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CCAR-66部基本技能培训教材拆装接近盖板 编号02-MULT-01 1.介绍Introduction22.施工(操作)步骤22.1普通螺丝钉及其紧固盖板的拆装22.1.1普通螺丝钉及其紧固盖板的拆卸22.1.2普通螺丝钉及其紧固盖板的安装22.2特殊螺丝钉及其紧固盖板的拆装52.2.1特殊螺丝钉及其紧固盖板的拆卸52.2.2普通螺丝钉及其紧固盖板的安装52.3锁扣勤务盖板的开关72.3.1锁扣及其紧固盖板的认识72.3.2锁扣盖板开关的注意事项73.施工(操作)注意事项74.参考文件71.介绍Introduction1.1拆装盖板常用工具:螺刀类、扳手类工具、套筒类;1.2 安装盖板常用紧固件:普通螺丝钉、特殊螺丝钉、锁扣。2.施工(操作)步骤 2.1普通螺丝钉及其紧固盖板的拆装2.1.1普通螺丝钉及其紧固盖板的拆卸A.盖板拆卸的要点 正确选择螺刀头形状和大小或扳手、套筒尺寸。 要先慢速拧松螺钉或螺栓,再用快速工具(比如电枪)将螺钉或螺栓拆下。 有的盖板固定时使用不同的螺钉,拆卸时需要作好标记。 B. 盖板拆卸的步骤(1) Remove the screws or quick-release fasteners.(2) Carefully remove the panel. (3) OR Removal of Access Panels installed with Special Seals:(4) Put the access platform in the necessary position. 2.1.2普通螺丝钉及其紧固盖板的安装A. 盖板安装的要点 为使盖板受力均匀,需对称紧固螺钉或螺栓。 紧固力矩根据AMM手册要求确定。 有密封要求的盖板需要涂胶。 安装结束前,应复检没有漏装螺丝钉,而且全部螺丝钉都拧紧了,必要时用轻轻敲击检查安装质量。B. 盖板安装的步骤(1) Examine the sealing compound on all sides of the aperture and the access panel for signs of damage(若无密封要求,此步只做简单清洁工作即可) If you have to replace the sealing compound, continue as follows: WARNING: METHYL-ETHYL-KETONE IS A FLAMMABLE MATERIAL AND IS DANGEROUS TO YOUR HEALTH. MAKE SURE THERE IS A GOOD FLOW OF AIR AND PUT ON GLOVES. CAUTION: DO NOT GET METHYL-ETHYL-KETON E ON ADHESIVE- BONDED JOINTS BECAUSE IT CAN DAMAGE THE BOND. CAUTION: DO NOT LET METHYL-ETHYL-KETON E TOUCH PAINTED SURFACES FOR LONGER THAN NECESSARY. (a) Carefully remove the old sealing compound with a correct tool (wood or plastic spatula).(b) Soak a clean, lint free cloth in ( methyl-ethyl-ketone ) and carefully clean the surface you have to seal, to remove all signs of the old seal. Let the surface dry in the air.(c) Apply ( adhesive tape ) to give protection to the area you have to seal.(d) Apply ( release agent ) to the surface on the panel you have to seal and let the surface dry for 15to 20minutes.(e) Polish the release agent with a clean, soft cloth until the surface has a constant gloss. (f) Mix sufficient (sealing compound ) as given in the manufacturers instructions.(g) Smoothly apply the sealing compound to the surface you have to seal. Be careful you keep the sealing compound away from thread tapings and make sure there are no bubbles in the compound. (h) Install and attach the panel before the pot life expires and make sure the sealing compound comes out smoothly at the edges of the joint.