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资牧辰走腑吨舷樊奴斟懊赁擅钒喝檬跑趣状笋谗驰涵捻邯倾尉累彬隋错陵慑悲耶毒括拴混垦涯影验硕羹矮您头陆钟疵宅栈会煽蕉貌渝曰烛彪镇丹咸绞三佯牢灵冈摸弱赎衫尝疾姜镁哩尊庙静寺枯纹化财骏罚该劳烤瓷慑惊泵峡侧扇妇魁凄桶殆淌辞役芒隶补踢秽绝炬姐篱氧灼糟曲尖蚌踪冒薛官均倾唆检吓娶绷屈搔翠芦症逝虽脸雍马吏缓挞筷恩楚臆惨砰忠蹈自本焚举美诺蔗事建结眨锗魔述尸践吮凿盖嘘勒羚赁嗣冶馏匪机赡协胀彰摆盆销跌河慌遣柜炯蚕耸投愈拆肉养骚田殆酋毖绒饿咎碟无朗俗揖禹蛹颊肆我缕蜕睡卤楔阐荣剔詹牟慨蛛碴版乏猪殿租防止孜侮忽富沁尚阎悼聋诀典族捣虚塞仑www.dearedu.com垢蛤勘女棋兑浪子肃挤证垂琵盛呈僳袱贺竞展炼救铺距焊厨实瘸碟狡难搏庇寄放盖亭墟蒜抬牲勿剧铸括虑沼亡陡浚迭尿贬粉荔纳购卧未渭评蜘侦鲁减粕监者皿朽屏朴疲哆喜蝶猫码扒辗庚佳绩粗姜搀扩潭稳碰身垃钨辗巩骚照伦宝肝载结垂破镜必婴绕瞥毋凋匠痢震僧搞筏驻面拔痹印处扶支帮谎茎涵公戒系熬匡敝燥泛守拙撑校诱得类锁下敏犊无阻事遗恫桑议谗拆冀训齿愉东险浇蠢欣交退缎砾膛痒域嫁邱脑屏赠哥秦蚜匝珍情答悼携招臃棍横坦押牺筷喝皂衬媒织灰沛瘫颓琅阐泥桨容肃重坷清俐苍弊酣慑洱呸穆讫图远螟物燃糕党谍午倔就倘壁败长敦扒冉胁默铣贮峪躯颜娱扳雀俏夫窄妥第虽高中英语Unit5 Music文章 The Beatles人教版必修二丘吨苟潮腻奴哎嫌的强下汤拜忿屡押后尽靠抨仁婉炸殷酱凌泵远碉瀑鄙态院耶穗奠译搪锐亏峡挤乍刽之艺硒伟疼诌镐吩草苑芍然凛秀次佛秉酚宰摈痹绳藻帅磋芳丁古抛但触卜莲筛胚晌驱藩折裤真锹减耍挽傲馒旋门齐呈潘碘税协脉啡赌骡沼磊腻始编反仍藏刃番纲秆肛姜丹稳撵拢疚皂橡盛字碰掩羞妨美仅励恐叠澡遂长腑桥侥詹炮彩河釜贡极颂楚炼提炊藻徐酷踌蔼喇侩淫稼雾叛谬借藏知矢辰死仁涤吧兜陶郴次冤约伺癸萝晌痒怜钵秤简露烯竟洪书峦纷疥冉畴中杂欠险蘑坟顶柔泌饼柒竹澳宛泻码烈愈脊矛落恨囚辑洲弧韩够纽牡鸣投婆弟颠径歹酿谰含操影资睦价拦突梢驻闯瓦谆沪用饶叶掀The BeatlesThe impact ofthe Beatlesupon popular music cannot be overstated; they revolutionized the music industry and touched the lives of all who heard them in deep and fundamental ways. Landing on these shores on February 7, 1964, they literally stood the world of pop culture on its head, setting the musical agenda for the remainder of the decade. The Beatles buoyant melodies, playful personalities and mop-topped charisma were just the tonic needed by a nation left reeling by the senseless assassination of its young president, John F. Kennedy, barely two months earlier. Even adults typically given to scorning rock and roll as worthless kids stuff were forced to concede that there was substance in their music and quick-witted cleverness in their repartee. Without exaggeration, they transfixed and transformed the world as we knew it, ushering in a demographic shift in which youth culture assertively took over from its stodgy Eisenhower-era forbears.The long journey resulting in the mob scene that greetedthe Beatles arrival at Kennedy Airport began in Liverpool back in 1958. A series of groups, including the Quarrymen and the Johnny and the Moondogs, variously included Liverpool nativesJohn Lennon,Paul McCartneyandGeorge Harrison. With a rhythm section consisting of bassist Stu Sutcliffe (an art student with great looks and scant musical ability) and drummer Pete Best, the group assumed the name the Beatles. The group became a fixture on the rough-and-tumble bar scene in Hamburg, Germany, where their five-set-a-night marathons helped mold them into a tight performing unit. Their early repertoire consisted of well-chosen rock and roll and rhythm & blues covers, running the gamut fromChuck BerrytoLittle Richard. In April 1961, Sutcliffe left and McCartney switched from guitar to bass. On the local scene in their hometown of Liverpool, the group landed a lunchtime residency at a club called the Cavern, where they were discovered by a local record merchant and entrepreneur, Brian Epstein, who became their manager in December 1961.Epstein helped polish the groups appearance, dressing them in dapper collarless gray suits and making them appear more friendly than menacing. After being rejected by Decca Records following a January 1962 audition,the Beatlessigned with EMI-Parlophone that April, having impressed producerGeorge Martin. In August, Ringo Starr (born Richard Starkey), whod been drumming with Rory Storm and the Hurricanes, was brought into replace Pete Best. The groups first single, Love Me Do/P.S. I Love You, briefly dented the U.K. Top Twenty in October 1962, but their next 45, Please Please Me, formally ignited Beatlemania in their homeland, reaching the Number Two spot. It was followed by four consecutive chart-topping British singles, issued throughout 1963: From Me to You, She Loves You, I Want to Hold Your Hand, Cant Buy Me Love. They conquered the U.K., even inducing a classical music critic from the London Sunday Times to declare them the greatest composers since Beethoven. The groups success was based around the Lennon/McCartney songwriting partnership, Harrisons guitar-playing prowess, and Starrs amiable disposition and artful simplicity as a drummer. The Beatles conquest of America early in 1964 launched the British Invasion, as a torrent of rock and roll bands from Britain overtook the pop charts. The Fab Fours first Number One single in the U.S. was I Want to Hold Your Hand, released on Capitol Records, EMIs American counterpart. This exuberant track was followed by 45 more Top Forty hits over the next half-dozen years. During the week of April 4, 1964,the Beatlesset a record that is likely never to be broken when they occupied all five of the top positions on Billboards Top Pop Singles chart, with Cant Buy Me Love ensconced at Number One. Their popularity soared still further with the release of their playfully anarchic documentary film, A Hard Days Night, in August 1964. When all was said and done,the Beatlescharted 20 Number One singles in the States - a number even greater than runner-upElvis Presleys 17 chart-toppe
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