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北师大英语 必修四 短语归纳Learning to learn1. be similar to 与相似2. discuss sth. with sb. 和某人讨论某事3. take every opportunity to do sth. 利用一切机会做某事4. put off 推迟5. at present 目前6. in danger of . 有. 的危险7. work sth. out 找着问题的答案;打算;计划8. round up 使聚拢起来9. round .off 圆满结束10. on the Internet 在网上Unit10 1out of work 失业2. do well in 在方面做得好3. be determined to do sth.有决心做4. dream up虚构出,凭空想出5. be concerned about 关心6. turn ones back on sth.避开,拒绝接受7. give away赠送,泄露8. drop out退出,退学9. no way肯定不,没门10. take off打折扣,减掉;匆匆离开;脱掉;拿掉;起飞11. be enthusiastic about/over sth对热情/热心12. be confident of对.有信心13. come on快点儿;加油,加把劲;高兴一点;别逗了,算了吧!来呀(吧)14. comment on sth.评论某事15. pocket money 零花钱16. to be exact 确切地说17. appeal to 吸引18. keep the balance of 保持.的平衡19. point of view 观点20. if so 如果这样的话21. for a start 首先,第一22. whats more 而且,更重要的是23. think twice 再三考虑24. go through 穿过/越25. credit card 信用卡26. move walk around 四处走动27. be keen to do sth. 渴望做28. have fun with sb.和某人玩得开心29. with ease 轻松地Unit 11 1. soap opera 肥皂剧2. current affairs 时事3. stand for 代表,支持,容忍4. react to 对做出反应5. in detail 详细地6. of concern( to sb.)令(某人担心的,是(某人)所关心的7. have the distinction of doing sth有荣誉/殊荣8 come down to sth 可归结为;结果是9. rush hour (上下班的)交通高峰期10. provide sth. for sb. 为某人提供某物11. private life 私人生活12. a series of 一系列13. in favor of支持,赞成,有利于14. come out 出来,出版15. disagree with sb. 不赞成意见;(气候,食物)对某人有不良影响16. turn to sb.向某人求助17. turn away把打法走;把拒之门外18. consist of 有组成/构成19. apply to应用于20. stand out 突出,显眼21. linkwith/to 与有联系22. participate in 参加23. an amount of 大量的24. more than 比更25. crash into 冲撞26. get stuck in. 陷入,困入27. cant stop doing 忍不住28. in the way 挡道;妨碍29. go ahead with . 开始做,着手干30. owe to把归功于应感激Unit 12 1. get confused 弄糊涂2. in advance 预先3. put sb.up /put up sb.为某人提供膳宿4. eat out 下馆子;出去吃5. give sb a lift捎某人一乘,让某人搭便车6. make a request请求7. drop sb off(让.)下车,把.放下8. stare at凝视9. sound like听起来好像 10. keep on doing sth.持续做某事11. insist on doing sth坚持做某事12. see sb. off给某人送行13. for the first time第一次14. first of all首先15. belong to属于16. attachto把贴在/缚在;把重点放在 17. look out for当心18. take sth. seriously严肃对待某事19. a load of;loads of许多,很多20. at dusk黄昏时刻21. opposite to与相反22. make a phone call to( 给)打电话23. at the beginning of 在. 的开始24. help sb out帮某人摆脱困境/解决难题25. have a sense of有.的感觉26. be associated with与.有关系;与.有关27. tell of描述,叙述28. bring an end to 结束,终止29. be sensitive to对.敏感;易受影响30. as for 至于;关于
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