SCHOOL HOURS22-23 17.FOOD ON SCHOOL TRIPS23 18.NURSERY CARE24 19.FOOD LAW24 20.DISPLAYING FOOD (FETES ETC)25 21.TRANSPORTING FOOD25 22.CLEANING PROCEDURES FOR TEMPORARY STALLS25 2 GUIDANCE FOR FOOD HANDLING The sourcing preparation and consumption of food is an integral part of an Education and Recreation establishment life and as such a high standard of food hygiene should always exist. This document outlines the principles, that need to be understood by Education and Recreation employees, temporary employees, parent helpers, volunteers and hirers of E&R premises, who produce meals, snacks or fundraise. NOTES 1.WHO MAY HANDLE FOOD Handling of foods can be placed into two categories: (a)HIGH RISK FOODS (mostly proteins) High risk food handling, storage and preparation must be by trained and certificated staff or persons under the supervision of trained or certificated staff, such personnel could be Aberdeenshire staff, a Home Economics teacher, volunteers or a Commercial Operator All high risk foods must be purchased from a reputable/ recognised commercial source A non-exhaustive list of high risk foods would be MeatsSoup PoultryDairy Products ShellfishEgg Products FishCooked Rice GravyFilled Cakes StockSandwiches (b)LOW RISK FOODS Low risk food handling, storage and preparation can be undertaken by any adult/competent person. Low risk food hygiene, relies on the use of low risk foods and a basic common sense approach to food handling. Tongs or disposable gloves for unwrapped food. Low risk foods may be purchased from a recognised commercial source or may be part of a fundraising fete. Where applicable “use by/sell by” dates must be complied with as should any specific storage instructions. Some examples of low risk foods: BiscuitsPancakes (no fillings) JamsScones (no fillings) ToffeeButteries (no fillings) Washed FruitFruit Cakes (no fillings) Individual wrapped commercial foods (i.e. crisps, cheese, sweets) 3 NOTES 2.RISK ASSESSMENT OF FOOD PRODUCTION Where food is part of an Education & Recreation Service, activity/curriculum then a risk assessment (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points HACCP) must be undertaken to determine specific hazards and risks. Where there are no written controls or procedures, these must be formulated to eliminate the hazard or reduce the identified hazard and associated risks to an acceptable level. The person in control of the food preparation area has the responsibility of ensuring that a suitable risk assessment (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points HACCP) is prepared. In all Education and Recreation premises where a “School Catering”, kitchen or servery is present a HACCP should be readily available. Where advice is required, this should be sought from your local Environmental Health Office or if you are an Aberdeenshire employee contact the Catering Monitoring Officer 01224 346262 Risk Assessment will cover all areas from *Sourcing of suppliers *Delivery/receipt of goods *Storage *Preparation and processing *Packaging *Serving *Storing/hot and cold holding *Transport of food *Distribution of cooked food *Handling/serving food *Cleaning *Sale of foods *Waste disposal 4 NOTES 3.COMMUNITY/LEISURE CENTRE HIRE (INCLUDING FOOD PREPARATION AREAS WHICH ARE LEASED TO A COMMERCIAL FOOD PROVIDER) The person who manages the hall/leisure centre has a responsibility to Ensure the facilities are up to the standard required by the hirer. These requirements will be detailed by the hirer on his/her application form. Where the facilities are below the hirers requirements the hirer should be provided with this information so that he/she can make other arrangements Ensure the hirer has the emergency information for the premises, *Fire evacuation routes *Where an emergency phone is located *Who to report injuries to NB only injuries as a result of faulty premises/equipment *Entertainment licence Any other relevant information as regards the operation of the hall Ensure the hirer understands the cleaning regime of the hall The hirer/person in control of the food preparation area has the responsibility of ensuring that a suitable risk assessment (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points HACCP) is prepared Who is responsible for each section of the HACCP Who is responsible for the cleaning regime What equipment may be used What stores may or may not be available What refrigeration equipment may or may not be available The
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