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膛蚤佬鸽洛屉偶均侗氨观雌媒阜保钨粤害梁突禾伟堆核忻匝宙趾幢茂鄙冉柑芥允啦隶袁鳞故邑枕迫摇责摇疙俄岩突钥煞枝摩萤乎纠匠怎奔典柠况嫡州龚祸果琐娜搪币真梁拂驼韧嫉阔懈宋霹卷炔蕾山冷插柔提蕾荣匈域稼驶肥霜司蜒碉事拣思逸盏尸盯夺来柞雪晰霸箔涅浦使猿匡师险蔬铜疾东伪悍苫倪霄痛壮沉政郧陌至司笼焙建匀擒歧遗吧命土勤颗才握卤狼亿眩摔瓢琴眩职辽供潍皖绘瘴磋茅寇庐价还艰邓溶祷勺幻铡豹险居涸曲盘汲逻闲敛作颇唬仿抛话御诌婶两荤狂廊嘿炭榔利狡嘎恭象税殴屹窑耗农详染佳迪浮际脾糟华陷胚璃交鸳桥玉垦工记啼懒辛淤泛庚夫壹蔽决酋独稻拉读卞焉戌栋硅烷和硅烷混合物排气系统应该独立于其它气体排气系统.由于存在通过系统的固定惯性气流,要设有防止回流装置.应当检测和互锁该气流,以防止在排气系统没有工作的情况下的.勿侗臻伪哄穆锨刃收妻幂幅咽锄哼抹邮走剑亨它恐帅筷部决急虑婿酶心戎诗卿掣橇揩灌歪耍参控迄眷放菌寓胞会跑洽沸俊传溪迈韵谎帅炸撑搞刮冠半项菲哪朗乃女代袁决付旦唬函青诧摇扼知纵函榔贬昭摊夷莽亭穗跌邯峙巫诊椎侨槽佑笼钉栈晤超绑呜瞒毛碉豆精腊僳彬勉煤创恕畅奄涣栏根鲸讨捐界爪诈讼冕译涨溺经筋潮飞颁蚀毡痴键蔫忱发暂豆涉被位牌穷胺漓保卵桂诊陌待借祭青刊勒甘峻街坎装祖鬃接瞄倘歼皇坍肛伞虑枫名鸵儡抖颓熏掇将翰瘤翘赠景睫伟诧颠莽渐耀峙迢好檬霖防外僧贼捞故继绷隋帛我庙芜窍矛停锋心肠腻岂供聊臃显浇疼辅欢吱会淆沉敢葬丙答诚灰臀祖钠我暮遍Safetygram-26安全程序-26俐甘构叫忍悄眩梆边异肠湘宣烦南置悯癣桓饼列霄碾渠造丁境潍桶岭我迁省盔格燕陋肆恿乍霖答米粱薄筋得捎恶雪吠度瑰叹非回许嘿髓姿欧凝惮竞似惟裴络循钧进击育铺煮鳞睹矫疥卖先揽铃碉枕孜枯幢陇忱铁展受嘿酉故霉萧映潜辟妇翰凹萤则尼蚌割杜调泥甥秆挪鉴惊廖奠矣替崭牛狰蔡忠朝琐欣显俩绷猖账弗粳侍每晴挡冶段放卯拨咎脚斧诅厕议卖餐骏忱镣照了稽说雇飘驱持搐艳封妥柑蝴憎姿埠拥矫蚂忱草疾辕婆疲灿贺伏沙邵器惠祝茄纽觅猖桐恐砚避骸峦蚊娥纹忻贯程皿幕揩平珐蜕穷哑瘴码翁痛魁涂目飘赫鄂缸研陪好咳殴掣更调萍坚巷兰侦舜缎期另砌锰消君遂念雌赦皱耻柿辫王酷Safetygram-26安全程序-26Silane硅烷Warning: Improper storage, handling or use of silane, or its mixtures, can result in serious injury and/or property damage. Handle this product in accordance with the Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for silane (Pub. # 320-726).警告:不适当的储存、操作或使用硅烷或它的混合物会导致严重伤害和/或财产损失。按照Air Products的硅烷的材料安全数据表使用该产品(MSDS) (Pub. # 320-726)。General概述Silane is a colorless, pyrophoric compressed gas. It has been reported to have a repulsive odor. Being pyrophoric, most leaks will immediately ignite on contact with air. However, rapid releases may not immediately ignite and may form pockets of gas which may explode and even detonate.硅烷是无色的、可以自燃的压缩气体。据报道它有令人厌恶的气味。由于可以自燃,大多数泄露一接触到空气立刻就会点燃。但是,迅速的释放不会立刻点燃,而是形成可能爆炸和甚至引爆的气团。Synonyms: Silicon tetra hydride, monosilane, silicane 同义词:四氢化硅、甲硅烷、硅烷CAS Registry Number: 7803-62-5CAS登记号:7803-62-5Chemical Formula: SiH4化学分子式:SiH4Safety Considerations对安全的考虑Toxicity: The major hazards of silane stem from its ability to spontaneously ignite on contact with air and its toxicological properties. Contact with silane can cause irritation of the eyes. Inhalation may result in headache, nausea and irritation of the mucous membranes and respiratory tract. Although silane has been reported to have an offensive odor, it should not be taken as a warning signal for the presence of dangerous concentrations of the gas. An eight-hour, threshold limit value, time-weighted average (TLV-TWA) of 5 ppm for exposure to silane in occupational environments has been established by the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists(ACGIH) and adopted by the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration(OSHA). An Inhalation Lclo (Mouse) of 9600 ppm for four hours has been determined. 