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一、 为什么要整理这个书目? 该附录只能算一个非常简单的书目概要介绍,要想进一步了解请通过参考维基百科或百度百科了解作者及作品,以判断是否有兴趣进一步深入下去,如做分析阅读,主题阅读等。 类似的书目青年必读书手册 因为是中国人写的书,偏重于中国作品,正好能补充如何阅读一本书书目中国作者及作品 二、整理书目列表 =如何阅读读一本书 附录一 建议阅读书目= 1. Homer (9th century B.C.?) Iliad Odyssey 荷马-伊利亚特、奥德赛 伊利亚特(古希腊描写特洛伊战争的英雄史诗,相传为荷马所作) 奥德赛(希腊的六步格史诗,传说为荷马所作,描述了奥德修斯在特洛伊遭洗劫之后十年的游历;他最终回到故乡伊萨卡岛,并杀死了乘他不在时折磨他妻子珀涅罗珀的求婚者) 2. The Old Testament 未知-旧约 3. Aeschylus (c. 525-456 B.C. ) Tragedies 埃斯库罗斯(希腊的悲剧作家埃斯库罗斯)-悲剧 4. Sophocles (c. 495-406 B.C. ) .Tragedies 索福克勒斯-悲剧 索福克勒斯(约公元前496前406,希腊戏剧家,他存世的七部作品都以情节曲折、人物性格刻画深刻,以及书中审视凡人和神命的关系问题著称;代表戏剧:安提戈涅和俄狄浦斯王,亦称暴君俄狄浦斯王) 5. Herodotus (c. 484-425 B.C. ) History (of the Persian Wars) 希罗多德-历史 希罗多德(公元前5世纪,希腊历史学家,第一位系统搜集资料的历史学家,资料的准确性得到一定程度的检测,结构合理,叙述生动) 6. Euripides (c. 485-406 B.C. ) .Tragedies (esp. Medea, Hippolytus, The Bacchae) 欧里庇得斯-悲剧 特别:美狄亚、希波吕托斯、酒神的伴侣 欧里庇得斯(公元前480-约公元前 406,希腊剧作家,其现存的19部戏剧表明他在处理传统神话中的重要创新,如引入现实主义、对女性心理的兴趣以及对变态心理的描写;代表作有:美狄亚、希波吕托斯、厄勒克特拉、特洛伊妇女和酒神的伴侣) 7. Thucydides (c. 460-400 B.C. ) History of the Peloponnesian War 修昔底德-伯罗奔尼撒战争史 修昔底德(约前455约前400,希腊历史学家,其传世之作伯罗奔尼撒战争分析了战争的起源和过程,在战争中他为雅典而战) 8. Hippocrates (c. 460-377? B.C. ) .Medical writings 希波克拉底-医学著作 希波克拉底(约公元前460前377,希腊医生,传统上被视为医学之父;由于他与一批古希腊医学著作(也许无一本是他的手笔)的联系,医疗职业所用的希波克拉底誓言署以他的名字) 9. Aristophanes (c. 448-380 B.C. ) Comedies (esp. The Clouds, The Birds, The Frogs) 阿里斯托芬-喜剧 特别:云、鸟、青蛙 (c. 450 c. 385 bc), Greek comic dramatist. His surviving plays are characterized by exuberant language and the satirization of leading contemporary figures. Notable works: Lysistrata, the Birds, the Frogs 阿里斯托芬(约公元前450约前385,希腊喜剧作家,现存作品以词藻华丽并讽刺同期名人为特征;代表作品:利西翠妲、鸟、蛙) 10. Plato (c. 427-347 B.C.) Dialogues (esp. The Republic, Symposium, Phaedo, Meno, Apology, Phaedrus, Protagoras, Gorgias, Sophist, Theaetetus ) 柏拉图-对话录 特别:理想国、会饮、斐多、枚农、申辩篇、斐德罗、普罗太戈拉、高尔吉亚、智者、泰阿泰德 (c.429c.347 BC), Greek philosopher. A disciple of Socrates and the teacher of Aristotle, he founded the Academy in Athens. His theory of “ideas” or “forms” contrasts abstract entities or universals with their objects or particulars in the material world. His philosophical writings are presented in the form of dialogues, and his political theories appear in the Republic. 哲学家柏拉图(plato)在雅典创办著名的柏拉图学园,培养了一大批数学家,成为早期毕氏学派和后来长期活跃的亚历山大学派之间联系的纽带。欧多克斯(Eudoxus)是该学园最著名的人物之一,他创立了同时适用于可通约量及不可通约量的比例理论。柏拉图的学生亚里士多德(Aristotle)是形式主义的奠基者 11. Aristotle (384-322 B.C. ) .Works (esp. Organon, Physics, Metaphysics, On the Soul, The Nichomachean Ethics, Politics, Rhetoric, Poetics) 亚里士多德-全部作品 特别:工具论、物理学、形而上学、论灵魂、尼各马科伦理学、政治学、修辞术、诗学 A pupil of Plato and tutor to Alexander the Great, he founded a school (the Lyceum) outside Athens. He is one of the most influential thinkers in the history of Western thought and his work was central to Arabic and medieval philosophy. His surviving works cover a vast range of subjects, including logic, ethics, metaphysics, politics, natural science, and physics 12. Epicurus (c. 341-270 B.C. ) Letter to Herodotus Letter to Menoeceus 伊壁鸠鲁-致希罗多德信、致梅瑙凯信 (341270 bc), Greek philosopher, founder of Epicureanism. His physics is based on Democritus theory of a materialist universe composed of indestructible atoms moving in a void, unregulated by divine providence 伊壁鸠鲁(公元前341前270,希腊哲学家,伊壁鸠鲁学说的创始人,其自然哲学基础是德谟克利特唯物主义宇宙理论:宇宙是由在空间运转着的、不可毁灭的原子组成,而不受神意支配) 13. Euclid (fl.c. 300 B.C. ) Elements (of Geometry) 欧几里得-几何原本 (c.300 bc), Greek mathematician. His great work Elements of Geometry, which covered plane geometry, the theory of numbers, irrationals, and solid geometry, was the standard work until other kinds of geometry were discovered in the 19th century 欧几里得(约公元前300年,希腊数学家,他的伟大著作几何原本涵盖了平面几何、数论、无理数和立体几何,在19世纪发现其他几何之前,这本著作一直是公认的经典之作) 14. Archimedes (c. 287-212 B.C. ) .Works ( esp. On the Equilibrium of Planes, On Floating Bodies, The Sand-Reckoner) 阿基米德-所有著作 特别:论平板的平衡、论浮体、沙粒计算 (c. 287212 bc), Greek mathematician and inventor, of Syracuse. He is famous for his discovery of Archimedes principle (legend has it that he made this discovery while taking a bath, and ran through the streets shouting Eureka!); among his mathematical discoveries are the ratio of the radius of a circle to its circumference, and formulas for the surface area and volume of a sphere and of a cylinder 阿基米德(约公元前287前212,古希腊锡拉丘斯数学家、发明家,以发现阿基米德原理而著称相传他洗澡时发现这一原理之后在大街上边跑边喊Eureka!,在数学方面的发现有圆周率以及球体、圆柱体的表面积及体积的计算公式) 15. Apollonius of Perga (fl.c. 240 B.C.) .On Conic Sections 阿波罗尼奥斯-
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