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冠词练习题1 _ people attended the meeting last night. A A hundred B Hundred C Hundreds of2 He has already worked for _ hour. A the B an C a3 He wrote a _ report. A two-thousand-words B two-thousand-wordC two-thousands-word D two-thousands-words4 John is _ university student. A some B any C a D an5 That table is made of _. A a wood B some wood C the wood D wood6 He is a student of _. A Class First B the Class OneC Class One D First Class7 I have been waiting for him for _ hour and a half. A the B a C an D whole8 John Smith is _ honest man. A one B an C the D a9 My father told me he was soon going to visit _. A the United State B the United StatesC United States D Unites Stated10 We are going to learn _ next week. A Lesson Twelve B Lesson TwelfthC Twelfth Lesson D the Lesson Twelfth11 About _ of the workers in that steel workers young people. A third-fifths B three-fifthsC three-fives D three-fifth12 Two _ died of cold last winter. A hundreds old people B hundred old peopleC hundreds old peoples D hundred old peoples13 Alice is fond of playing _ piano while Henry is interested in listening to _ music. A /; the B /; / C the; / D the; the14 Oh John _ you gave us! A How a pleasant surprise B How pleasant surpriseC What a pleasant surprise D What pleasant surprise15 Beyond _ stars , the astronaut saw nothing but _ space. A the; / B /; the C /; / D the; the16 Alexander Graham Bell invented _ telephone in 1876. A (不填) B a C the D one17 The hero of the story is an artist in his _. A thirtieth B thirty C thirtys D thirties18 _ terrible weather weve been having these days! A How a B What a C How D What19 Shortly after the accident, two _ police were sent to the spot to keep order. A dozen of B dozens C dozen D dozens of20 -Wheres Jack? - I think hes still in _ bed, but he might just be in _ bathroom. A (不填);(不填) B the; theC the; (不填) D(不填); the21 Many people are still in _ habit of writing silly things in _ public places. A the; the B 不填;不填C the; 不填 D 不填;the22 She is _ newcomer to _ chemistry but she has already made some important discoveries. A the; the B the; 不填 C a; 不填 D a; the23 Dont all speak at once! _, please. A Each at one time B One by one timeC One for each time D One at a time24 Many people agree that _ knowledge of English is must in _ international trade today. A a; 不填 B the; anC the; the D 不填;the答案:1-5 CBBCD 6-10 CCBBA 11-15 BBCCA16-20 CDDCD 21-24 CCDA
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