(i) After the cure time has expired, carefully trim the unwanted sealing compound from the edges and thread tapings with a plastic knife. (j) Examine the sealing compound. It must be smooth and have no defects or cracks. (2) Install and attach the panel. (a) Clean the interface of the access panel and the wing skin with a lint-free cloth. (b) Examine for damage the interfaces of: the access panel the special seal the wing skin the screw holes in the access panel . CAUTION: YOU MUST FOLLOW THESE STEPS ACCURATELY. THIS WILL PREVENT DAMAGE TO THE SCREWS, THE INTERFACES OF THE ACCESS PANEL AND THE WING SKIN. (c) Make sure the work area is clean and clear of tools and equipment before you install the access panel. (d) Make sure the aircraft is in the same configuration as for the removal. (e) Put the access panel in the installation position on the wing. WARNING: MAKE SURE THAT THE ACCESS PANEL IS CORRECTLY ELECTRICALLY BONDED WITH TWO SCREWS TO THE WING STRUCTURE. (f) Install the screws . (g) Torque the screws to 9.4 to 11.4Nm (83 to 97lbfin.)(h) Examine the access panel you have installed for leakage. (3)Job Close-up (a) Install the components that have been removed. (b) Make sure the work area is clean and clear of tools and other items.(c) Remove the access platform. 2.2特殊螺丝钉及其紧固盖板的拆装2.2.1特殊螺丝钉及其紧固盖板的拆卸A.盖板拆卸的要点 正确选择螺刀头形状和大小或扳手、套筒尺寸。 要先慢速拧松螺钉或螺栓,再用快速工具(比如电枪)将螺钉或螺栓拆下。 有些特殊螺钉只须正向转动(拧紧)或反向转动(拧松)90度即可。 有的盖板固定时使用不同的螺钉,拆卸时需要作好标记。 B. 盖板安装的步骤2.2.2普通螺丝钉及其紧固盖板的安装A. 特殊螺丝钉的认识(1) 此种紧固件的结构共由四部分组成:螺钉、锁紧指示环、托把及托把锁块,此外在盖板上有一个锁钩;(2) 拆装此种盖板时,用螺刀正向或反向逆转动螺钉90度,即可完成拧紧或拧松的过程。B. 盖板拆装注意事项(1) 安装此盖板前首先要检查螺钉、锁紧指示环、托把及托把锁块四个部件是否完好,是否有磨损,如果发现有损坏则视情更换损坏的部件。(2) 安装时用螺刀顺时针方向转动螺钉90度,使锁紧指示环上的凹槽垂直于盖板边缘(如下图),最后将螺钉拧紧。(3) 拆下此盖板时用螺刀逆时针方向转动螺钉90度,使锁紧指示环上的凹槽平行于盖板边缘,如果锁紧指示环上的凹槽仍然垂直于盖板边缘,可以继续拧松螺钉,然后用一字螺刀将锁紧指示环上的凹槽拨到使其与盖板边缘相平行状态(如下图)。注意:如果螺钉旋出过多,在安装盖板时可能造成即使凹槽指示正确,但实际拖把仍未到位的情况,请工作者安装前确认拖把没有因螺钉旋出过多而从叉形锁紧指示环中脱开。C. 此种盖板安装的注意事项(1) 在盖板上有一个锁钩(如下图),此锁钩是为了防止旋转式螺母锁紧机构全部失效以后盖板在空中脱落打伤其他部位的,所以在维护工作中建议大家在拆下旋转式螺母锁紧机构以后,不要将锁钩取下。(2) 如果由于工作需要需将此盖板彻底取下,在安装时要注意不要忘记将锁钩锁上。(3) 如何检查此类盖板的安装牢固性将盖板上的旋转式螺母锁紧机构全部锁紧以后,应用手或磁性根部敲击盖板上的旋转式螺母锁紧机构,确定没有任何松动的现象。2.3锁扣勤务盖板的开关2.3.1锁扣及其紧固盖板的认识(1)普通勤务盖板锁扣(2)发动机包皮锁扣图片暂无 2.3.2锁扣盖板开关的注意事项(1) 打开盖板前,确认锁扣已经完全打开;(2) 关闭盖板后,确认锁扣已经完全扣好。可用手轻轻敲击的方法检查。3.施工(操作)注意事项 (1) 对于用普通螺钉安装的盖板,拆装螺钉所选择的螺刀头形状、大小;拆下的螺丝钉必须用布包集
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