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2011陕西高考英语单词拼写注意的问题及演练单词拼写题小结一、考点1、名词:可数、不可数,可数名词的单复数形式;2、动词:时态、语态、非谓语及动词形式的不规则变化;3、形容词、副词:形容词与副词的区别(也可能考比较级及最高级);4、数词:主要考序数词。二、解题方法1、 根据语境确定所填单词的确切含义和词性;注意:不论是给汉语注释的还是给首字母的题都是如此。特别是给汉语注释的,其注释不一定准确。如: This plant is found in the _(南部) parts of the country. (2000全国) 其确切含义应为“南部的”,所以此空应填southern。2、根据所填单词对应词性的考点确定单词的正确形式,进行填写。请注意一下几点:一、注意词性如下列情形在中文看来,似乎要用名词, 而其实要用形容词(因为它们是作定语的):(1) As we all know, France is an_(欧洲) country. (2) Mr Black devoted himself to_(科学) experiment. (3) He took an active part in the_(革命) movement at that time. 答案应该是:(1)European (2)scientific (3)revolutionary 答案不能是:(1)Europe (2)science(3)revolution二、注意动词形式涉及动词拼写的句子, 要根据句子的时态和语态等信息来决定所拼写动词的形式(是用现在分词、过去分词、还是用动词原形等):(1) I have _(分开) the good apples from the bad ones. (2) At first he wasnt _(认出) by the enemy. (3) All the people in the country were_(庆祝) the great victory. (4) It is necessary that the news be _(宣布) at once. 答案应该是:(1)separated (2)recognized (3)celebrating (4)announced答案不能是:(1)separate (2)recognize (3)celebrate (4)announce三、注意修饰关系根据句子的修饰关系,正确选用适当的形容词或副词,也是考生要特别注意的:(1) It is said the girl is _ (严重) ill. (2) He looks young, but _(实际上) he is over 50 years old. (3) It is _(显然) that he has stolen the money. 答案应该是:(1)seriously (2)actually (3)obvious 答案不能是:(1)serious(2)actual(3)obviously 四、注意单复数若所拼写的是名词,还要注意是用单数还是复数:(1) Mr Smith is one of the _(教授) who have cars of their own. (2) With her help I have made great _(进步) in my study. (3) The world is made up of seven _(洲) and four Oceans. 答案应该是:(1)professors (2)progress(3)continents答案不能是:(1)professor (2)progresses (3)continent 五、注意基数词和序数词若所拼写的是数词,还要注意分清是基数词还是序数词: (1) Today is my grandfathers _(九十) birthday. (2) My grandfather is _(九十) years old now. (3) This is the _(二十) English novel that I have read. 答案应该是:(1)ninetieth (2)ninety(3)twentieth答案不能是:(1)ninety(2)ninetieth (3)twenty六、注意词语用法有时这类题还可能涉及词语辨析与习惯用法:(1) Shes bought some _(衣料) to make herself a dress. (2) I telephoned but nobody _(接) (3) For_(各种) reasons, I prefer not to go with them. 答案应该是:(1)cloth(2)answered (3)various 答案不能是:(1)clothes/clothing (2)met/meet (3)different三、需要注意的问题1、有些单词的首字母需要大写,应特别注意;2、书写要工整、清楚。特别要注意几个手写时易混的字母,如u和v;a和u;d和cl。须重点记忆的单词Aability能力; absent缺席的; abroad到国外; accept接受; achieve获得,实现; activity活动; actual实际的,真实的; advanced先进的,高级的; adventure冒险,奇遇; advantage优势; address地址; admit承认,允许进入; advertise登广告; affect影响; afford买得起; agriculture农业; announce宣布; anxious焦虑的,渴望的; apologize道歉; appearance出现,外表; appreciation感激,欣赏; arrival到达; astronaut宇航员; atmosphere大气,气氛; attempt企图,尝试; attentively专心地; attract吸引; audience听众; average平均; appetite食欲; attitude态度;Bbalance平衡; bargain讨价还价; basically基本地,主要地; benefit利益; beyond超过; biology生物学; bitter苦的; branch分支,部门; broadcast广播,播送; breathe呼吸; behaviour行为; belief信仰,信念;Ccamera照相机; capital首都,省会; captain队长,船长; ceiling天花板; celebrate庆祝; century世纪; chain链子;连锁; challenge挑战; channel航道, 海峡,频道; character特征; charge收费,索价; chat聊天; Christmas圣诞节; citizen公民; cigarette香烟; climate气候; coal煤炭; collar衣领; comfortably舒适地; communication通讯; competition竞赛; complete完全的,彻底的; composition作文; concert音乐会; conductor售票员,导体; confident自信的; congratulation祝贺; construction建设; continent大陆,大洲; convenient方便的; conversation交谈; cough咳嗽; course过程,课程,一道菜; courage勇气; cousin堂(表)兄弟,堂(表)姐妹; crowd人群; curtain窗帘; culture文化; curious好奇的; custom习俗; customer消费者; conclusion结论; contribution贡献;Ddaily每日的; dangerous 危险的; decade十年; definitely明确地,肯定地; deliver投递; declare宣布; deserve应受,值得; description描述; design设计; devote专心,致力于; determine决心,决定; dialogue/dialog对话; dictionary字典; direction方向;指导; disaster灾难; disappear消失; discussion讨论; disturb 打扰; diary日记; digital数码的; download下载; dustbin垃圾箱; decrease减少; department部,局,处,科;系; dynasty王朝,朝代; Eeconomical经济的,节约的; educate教育; effective 有效的; efficient 效率高的; effort努力; electricity电; equality平等; encourage鼓励; energy能量;精力; entrance入口; envelope信封; environment环境; escape逃避; especially尤其,特别; exhibition展览会; expert专家; extremely极端地; eventually最终地;F familiar熟悉的; failure失败; finger手指; flour面粉; fluently流利地; forbid禁止; foreigner外国人; forgive原谅; fortunately幸运地; freedom自由; frequent频繁的; fresh新鲜的; fruit水果; friendly友好的; fuel燃料; furniture 家具; festival节日; G generation一代; generally一般地; generous慷慨的;大方的; geography地理; glove手套; government政府; graduation毕业; gradual逐渐的; grammar语法; guest客人; guide导游; H habit习惯; handkerchief手帕; handwriting书法,笔迹; harvest收获; healthily健康地; height高度; honor尊敬; hunger饥饿; humourous幽默的; I idiom习语; island岛; imagine想象; immediately 立即,立刻; increase 增加; income收入; industry工业,勤劳; inform通知; internet因特网; interview采访,面试; interrupt打断,打扰; inventor发明者; insurance保险; J journalist记者; judge法官; justice正义,公正; junior初级的; K kindergarten幼儿园; kite风筝; knowledge知识; kitchen厨房; L labour劳动; lack缺乏; ladder梯子; language语言; lately最近; latter后者; lawy
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