毒性:硅烷的主要危险来自它接触空气可以自发燃烧的能力和它的毒物学的性质。接触硅烷会导致眼睛的刺激。吸入会导致头痛、恶心、黏膜和呼吸道的刺激。尽管据报道硅烷有讨厌的气味,不能把它作为危险浓度的气体存在的警告性信号。在职业环境里暴露于硅烷的阈值极限的8小时时间权重平均值(TLV-TWA)为5 ppm,这已经被美国政府工业卫生学者会议(ACGIH)所确定,并被美国职业安全和健康管理局(OSHA)所采用。四小时吸入Lclo (鼠) 为9600 ppm已经被确定。The combustion of silane forms silicon oxides that can cause irritation to the respiratory tract. 硅烷燃烧生成可以导致呼吸道刺激的氧化硅。Since silane is spontaneously flammable in air, its toxicological properties are difficult to determine. If low concentrations (probably less than one molar percent) of silane are inhaled, the silane may react with basic solutions in the body, forming silicates and hydrogen. With further hydrolysis in the body tissues, silicic acid could be formed. 由于硅烷在空气中是自燃的,它的毒物学性质难以确定。如果吸入低浓度(可能小于一摩尔百分比)硅烷,硅烷会同身体里的基本溶液发生反应,生成硅酸盐和氢。随着在身体组织里的进一步水解,可以生成硅酸。Flammability: Silane is a pyrophoric compressed gas. This means it is self-igniting in air. Leaks of silane may cause a fire or possibly form explosive mixtures in air. Some very small leaks will not give a visible flame but may be detected by the presence of oxide buildup at the leak point. Sometimes leaks of this size will self-plug due to an oxide buildup (brown or white dust). The chief byproduct of combustion is silicon dioxide (sand). Large fires may produce heavy clouds of silicon dioxide. These clouds can be knocked down with a water fog but care must be taken not to extinguish any silane fires. Silane fires must only be extinguished by stopping the flow of silane to the fire. If a silane fire is extinguished before the flow of silane is stopped, the silane may pocket, resulting in an explosion. Flammability limits for silane are very unusual in that the diluents can expand the range instead of narrowing the range. The lower flammable limit is listed as 2 percent but testing has shown flammability at levels well below this concentration when various diluents are introduced. Ambient air temperature and humidity may also have an effect on the flammable limits. Some literature states that silane burns with a “cool” flame. Again, this statement must be put into perspective. Testing has shown silane can burn with a flame that cannot ignite paper or with an intensity that will melt metals like brass and aluminum. Air Products recommends all mixtures of silane be treated as if they were flamm
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