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Unit 1:Body Language.Vocabulary (20分)1. Lenin sat there silently,with an e_ of sadness on his face. (expression)2. Luck made a rude g_ which his finger, which made his colleagues very angry. (gesture)3. Without a moments h_ the fireman rushed straight into the blazing building. (hesitation)4. He made a few notes to r_ himself of what he wanted to say during the speech . (remind)5. On your first day to work,arriving late surely wont reate a very favorable i_. (impression)6. We must learn English well so that we can c_ with people from many parts of the world. (communicate)7. I thanked him for his a_. (assistant)8. In the classroom, the students greeted each other c_. (cheerfully)9. Jane came in and r_,” Hurry up!” (remarked)10. When his mother saw his poor school report, she s_ deeply. (sighed)11. The captian said the war _ (break out) before he go to the front. (had broken out)12. I _(not realize)that you wanted me to start at once. (didnt rezlize)13. The train from our station never _(leave)on time. (leaves)14. I dont know how long ago this school _.(begin) (began)15. Bill had just finished my work and _ (start) to have a rest. (was starting)16. We wont go unless you _ (come) soon. (come)17. I _(hope)Jack would give me a reply, but he didnt. (hoped)18. This kind of medicine _ (taste) bitter. (tastes)19. My sister _ (be) a teacher in a school for two years. (has been)20. The bus had nobody in it, but the engine _. (run) (was running).Grammer(30分)Choose the best answer.( ) 21. My son didnt _ from the computer as l entered his room. (C)A. look at B. look out C. look up D. look on( ) 22. She _ shyly at the handsome young man and then lowered her eyes. (A)A. glanced B. gazed C. stared D. glared( ) 23. The manager fired two _ last week. (B)A. employs B. employees C. employers D. employment( ) 24. You cant judge a person by appearance even though he is _. (A)A. well-dressed B. bad-dressed C. dressed shabby D. poor-dressed( ) 25. The boy _ science fiction _ detective stories. (D)A. likes . . . best B. enjoys . . . more thanC. appreciates . . . best D. prefers . . . to() 26. The begger _ with pleasure after the excellent meal. (B)A. signed B. sighed C. signal D. sight( ) 27. The officer communicated his orders _ the soldiers by radio. (A) A. to B. with C. on D. from ( ) 28. Im _ happy to take you there in my car. (C)A. less than B. more and more C. more than D. more or less() 29. As a poor college student, he does some _ jobs to earn his own bread. (A)A. part-time B. full-time C. useful D. useless( ) 30. _ body language? It is something interesting to talk about? (C)A. What do you like B. How do you think ofC. What do you think of D. How do you think over( ) 31. What _ the big fire? The _ of it hasnt been found. (A)A. caused . . . cause B. caused . . . reasonC. rose . . . cause D. brought . . . reason( ) 32. He _ of courage caused the failure. (A)A. lack B. lacking C. lacked D. to lack( ) 33. The scenery of Li River is very _. (B)A. impression B. impressive C. impressed D. impressing( ) 34. The reason _ he changed his mind is not clear. (A)A. why B. that C. which D. when() 35. The teacher asked me _. (D)A. where was I from B. where I come fromC. what country I was come from D. where I came from( ) 36. This is the factory _ my father worked last year. (C)A. which B. that C. where D. the one( ) 37 .My uncle knows several foreign languages , English , French and Japanese . (C) A. for example B. for instance C. such as D. that is( ) 38. -I think we should put a sweater in our earthquake backpack.- _. A sweater is not as necessary as a bottle of water. (C)A. No. You are wrong. B. I agree with you.C. Sorry, but I cant agree with you. D. Sorry, we shouldnt.( ) 39. All the villagers _the fight against the big flood, _young and old, men and women. (B)A. joined; including B. joined in; containingC. joined in; including D. joined; containing( ) 40. Playing tricks on others is _ we should never do. (D)A. anything B. something C. everything D. nothing( ) 41. I just wonder _ that makes him so excited. (D)A. why it does B. what he does C. how it is D. what it is( ) 40. Pity the film has begun. We _ minutes earlier.CA. should B. come C. have come D. should have come( ) 41. Daddy, can you buy me a new MP3 when you go to Beijing?You _ get one if you are admitted to a key middle school. (B)A. could B. shall C. may D. can
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