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华夏大地自考“英语二”重点班互动直播内容(七):翻译简析 一、汉译英(Translation from Chinese into English) 应试技巧题解本题共有五个汉语句子,要求译成英语,每句3分,共15分。主要测试考生主动运用英语的能力。通常每个句子包含一个或一个以上的语法重点,如时态,被动语态,非谓语动词,复合句,虚拟语气,强调句,倒装句或某个常用词组的应用。按考试大纲规定,汉译英题中的句子应根据教材中的句子编写的。由于教材课文中的句子大多数都比较长,所以实际考试的句子一般比原文的句子简短,有的句子就是课文中原句,有的则是教材以外的句子,根据教材中的语法、课文或词汇练习题编写。备考及应试技巧1 事先筹划,再来做题在翻译每一个句子时,一定要事先筹划:先要想好译成什么样的英语句子结构,是简单句还是复合句,或者是强调句、倒装句。如果选用了复合句,那么要明确哪部分是主句,从句采用的形式,是定语从句、状语从句还是其他的从句。在一个句子内,主语是什么,谓语用什么时态,是主动还是被动语态,要不要用虚拟语气,这些都要事先策划好。然后再动笔进行翻译。遣词造句过程中,要格外注意一些细节问题:1)仔细斟酌、选用最能确切表达原文意思的英文单词或词组;2)名词的复数形式,动词的不规则变化,主谓语的一致性:3)单词的拼写,标点符号,大小写,冠词的使用等。任何一个细节注意不到都可能出错丢分。举例:他的行为好象小孩子一样。He behaves as if he were a child. (注意主谓一致,虚拟语气)学好一门语言是不容易的。It is not easy to master a language. (不定式作实际主语)It is not easy to learn a language well. 我认为他们不会推迟这次旅行的。 I dont think (that) they will put off this trip. (习惯用法)科学给我们的生活带来了许多变化。Science has brought about many changes in our lives.(注意动词时态:现在完成时)2、灵活处理,提高把握在翻译过程中,有时可能碰到一些英语单词不会写,这时千万不能灰心丧气,甚至放弃整个句子。这时可以寻找意思相近,而且自己熟悉的词或词组来代替。最好不要把那个词空着,更不要用汉字或拼音去替代。对句子的结构同样也可以灵活处理,有些没把握的结构,可以用比较有把握的结构来代替。例如,复合句没有把握,可以用两个简单句来表示;分词做状语没有把握,可以用状语从句来代替等等。举例: 这个由10人组成的委员会一致支持这一决定。 The panel which was composed of 10 members supported the decision with one voice.The committee which was made up of 10 people supports the decision.The board which consist of 10 members all supported the decision . The board consisting of 10 members all supported the decision .箱子太重了,那孩子搬不动。The box is too heavy for the child to carry.The box is so heavy that the child cant move it. 3、注意书写和卷面整洁这个问题常常被考生所忽略。有的考生在考试中,将一些不良的书写习惯也用于答卷,例如:英文字母的 “r”“V”,不分,“i” “l”,不分, “a” “o”不分,有的常常遗忘标点符号,从而造成不必要的丢分。复习在对翻译题进行备考复习时,首先对以往做过的“汉译英”作业进行复习,特别是作业中的错误之处,要进行思考,以求提高翻译水平和技巧。从最近几年的考试情况来看,汉译英主要包括主句、定语从句、状语从句、形容词或副词的比较级、被动语态、 虚拟语气、it作形式主语或形式宾语、强调句型等。当然,汉译英的目的是将汉语的句意用规范的英语表达出来,用什么语法结构和词语是手段问题,只要译文的句意与原文一致,不出现重大的语法错误,拼写正确,就符合翻译的要求。最后,给同学们选30句汉译英练习题,请大家在课后认真做题,并体会翻译技巧。汉译英练习1、 随着研究技术的日益先进,用于实验的动物的数量可能会减少。As research techniques become more advanced, the number of animals used in experiments may decrease.2、 应不应该允许医生结束他人的生命呢?Should doctors be allowed to take the lives of others?3、 经理们所做的一切均与决策有关。Everything a manager does involves decision. / What managers do involves decision.4、 观察和研究结果表明,生活在发达国家的人们越来越关心生活质量。.Observations and research findings indicate that people in advanced societies are inceasingly concerned with the quality of life.5、 白日做梦对你的身心健康大有裨益。 .Daydreaming is highly beneficial to your physical and mental well-being.6、 虽然他们同意生命很重要,应该受到尊重, 但他们觉得生活质量不容忽视。Although they agree that life is important and should be respected, they feel that the quality of life should not be ignored.7、 时差反应是每一个国际旅行者可能遇到的问题。Jet Lag is a problem that every international traveller comes across at some time.8、 一个委员会被成立来确保达到这些标准。A committee was established to make sure (guarantee) these criteria had been met.9、 一个具有艺术欣赏力的人能胜任这项工作。A person with an appreciation of art is qualified for the job.10、 荷兰是世界上唯一允许施行安乐死的国家。Holland /The Netherlands is the only country in the world that allows euthanasia.11、 人的身体需要花时间来适应外界的变化。It takes time for human bodies to adapt to the changes in the outside world.12、 空闲时间应该得到充分的利用,这一点得到了广泛的认可。Its widely agreed that leisure should be made good use of.13、 每个人都应关心信息技术对未来生活的影响。Everyone should be concerned about the impact of information technology on future life.14、 这篇文章比我们预期的要难得多。This article is much more difficult than we have expected.15、 他本可以取得比赛的胜利,但他太粗心了。He could have won the competition, but he was too careless.16、 机器人在汽车行业应用广泛。Robots are widely used in the automobile industry.17、 报说黑洞可以将其周围的一切物体,如星星吞食掉。It is said that a black hole can swallow anything, like stars, around it.18、 她是一名沙特外交官直接从菲律宾雇到伦敦来工作的。She was hired by a Saudi diplomat directly from the Philippines to work in London.19、 在生活节奏快工作压力大的社会中,放松一下有利于健康。In a fast-paced and stressful society, it is good to ones health to relax for a while.20、 用于实验的动物数量在过去二十年中大大减少了。The number of animals used in experiments has greatly declined in the past twenty years.21、 如果不是交通堵塞,我们原会到得早些。But for the traffic jam, we could have arrived earlier22、 为了你的健康,你不该承担这么繁重的责任。For your health you should not have taken on such heavy responsibilties.23、 在某些方面,他的外表和实际很相符。In some respects his appearance coincides with the reality.24、 当你父母亲吵架时,你应该帮助他们和解。When your parents start quarrelling, you should help them come to terms.25、 显然他无意攻读硕士研究生。Obviously he has no heart for pursuing graduate studies.26、正是由于你的思想与时代不同步,你才会认为很难跟上时代的步伐。It is because your ideas are out of step with the times that you find it hard to keep up with it.27、如果学生们当时不是被你的话所打动,他们现在也不会有这么大的动力。If the students had not been moved by your speech, they wouldnt be so largelymotivated now.28、当涉及心脏病时,我们没有更充足的替代动物实验的方法。When it comes to heart disease, we do not have adequate substitutes for animal research.29、积极的休闲态度是鼓励人们创造性地利用空闲时间的基础。Positive attitude t
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