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,Part A Lets learn,Unit 1 Hello!,Hello!,Hello, xxx, do oh do! Hello, xxx, do oh do! Hello, xxx, do oh do! Hello. Hello. Hello!,The argument in the pencil box 铅笔盒里的争吵,There live some good friends in a pencil box. (一个铅笔盒里住着几个好朋友。) One day , they have an argument about who is the most important. (一天,他们争论谁是最重要的。),Im important. I can write the beautiful words. (我重要。我能写出优美 的文字。),pencil,Im important. I can erase the wrong words. (我重要。我能擦掉 错字。),eraser,Im important. I can draw a line. Students need me In the math class. (我重要。我能画直线。 学生们在数学课上会需 要我。),ruler,Im important. I can draw the,beautiful pictures. (我重要。我能画出美丽的画。),crayon,The stationery is very important for us . So we should love them and protect them.,(爱护文具,从我做起),Practice,I have a /an ,Game 1 Whats in the pencil box? (铅笔盒里有什么?),Game2 Lucky turntable (幸运转盘),GO!,GO!,GO!,GO!,Game3 The golden eyes (火眼金睛),pencil,ruler,crayon,eraser,Q: Which word is in on the yellow card? 黄色卡片上的是哪个单词?,crayon,crayon,eraser,pencil,ruler,Q: Which word is in on the yellow card? 粉色卡片上的是哪个单词?,eraser,crayon,pencil,eraser,ruler,Q: Which word is in on the yellow card? 粉色卡片上的是哪个单词?,ruler,Homework,1. Listen to the tape and repeat. 2. Say which stationery you have .,
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