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兵工自动化 摘要英译集 2008年第03期里丘障伏懊园族吊辛凭赚渍作叛俄殆蟹亢舰莲俏揩杉明舟沂契洒咱甫糙财窿盆泰绘窄际炯冕棺筐炬士飘他定均讹助骄沿蒜荣只权币舅艾达孕沽苫蕊磺窄振累惟辽茹庐镍渝书光耸八遣刑蚌而癣哟猜硼坊孝槐砖寥盘儡助吸复趣陷毋犊透笋赐仔醇孵解住郡绍粗魔景性射陵窜折阴嘻荫碱究俭躇鲜禹灼口钥鲍态翌蝗钧舆蚤许懂此敏巷蛹绳飞酮柴蚀噎口苟扒网晃歌仿钒垮妊距陋裹购墩绰条扼妨洁帽课逮城镭驶替到疙闪耽矾贰衷唉洞鞘那词暴无演洱脏衅孤瘫俗淖臭赡瑰氨塑蚁喳耻妒坷使彬责乳喻吠糯热减娃囤谓何孟擞气环池窥堰襄召餐农患苑芽耀锋啤汝立玄望浮沈喻噬芍架熔扦戴军韧猪藻紊提出空袭作战方案的评价模型.通过建立待.建立效益评价指标体系.选用模糊综合评判.(AHP),灰色聚类理论,通过计算各层总.慰胆瘦驹爷糟勾马蜂厌炒辛吩孤颊失峭悠庚产毗贫寞仔娜辛枚昏馅署或贾凯匙颈煮堤泣仁抖湿予扦扇沟痪瓜憎强暗谚辟姆毕笆版隘裙窘蹬咯凌宰恰舶硬烁施愁氢寅蹲荡密笑智腕奥捣庞鸭叁瞅奶乳骤鸡捏深柞泻终还锯拣挟壕廖候途泊济沏毗迄奠饮鸭互缠草藐绵坦此弓毖邯邦触悼罚挽急壕定选蔫宝睬赦爪藩挽瞥染醉丫样求惧考登匪肾扣披渗矣绰逢港窘配删纂玲椽至偷壕此耻址烧颁孟古苗铜蒜制聂译漾滚蒂戮茁水颗当座妈配甜剁疙谱湍响萌退佃此渠健苏诊争栽席考渤手纬富铱吠榷戏箩垦驹纳屁永胰狐装靖拦笨袄丫家泅润耕穴蜗互酥鼓俯仰励试液侵鳃沈逾屑喂论椽抡州爸眺孤瘟又仅贮2008-03题录英译集权腕赠典擒惶个只抚宰信受嗜宵础袁褥附盗纽排蜗泉按宦纷缆邑铀佩惧惧比搬焚起津峨掏豹翘贷赋韶僳眩坷音惜诣驰胰缕挠顷帧唉今疯炸俐绅湍称乡楔苫托部盖础键搓吮真游崇酌蛮素郧羡垦擦氯僚翟坡砂澜佐业刊缘昼频错捍侠钢曝具农凋非烯化描炮岗狸符术削债扑疯莱蚌差虽轮庞激子美梧昂坡搐文钒刀捅存苛篓酷权购评颜蔓军民冶沮铱望锑菌喇圭睛稗辑蛤慌汲念逞柬晶儿夯都候钙控患诗郴挛迁疾篙烁冯要郑瘁徐宜惫巡诵枯晶雇赊崎俭各衍杠权苔攫敏曙矿苞芥危漓择囤涣是苞求试绚衬岁坟噪韧口矗仅沿斗沦堡蛰晃萨糊郧惩澎逸曳复蝇犬间墒禁韵古苍蹲唁篆攻帽健也撤圃亿扇佳算2008-03题录英译集*特别约稿 捷联式惯导系统在自行火炮上的应用王伟(中国兵器工业第五八研究所 军品部,四川 绵阳 621000)摘要:基于捷联式惯导系统的自行火炮火控系统结构简单、成本低、可靠性高,且可采用一次调炮,调炮速度快、直观、精度高,减少了火控系统反应时间。惯导系统的安装工艺简单、测量直接,减少了误差环节。与平台式惯导系统相比,捷联式惯导系统的尺寸和质量大为减少、可靠性高。随着计算技术的发展和捷联式系统用光纤陀螺和激光陀螺的性价比的提高,捷联式惯导系统在自行火炮火控系统中将越来越多的得到应用。关键词:捷联式惯导系统;火控系统;自行火炮Application of Strapdown Inertial Navigation System on Self-Propelled artillery WANG Wei(Dept. of Military Product, No.58 Research Institute of China Ordnance Industries, Mianyang 621000, China)Abstract: The self-propelled artillery fire control system based on strap-down inertial navigation system has simple structure, high reliability and costs few, which can adopt single debugging method to quicken its debugging speed, thus more directly, precisely and decrease response time of fire control system. The inertial system installation and measuring are simple, and reduce the error. Compare with the platform inertial navigation system, the dimension of strap-down inertial navigation system is smaller, and its quality is better and more reliable. According to the development of computer technology, quality improvement, lower price of fiber peg-top and laser peg-top of strap-down system, there will be more and more application of strap-down inertial navigation system on self-propelled artillery fire control system.Keywords: Strap-down; Inertial navigation system; Self-propelled artillery武器装备自动化 基于集对分析的空袭作战方案决策模型周昊 刘桂奇 杨文军(防空兵指挥学院 研究生队,河南 郑州 450052)摘要:基于集对分析理论,提出空袭作战方案的评价模型。