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Practical English for Business Management Teaching Plan Unit One Chapter 1 Part I Words and Expressions1. Biblical biblikl adj. 圣经的;依据圣经的(等于biblical)biblical class 读经班 biblical college 基督教大学 biblical oath 吻经的立誓,庄严的誓言Bible n. 圣经 2double entry bookkeeping 复式记账法3. accounting 会计学4 rigorously rigrsli adv. 严厉地;残酷地5 dexterity deksterti n. 灵巧,敏捷 机敏6entrepreneur ,ntrprn:n. 企业家,承包商 主办者7initiate iniitn. 开始,创始,发起adj. 新加入的;接受初步知识的vt. 开始,创始;发起;使初步了解8installation instleinn. 安装,安置,设备、机器的安装地9interchangeability int,teindbilitin. 数 可互换性 可交替性10musket mskitn. 滑膛枪,旧式步枪11component kmpunntn. 成分; 部件,元件,组成部分adj. 组成的,构成的12aggregation ,riein n. 地质数 聚合,聚集;聚集体,集合体13entity 实体,统一体14. stockholder 股东15. incorporation 公司,社团,合并16exceptional 例外的,特殊的,罕见的17Integrate intireit, intirit, -reitn. 一体化;集成体vi. 求积分;取消隔离;成为一体adj. 整合的;完全的vt. 使完整;使成整体;求的积分;表示的总和18plea plea pli: n. 恳求,请求;辩解,辩护;借口,托辞19trial and error 试错,反复试验20rules of thumb 经验法则21incentive insentiv n. 动机;刺激 adj. 激励的;刺激的22treble treble trebl n. 三倍;最高声部 vi. 变成三倍adj. 三倍的;最高声部的;三层的;三重的 vt. 使成三倍23expound ikspaund vi. 解释;详细说明 vt. 解释;详细说明24morale mr:l, -rl n. 士气,斗志25. foreman foreman f:mn n. 领班;陪审团主席26Practitioner prktin n. 开业者,从业者27formulate formulate f:mjuleit vt. 规划;用公式表示;明确地表达28deduce didju:s vt. 推论,推断;演绎出Text AnalysisPrescientific Management EraChronological order Part I (para.1) Management in ancient timePart II (para.2) Management after the rise of Capitalism Part III (para. 3-4) Management in Middle AgesPart IV (para. 5-6) Management in the early nineteenth centuryClassical ManagementListingPart I (para.7-13) Taylors scientific managementPart II (para.14-16) General administrative theoriesDifficult Sentence TranslationIn spite of the fact that administrative problems received attention in ancient times, no important managerial tools of analysis developed until the end of the Dark Ages when commerce began to grow in the Mediterranean.在古代,尽管行政管理受到了重视,但直到黑暗时期才出现了重要的管理分析工具,当时在地中海地区的商业蓬勃发展。The roots of modern accounting, therefore, were planted four centuries before they were to form an important field of knowledge for the modern manager.因此,现代会计学的根源是经过四个世纪的栽培,才形成的非常重要的知识领域。This concept led to the producing of parts to close tolerances, thus making possible the exchange of one part for another without fitting or further machining.这个概念导致了生产非常紧密的部件,因此不经过装备和进一步机械加工就能够把一个部件替换成另一个部件。In the early nineteenth century, the need for larger aggregations of capital to support factory operations resulted in increased applications of a special legal form of organizing a business.在19世纪早期,为了支撑工厂的经营,需要筹集大量的资金,这就导致越来越多的使用一种特殊的法律形式来组织(开办)一个企业。By the middle of the nineteenth century, general incorporation acts made it possible for many businesses to use this legal form of organization at a time in which technological developments were forcing an increase in the size of the manufacturing unit.到19世纪中叶,通用注册公司法令使许多企业同时使用这种合法的组织形式成为可能,当时,技术的发展迫使扩大制造业机构的规模。He had progressed from the level of worker in the plant-where he had been able to observe the accepted practices of the time-and had obtained an engineering degree in 1883 by studying evenings at Stevens Institute of Technology.他从工厂的工人阶层成长起来,在工厂里他能够观察到当时人们认可的惯例,在1883年他经过在Steven科技学院读夜校,获得工程学位。Two of Taylors specific contributions resulted from this thinking: (1) experiments with Maunsel White led to the development of high-speed cutting steel that trebled production; (2) system of wage payment based upon a definite time standard.泰勒的两个特殊贡献产生于下面的思路:一、与.的实验导致了高速切割钢材的发展,这个发展使生产效率提高了3倍。二、基于定时标准的工资支付制度。The division of work between management and the workers so that each would perform those duties for which he was best fitted, with the resultant increase in efficiency.把管理人员和工人进行分工,以便使每个人履行最适合自己的职责,其结果就是提高效率。Henry L. Cantt, a contemporary and associate of Taylor, joined in the attack on existing management practices and emphasized the psychology of the worker and the importance of morale in production. 亨利和泰勒是同代人的合作伙伴,联手抨击现有的管理措施,强调工人的心理状况和生产士气的重要性。During the 1920s and 1930s, scientific management fell into the hands of efficiency experts, who concentrated on the mechanical aspects of production.在19世纪20和30年代,科学管理掌握在“效率专家”的手中,这些专家只重视生产方面的机械问题。Critics of the movement pointed out that this approach neglected the elements of the psychological needs of workers and the sociological aspects of cooperation.这次运动的批评家指出:这种态度忽略了工人的心理需求要素和社会学方面的合作。During these decades, some management thinkers and practitioners attempted to remedy this defect by formulating generalizations deduced from their understanding of what managemen
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