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讲座演讲人背景简介: 博林工业大学计算机科学与电子工程系Gnter Hommel 教授领导的实时信息系统与机器人研究所,从1992年就开始了无人航空器控制系统的研究工作。先后试验研制了针对飞艇、固定翼无人机和无人直升机等多种无人飞行器的自主飞行控制系统。其研制的飞艇TubRob在1995年的世界航空机器人大赛(IARC,International Aerial Robotics Competition)就取得了好成绩。其研制实现的具有智能导航能力的自主飞行无人直升机MARVIN(Multi-purpose Aerial Robot Vehicle with Intelligence Navigation)在19982000年度的世界航空机器人大赛中,作为唯一能够自主飞行的航空机器人获得冠军。比赛中,MARVIN在空中可以绕开障碍物平稳飞行,同时在空中识别并定位出模拟火灾事故现场地面的危险品和需要救援的伤员,并将危险品和伤员的定位信息等传回地面。2000年之后,该小组又参与了欧盟多所研究机构合作开展的COMETS研究计划。COMETS研究计划执行期为2002.5.1-2005.6.30,重点研究异构机群(非同种无人机型,包含有自主飞行的飞艇、遥控无人直升机、自主飞行无人直升机等)环境下的多机协调控制技术。每种飞行器各有其特点并搭载相应的不同功能设备,优势互补并构成针对某一任务的协同机群。该异构机群系统主要用于森林火灾侦测方面。当前,其正在进行COMETS-后续研究工作。 报告人介绍: Dr.-Ing. Konstantin Kondak Konstantin Kondak received his diploma degree in Information Technologies for Mechanical Engineering from TU Berlin in 1999. In 1999 he joined the Department of Computer Science, Real-Time Processing & Robotics Group, at TU Berlin as research assistant where he received his Ph.D. in Computer Science in 2001. From 2001 until now he has been working on his habilitation. His research interests in robotics belong to: optimization theory, control theory, modeling and simulation of complex systems, autonomous navigation of terrestrial and aerial unmanned vehicles. From 2004 Konstantin Kondak has been working within a DFG founded project for coordination and control of several coupled helicopters. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. h.c. Gnter Hommel Gnter Hommel received his diploma degree in Electrical Engineering from TU Berlin in 1970. He first joined the Department of Electrical Engineering and then the Department of Computer Science at TU Berlin where he received his Ph.D. in Computer Science. In 1978 he joined the Nuclear Research Center in Karlsruhe working in the field of real-time systems. From 1980 he was the head a research group in Software Engineering at the German National Research Center for Information Technology (GMD) in Bonn. In 1982 he was appointed professor at the Institute for Computer Science of TU Munich, where he worked in the fields of real-time programming and robotics. Since 1984 he has been professor at the Institute for Computer Engineering of TU Berlin heading the Real-Time Systems and Robotics Group. In 2002 he received an honorary doctorate (Dr. h.c.) from the Moscow State Academy of Instrument Engineering and Computer Science. In 2004 he was appointed Advisory Professor at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. In 2005 he was nominated Director of “TU Berlin Shanghai Jiao Tong University Research Labs for Information and Communication Technology” in Shanghai. 本次讲座/课程内容安排: Title: Autonomous flying robots with vertical take off and landing: modeling, simulation and control Short description: In recent years an increased interest in the autonomous flying robots, often also called Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) or drones, can be noted. This is caused mainly by interesting practical applications for this kind of robots like filming, surveillance, environmental measurements etc. as well as by low cost sensors for navigation and environment perception which have come on the market in the last years. In the course the autonomous flying robots with vertical take off and landing capabilities will be considered. The small size helicopters and quadrocopters represent two important classes of autonomous flying robots and will be addressed in detail. As it will be shown in the course, despite the different propulsion for each class of the considered flying robots, the description of motion and motion control are very similar. The main focus of this course will be placed on the methods for motion description (modeling) and on the control design. Additionally, some important issues related to the navigation sensors and sensor data processing will be addressed. Content of the course: 1. Introduction 2. Kinematics a. Posture of a rigid body i. Orientation matrix ii. Simple rotation iii. Euler parameters iv. Three successive rotations around fixed axes b. Motion of a rigid body i. Angular velocity of a rigid body ii. Angular acceleration iii. Motion of a point on a rigid body c. Motion of a mechanical system (composed of different rigid bodies) i. System state ii. Generalized coordinates and generalized velocities iii. Kinematical equations iv. Kinematical equations for helicopter and quadrocopter v. Partial velocities 3. Dynamics a. Introduction to the Kane method b. Motion of a mass point c. Motion of a rigid body i. Equivalent force replacement ii. Rotation description, Euler equations iii. Simplified dynamical equations for a helicopter iv. Simplified dynamical equations for a quadrocopter d. Motion of a mechanical system i. Contributing and non contributing forces and torques ii. Complete dynamical equations for a helicopter 4. Autonomous flying robots a. Small size helicopters i. Modeling ii. Behavior simulation and analysis iii. Controller design iv. Experimental results b. Quadrocopters i. Modeling ii. Behavior simulation and analysis iii. C
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