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第五讲 Wheres my schoolbag?适用学科初中英语适用年级初中一年级适用区域人教版(新目标)课时时长(分钟)90知识点1.介词辨析:表示地点的介词;2.疑问副词;3.系动词:就近原则;4.特殊疑问句:there be句型;句型转换;连词成句教学目标1.知识与技能: 学会表示地点的介词及短语的运用,能对常用物品位置进行提问。能够描述自己的房间;2.过程与方法:能灵活运用所学知识,提高自己发现并解决问题的能力。通过独立思考和小组合作, 能灵活运用方位介词,where特殊疑问句对物品位置进行问与答;3.情感态度价值观:养成规范物品位置摆放的习惯。有理想中房间的模板,并为之奋斗。规范初中英语的学习思路,培养灵活运用规则的水平!全力以赴,激情投入,享受学习的快乐!教学重点1.物品位置描述及对位置提问;2.描述自己房间物品位置教学难点1.物品位置描述及对位置提问;2.描述自己房间物品位置教学过程 一、复习预习【复习】1. Whats this _ English? Its _ eraser.A. at, aB. in, anC. of, aD. on, an2. If you have any trouble, please _ the police _ 110.A. call, inB. ask, forC. call, atD. ask, in3. A set of _ on the table.A. book, isB. books, areC. book, areD. books, is4. If you have any trouble, please ask the police _ help.A. ofB. forC. toD. at5. _ a book? -Yes, _. A. That is, that isB. Is that, that itC. That is, it isD. Is that, it is【预习】6. This is my pencil. (变一般疑问句) _ _ _ pencil?7. His name is Mike. (对划线部分提问) _ _ _ name?8. My books are on the desk. (变一般疑问句)_ _ _ on the desk?9. The schoolbag is under the table. (对划线部分提问) _ _ the schoolbag?10. The map is on the wall. (变否定句) The map _ _ on the wall.二、知识讲解1. 词汇知识【知识点1】where是个疑问副词“哪里,在哪里”,对地点提问。【应用】The book is on the table.(对划线部分提问) _ is the book?【知识点2】回答问题时,单数名词用it代指,复数名词用they代指。【应用】(1)-Where is the key? -_ is under the chair. (2)-Where are the keys? -_ are under the chair.【知识点3】表示物体位置的介词 (1)在上 on (2)在里 in (3)在下 under 【应用】The books are _ (in, on) the bookcase.【知识点4】know是一个动词,意思是“知道,认识,了解”。I dont know her very well. 我不十分了解她。【应用】-Where are my keys? -_. A. Sorry, I dont know.B. Excuse me. C. Thank you. D. Nice to meet you.【知识点5】think动词,意思是“认为”,变否定句时否定前移。【应用】I think the hat is Marys. (变否定句) I _ think the hat _ Marys.【知识点6】连词:and“和,又,而且”,but“但是”,or“或者,否则”。【应用】(1) Come on _ have a good day! A. andB. butC. orD. so (2) I know his first name, _ I dont know his last name. A. andB. butC. orD. so【知识点7】here 这里 there哪里 home家 everywhere到处,是地点副词,前不用to。【应用】(1)Come _ here! (2)Do you want to go _ there? (3)Tom often gets _ home at 6:00 p.m.(4)Ginas books are _ everywhere.A. inB. onC. toD. /【知识点8】频率副词:always总是 often经常 sometimes有时 never从不 在句中的位置:实前系后(实义动词前,系动词后)【应用】My room is _ tidy. My mother says I am a good boy.A. alwaysB. sometimesC. neverD. not【知识点9】take动词“带走” (1)taketo“带去”(2)bringto“带来”【应用】-Tom, _ your homework to school tomorrow. -OK, I will, Miss Zhang.A. takeB. bringC. giveD. buy【知识点10】can情态动词,意思是“能,会” (1)后接动词原形 (2)直接加not,变否定 (3)提到句首,变疑问句【应用】I can _ my ABC.A. sayB. saysC. sayingD. said2. 词汇拓展1) on(反义词) under 2)he, she, it(复数)they3)no(同音词) know 4)take(对应词) bring 5)come(反义词)go6)cap(反义词)hat7)model plane易错为plane model3. 重点句子或句式【知识点1】描述物体位置的句式:(1)主语 + 系动词be + 介词短语 译为“某物在某地”,可能丢be动词(2)There be + 主语 + 介词短语 译为“有某物在某地”There be 译为“有”,遵循“就近原则”,以离be最近的名词为准。【应用】1. 飞机模型在桌子上。(译为英语) _ 2. There _ a radio and two hats on the sofa. A. amB. isC. areD. be 3. There _ two hats and a radio on the sofa. A. amB. isC. areD. be【知识点2】Gina always asks. 吉娜总是问。 本句是“主+谓+宾”结构,经常发生的事,主语是一个人,谓语动词用单数。 动词变单数,与名词变复数的规则相同。【应用】My English teacher _ Im a clever(聪明的) student.A. thinkB. thinksC. thoughtD. thinking4. 重点语法讲解 【知识点】句型转换(1)变否定句:在be动词(am, is, are) 后加not(2)变一般疑问句:把be动词(am, is, are)提到句首 回答时,单数物品名词用it代替,复数名词用they代替(3)对划线部分提问:先用 特殊疑问词代替划线部分放于句首再将剩余部分变一般疑问句。(注意人称变化)【应用】The radio is on the bed. (1)变否定句:_. (2)变一般疑问句:_. (3)对划线部分提问:_?三、例题精析【例题1】【题干】W is the book? It is on the desk.【例题2】【题干】Where are my pencils? T are in your pencil case.【例题3】【题干】-Where is my quilt? -Its _ the bed.A. on B. in C. under D. behind【例题4】【题干】Please take the book _ your teacher. A. on B. in C. under D. to【例题5】【题干】My mom can _ “eraser”.A. spells B. spelling C. spelt D. spell【例题6】【题干】Sorry, Mr. Zhu. I left (忘记) my homework at home.-Thats OK. Can you _ it here tomorrow(明天)? A. takeB. bringC. spellD. be【例题7】【题干】I
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