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,1 Tony lives _ ( far) from the school in his class. 2 Going by bus is the _( good) way to get to school. 3 I think going by bicycle is _ ( danger) way of all. 4 Linglings home is _( close) to school. 5 Daming has _(fast) journey by bicycle.,farthest,best,the most dangerous,closest,the fastest,用所给单词的适当形式填空:,根据所给汉语完成句子: 1 他住得离学校最远。 He lives _ _ the school. 2 乘车是去上学最好的方法。 Going by bus is _ _ _ to get to school. 3 它是世界上最快的火车。 Its _ _ train in the world. 4 Mike 有时候乘船回家度假。 _ Mike _ home _ his holidays _ ship.,farthest frOm,the best way,the fastest,Sometimes,goes,for,by,Describing things with adjectives,常用的系动词有: be, grow, smell, become, keep, sound, feel, look, taste, get, seem, turn ,用形容词描述人或物时,可以放在名词前面,也可以放在系动词后面。,She is tall. She is a tall girl. She has long hair. Her hair is long.,What does she look like?,What is the cat doing?,A lazy cat is sleeping on the sofa. The cat is lazy.,形容词、副词比较级和最高级复习,一、单音节和 部分双音节词,Task1: 形容词和副词比较级和最高级构成,1.slow fast young tall 2.fine late 3.thin big 4.easy lucky,slower slowest,younger youngest,一般在词尾加 er, est,以字母e 结尾的词,加 r,st,重读闭音节词只有一个辅音字母时,双写辅音字母,加 er,est,以辅音字母加“y”结尾的双音节词,先改“y”为“i”再加er,est,finer finest,later latest,easier easiest,thinner thinnest,bigger biggest,luckier luckiest,taller tallest,faster fastest,二、多音节和部分双音节词,delicious easily,more delicious most delicious,more easily most easily,better best,worse worst,more most,farther farthest further furthest,less least,不规则变化 good/well bad/badly/ill many/much little far,在词前加more或most,small fast short big hot thin fat red,large fine nice close happy dry early heavy,smallest,fastest,shortest,biggest,hottest,thinnest,fattest,largest,finest,nicest,closest,happiest,driest,earliest,reddest,heaviest,1. 以上规则是针对单音节和少数双音节形容词或副词 2. 下面是多音节和少数双音节形容词或副词,3. 形容词或副词的不规则变化,Peter,Tony,Look at the boys. Tom is very young. Tony is _ than Tom. Who is _ _? Peter is .,Tom,younger,the youngest,Summer is hot. Summer is _ than spring. Winter is cold. Winter is _ than autumn.,hotter,colder,The earth is _ .,The moon is big.,The sun is _ _ of the three .,bigger,the biggest,He is _ than she. She is _ than he. She is _ than it. He is _ _ . It is _ _ .,heavier,lighter,heavier,the heaviest,the lightest,heavy,light,The football is _ than the bench. The bench is _ _ than the football. The bike is _ _ _ of all.,80 yuan,120 yuan,180 yuan,cheaper,more expensive,the most expensive,The children are good at English. Peters English is _ . Kens English is _ than Peter. Annes English is _ _ . But her math is _ _ of the three.,Girls do _ ( well ) in language study than boys.,good,better,the best,the worst,better,8yuan/a kilo,10yuan/a kilo,20 yuan/a kilo,1,2,3,The third chicken is cheap. The second one is cheaper. The first one is the cheapest of all.,比一比,说一说.,Green ruler is long.,Yellow ruler is longer than the green ruler.,Red ruler is the longest.,Xiao Hua is taller than xiao Fang,Xiao Fang,Xiao Hua,Xiao Ming,Xiao Ming is taller than xiao Hua.,So xiao Ming is the tallest .,long,longer,longest,shortest,short,shorter,smallest,small,smaller,cheapest,cheaper,cheap,They are very delicious .,Which one would you like?,nicest,nice,nicer,heav,y,ier,iest,biggest,bigger,big,the most interesting,Country:,interesting,more interesting,City :,the beautiful,beautiful,beautiful,more,most,tallest,tall,taller,Mr Ring is taller than Mr Read .,Mr Green is taller than Mr Ring and Mr Read is the tallest of the three men .,Jim is young . Lucy is younger than Jim . Kate is younger than Lucy. So Kate is the youngest of the three/all .,Whose drawing is ? Whose drawing is ? Whose drawing is the of all ?,good,better,best,City,Country,l,Which do you like better,the city or the country?,The bike is going fast .,The tractor is going faster .,The taxi is going the fastest .,Which do you like best ,dogs,cats or chickens?,happy (高兴的),clever (聪明的) the cleverest (最聪明的),The superlative form (最高级) 对三个或三个以上的人或事物进行比较,来表达最高、最远、最快等意义,the happiest (最高兴的),The superlative forms (最高级),busy,far,fast,the fastest,famous(著名的) expensive(昂贵的) comfortable(舒服的),safe,the safest,the farthest,the busiest,the most famous,the most expensive,the most comfortable,rich(有钱的),the richest,tall, animals,giraffes,elephants,big, animals,long, wall,the Great Wall,rich, man in the world,fast, in China,tall, basketball player in China,A+be+the+adj(最高级)+of/in Jack是这五个男孩中最高的。 Jack is the tallest of the five boys. 长城是中国最著名的. The Great Wall is the most famous in China.,Exercises,A+V+(the)+adv(最高级)+of/in 她是所有学生当中学习最认真。 She studies (the) m
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