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名著欣赏A Hand to HoldI remember hearing about the Willis girls just before my fathers 80th birthday party. Relatives and friends were coming from thousands of miles away to Spur, Texas, a town of 1300. Among those expected were the Willis girls-four sisters, all in their 70s. They had grown up around Spur but had been gone for a long time. I wasnt sure why my dad was so happy to hear they were coming-or so disappointed when they changed their minds.Two years after my fathers big party, my mother died. Theyd been together 53 years. All through her illness-for almost two months-he stayed with her in the hospital, often 24 hours a day.A few days after the funeral, my dad and I played golf on Spurs hard-scrabble course. On the ninth tee, he surveyed the landscape: scrawny mesquite trees, dying grass, sand and a tick-ridden jack rabbit.Its a pretty, old world, he said.It was one of the bravest statements Id ever heard. My dad knew that he had a lot of trials ahead of him-loneliness, an aging body-but it was still a pretty, old world.Worried about him being alone, I called him once a day after I returned home to New York. Occasionally he mentioned one of the Willis girls-Gussie Lee-who now lived in Sacramento, Calif. Shed lost her husband, and she and my father, Clyde, had begun to talk on the phone. Their discussions would end with Clyde pressing her to visit. Someday, shed reply.It was almost two years before Gussie came back to Spur. Clyde met the flight and studied the passengers with growing disappointment. She wasnt on the plane. She hadnt come. Then she marched right up to him and demanded, Are you Clyde Latham?Startled and suddenly smiling, he admitted: Why, yes, I am.They headed for baggage claim. Im sorry I didnt recognize you, he said.You werent looking for a little old lady, said Gussie.Thats the problem. I was looking for a little old lady. When none got off the plane, I was stumped.Liar.Cross my old heart.They collected her bag and headed for the car. Gussie had deliberately packed for only four daysan excuse for a short visit.As they drove toward Spur, Clyde kept Gussie laughing with his stories of youthful pranks and Texas goat drives. Soon the rectangular farms gave way to rugged ranch land, canyons, ravines, red earthand lots of mesquite trees.Arent they pretty? Gussie said, a new energy in her voice.The forgotten beauty of West Texas caught Gussie off guard. And something else did to laughter. She felt that shed been crying for two years, ever since her Bill died, and now she was laughing. It was water to a parched soul.The next day Clyde took Gussie sightseeing. Stop! Gussie called. I want to pick some cotton.Clyde pulled over, and Gussie hopped out and plunged into the cotton. When she was a girl, the burs had cut her hands, but picking this new cotton was fun. She hurried back to the car with her arms full of white fluff.Gussie and Clyde told each other they would never get married again. He was 84, she was 81, and they were too old for such shenanigans.The night before she was supposed to leave, Gussie and Clyde settle down in his side-by-side reclining chairs. One last time, he tried to persuade her to stay a little longer.Ill stay another week if youll promise me one thing, Gussie said.Anything, Clyde replied.Get a girlfriend after I go. You enjoy a womans company so much.When Gussie called home to tell her children, they were stunned. Theyd never known their mother to outstay her packing before.Hearing about these developments, I was uneasy. Id worried about my father being alone, but I also worried about his getting hurt. How would he feel when she went back to California?Gussies extra week in Spur passed all too quickly. The evening before her departure, she and Clyde sat holding hands. He had something he wanted to say, but he was a little nervous. He wasnt a shy man; he was just having trouble finding voice. Eventually it turned up.Gussie, I love you, Clyde said.She was shocked. She hadnt expected him to say that. They should have left romantic love behind them a long time ago. And yet Gussie startled herself when she replied, I love you too.They both sat there in a state of wonder.On my fathers first day without Gussie, I called to see how he was doing. I dialed his number, and kept dialing for the next hour and a half, only to get a busy signal. Finally I got through. Are you all right?Oh, I was just talking to Gussie.The last time Id talked on the phone like that was when I was in high school. When I called my father the next day, nobody answered. Clyde had caught a flight to Sacramento.Gussie, I want to get married, he told her. Will you marry me?Ill marry you, she said.On November 1, just a week after my dad had arrived in California, Clyde and Gussie go
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