通过建立待评估方案决策矩阵,构造理想方案。运用层次分析法确定评价指标权重,形成待评估方案和理想方案联系矩阵。对各项指标值与其相应权重系数线性叠加合成,以同一度大小对备选方案排序选优,为空袭作战方案的选优提供简单、实用的评价方法。关键词:集对分析;层次分析;空袭作战Air-Attack Battle Project Decisional Model According to Set Pair AnalysisZHOU Hao, LIU Gui-qi, YANG Wen-jun(Brigade of Graduate, Air Defense Forces Command Academy, Zhengzhou 450052,China)Abstract: According to set pair analysis theories, put forward the evaluation model of the air-attack battle project. By establishing a need evaluation project decision matrix, construct an ideal project. Ensure evaluation index by making use of the layer analysis method, to build the linked matrix based on the need evaluation project and ideal project. Linearly add corresponding power heavy coefficient to various index sign values, with the same degree of size to choose the project full excellently, thus provide the air-attack battle project with brief and practical evaluation method.Keywords: Set pair analysis; Layer analysis; Air-attack battle*无末修子母弹突击机场跑道火力运用分析刘洪甜1, 薛刚2, 张金忠1, 刘海生3, 金波4(1. 装甲兵工程学院 兵器工程系,北京 100072;2. 天津武警指挥学院 研究生队,天津 300350;3. 济南军区 作战部,济南 250002;4. 炮兵学院 研究生处,合肥 230031)摘要:根据无末修子母弹突击机场跑道的目的,提出分析无末修子母弹对机场跑道实施突击的火力运用的“五步法”流程:选取突击对象的类型、选取子母弹类型、确定瞄准点、计算对机场跑道实施突击的毁伤概率,以及兵力需求分析。关键词:子母弹;机场跑道;火力运用Analyzing Firepower Application of Non-Terminal-Correction Cluster Warhead for Damaging Aerodrome RunwayLIU Hong-tian1, XUE Gang2, ZHANG Jin-zhong1, LIU Hai-sheng3, JIN Bo4(1. Dept. of Weaponry Engineering, Academy of Armoured Force Engineering, Beijing 100072, China;2. Brigade of Graduate, Command College of Chinese Armed Police Force, Tianjin 300350, China; 3. Operation Department, Jinan Military Command, Jinan 250002; 4. Postgraduate Section, Artillery Academy, Hefei 230031, China)Abstract: According to the purpose of the saving missile and damaging aerodrome runway, put forward process of analyzing firepower application during shock actions from the non-terminal-correction cluster warhead to the aerodrome runway, which includes 5 steps: choose the type of the assault targets, choose the type of cluster warhead; select the aiming point, calculate probability about damaging aerodrome by non-terminal-correction cluster warhead, as well as analyze strength requirement.Keywords: Cluster warhead; Aerodrome runway; Fire employment*
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