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Status Report of JAERI Nuclear Data CenterJun-ichi KatakuraNuclear Data CenterJapan Atomic Energy Research Institutekatakurandc.tokai.jaeri.go.jp1. GeneralNuclear Data Center in JAERI serves as a secretariat of Japanese Nuclear Data Committee. The committee has three subcommittees and one standing group. They have 3 - 5 working groups. The number of each working group members is about 10. Total number of the committee members is 112 in 2004. They are from Universities, industrial companies and research organizations in Japan. We opened the meeting of the working groups 33 times in 2003 to discuss nuclear data related issues.In August 2003, the head of Nuclear Data Center, JAERI changed from Akira Hasegawa to Jun-ichi Katakura. Hasegawa moved to Deputy Director of Department of Nuclear Energy Systems to which Nuclear Data Center belongs. 2. CINDA CompilationThe CINDA compilation activity has continued. The compilation covers the neutron reaction related work performed in Japan. In 2003, 196 entries were sent to NEA Data Bank. 3. Status of JENDL project3.1. General purpose fileThe latest version of Japanese Evaluated Nuclear Data Library (JENDL) , JENDL-3.3 was released in May 2002. After the release of JENDL-3.3 the discussion for the next JENDL library was started in Japanese Nuclear Data Committee. In the discussion the outline of the next version, JENDL-4, was proposed. Followings are the outline of JENDL-4.(1) Scope: To solve the current concern on nuclear energy development such as high burn-up, MOX fuel utilization, evaluations of burn-up credit and their safety assessments. It also includes medical and fundamental scientific applications such as BNCT (Boron Neutron Capture Therapy), medical use of accelerator and nuclear synthesis in astrophysics.(2) Incident particles and covered maximum energy: In addition to the traditional neutron-induced reaction, charged particle- and photon-induced reactions are considered. Spontaneous fission process is also considered. Standard maximum energy is 20 MeV, but it is extended when needed.(3) Contents: To be enriched in the quality of actinides and FP nuclides. The quantity of covariance data, types of fission yields, secondary gamma production data and charged particle spectra will also be enriched. Total number of included nuclides, however, is not going to largely exceeded that of JENDL- Special purpose fileIn addition to the general purpose file, some special purpose files have been developed in JAERI. (1) JENDL High Energy FileJENDL High Energy File 2004 was released this March. It includes high energy neutron- and proton-induced reaction data for 66 nuclides. The maximum energy of the incident particle is 3 GeV. This file is intended to be used for the design of the high energy proton accelerator and R & D of ADS system JAERI has planned.The high energy file was primarily intended to include the data for about 120 nuclides. The released 2004 file contains about a half of the intended data. The data of other nuclides will be included successively. The file for the IFMIF (International Fusion Material Irradiation Facility) project whose maximum energy is 50 MeV will be produced from the high energy file.(2) JENDL Photonuclear Data FileJENDL Photonuclear Data File 2004 was released this March. It includes photon reaction data for 68 nuclides. The maximum incident energy is 140 MeV. The data of other nuclides intended to be included will be taken from the evaluated data by KAERI group. Total number of the nuclides included will be about 150.(3) JENDL PKA/KERMA FileThe file is intended to include the spectra of primary knock-on atoms (PKA) and KERMA factors. These data will be created from the file for the IFMIF project.(4) JENDL (a,n) Reaction Data FileThe data file of (a,n) reactions were released in February 2003. The file contains the data for 13 nuclides. At first it is expected to contain the data of total 32 nuclides. It becomes now difficult to complete the whole evaluations.(5) JENDL Actinide FileActinide data in JENDL-3.3 are being reevaluated to resolve the inconsistencies with PIE data and other benchmark test results. The results of the reevaluation will be reflected in JENDL Actinide File. In these reevaluation process, it is recognized that experimental data are not enough for making a reliable evaluated file. These data include thermal cross sections, resonance parameters, capture cross sections and the n values of Am and Cm isotopes. New experimental data are truly needed.(6) Other JENDL Special Purpose FilesFusion File, Activation Cross Section File, Dosimetry File and FP Decay Data File are also developed as JENDL Special Purpose Files in Japan. The first version of each file has been released already. The revision of those files has not been scheduled yet.4. Status of ENSDF evaluationJapanese group is continuously responsible to make an evaluation of mass reg
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