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What if one day we are denied access to TV series? It is an open-and-shut case. The nation will suffer great financial loss since China now is in the midst of a TV series boom in an echo of its economic prosperity; the people will be confused as to how to kill their spare time. 如果有一天我们不能再看电视剧了那会怎样?这是个不言而喻的问题。中国的电视剧产业经济非常繁荣,如果没有了电视剧,中国的经济将会遭受沉重打击:人们将会不知道如何消磨闲暇时光。 Yes, for some couch potatoes, the reality and fears may dawn on them gradually. As the ultimate code of seduction of modern age, TV series has carried a more profound subtext that is not hard to discern: it has been entrusted with the hope to provide a safe and sound spiritual world. It has been loaded with the retrieval of sentiments they can hardly find in their daily lives: the willingness to sympathize, the capability to love, the bravery to refute and the rationalism to reason. For all day long, theyve been indulged in the mania for spiced-up stories of different themes, without which I suspect theyd like to circulate a petition just in the hope that their life would not go off the rails. 的确,对于一些电视迷来说,将会渐渐理解现实的残酷。电视剧就像是现代社会最后的一抹魅力,它的潜台词不难理解:它是人们精神世界的寄托。它承载着人们在现实生活中很难体会到的感觉:甘愿付出、真诚的怜悯、爱的能力、反驳的勇气和理性主义。 But, if you cant find another target that is attractive enough to distract your attention, you can hardly shake off your identity as a slave to TV series. Thats where the real bottlenecks are. 然而,如果你不能找到另外一个目标去转移你的吸引力,那你就很难改变你是一个电视奴的身份。这就是真正的瓶颈所在 I think this might be the correct title “The life without television“ Well.Ladies and Gentlemen, today Id like to talk about television.Television has became a very important part of our daily life nowadays.It is a good way to relax and entertain.But have you ever imgined that the life without television? .something you wanna write here. :) Television is dangerous for developing childrens mind.Children today watch too much television.Children watch far more television than their parents realise.Children should only watch television when there is an educational program showing or on special occasions.It is a terrible habit to just casually turn on the television and leaves it on for hours of time.Remember, when you switch on the television, you are switching off your childs mind.Please make a wise decision and limit your childs television time. Thank you. So above all, I think the life without television is also beautiful. Nowadays, most of people have television. And our lives seen can not leave television: after working or supper, we always sit ahead of television; when we are tired or feel boring, we also turn on the television. But if our life without television, what will happen? As is known to all, television brings much fun to us. Then we spend so much time on the television. So if our life without television, we cant so quickly to get the information. And maybe we will fell void at first. But instead, we can do many others things. For example, reading, sports and so on. Today, many people spend little time on reading and sports. Maybe they think reading is too boring and sports is too tiring. As a result of these, many people are lacking of thinking and its easy for them to get weight. And worst of all, their body and the spirit become no healthy. Therefore, if our life without television, we can spend more time on reading and sports. Then we can have “real health”. In words, television can do us else good or harm, all depending on us. So we must control the time to use the television. Only in this way, we can get more benefits from the television.
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