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外研社Book5Module1教学难重点及跟踪练习 王婧华根据自制课件编写设计 Module1词汇: 1.except:除了外(不包括); besides:除了外,还有; except for :整体中除去细节; except that/when+从句 but:习惯上只用于no /nothing/nobody/nowhere/not anything /who等词后. Except:除与上述词连用外,还多与不定代词everything /everybody/everyone/always/usually/”every+n”连用 1.)你除了努力工作别无选择. You have no choice but to work hard. 2.)除了杰克外,还有三个学生迟到了. Three more students were late besides Jack. 3.)除了下雨时以外,他一般步行上学. He usually walks to school except when it rains. 4.)这件衣服很适合(fit)他,除了颜色有点亮. The coat fitted him well except that the color was a little brighter 5.)除几处拼写错误外,他的作文(composition)是好的. His composition is good except for a few spelling mistakes. 2.prefer sth; prefer to do sth; prefer doing Prefer sth to sth; prefer doing to doing 比起(干)更喜欢(干) Prefer to do rather than do :宁愿干某事(前者)而不愿干某事(后者) 1.)你想喝点什么吗? 我宁愿吃点什么. Would you like some drink? I prefer something to eat. 2.)我宁愿去爬山。 I prefer to climb the mountain. 3.)他宁愿整天呆在家里。 He prefers staying at home all day. 4.)我宁愿要那小的而不愿要那个大的。 I prefer the smaller one to the bigger one . 5.)他宁愿在家看电视也不愿意看音乐会。 He preferred watching TV at home to going to the concert. 6.)我宁愿给她写信也不愿意给她打电话。 I prefer to write to her rather than telephone her. 3. Compare “把和比较;匹敌,可与相比” compare A with B:把A 和B比较 Compare A to B:把A比作B Compared with /to:比起 1.)如果你把城市和乡村做比较,你会发现他们有许多不同之处. If you compare cities with villages, you will find many differences between them 2.)他把我的鞋子比做小船. He compared my shoes to small boats. 3.)他的作文不能和你的相比. His composition doesnt compare with yours. 4.)和他的女朋友比起来,他的姐姐算是很高了. Compared with his girlfriend ,his sister is quite tall. 4.lead to:”通往,导致”to为介词 Lead sb to +n:带领某人到 Lead sb to do sth:使某人做某事 1.)这座桥通往那个岛. The bridge leads to the island. 2.)勤奋通往成功,而懒惰导致失败 . Hard work leads to success,while laziness leads to failure. 3.)他带领我们到达火车站. He led us to the station . 4.)什么使你相信他? What led you to believe him ? 动词+介词的词组:盼望:look forward to;(转向)某人求助turn to:注意pay attention to ;坚持stick to ;开始认真干get down to ;属于belong to ;指向point to ;谈到refer to ;处理/对付 see to 5.(1.)as well as:它强调的是前面提到的内容 Not only but also:它强调的是but also的内容 我们不仅学英语,而且学汉语. We learn not only English but also Chinese =We learn Chinese as well as English. (2.)as well as 也可以置于句首. As well as money,he gave the poor child some clothes. (3.) as well as连接两个并列主语时,谓语动词用就远原则. The students as well as their teacher are excited at the news. (4.) as well as可用于同级的比较.“和一样好”,修饰动词. He played basketball as well as John. (5.) as well 单独用与句末表示“既.,又”相当于 also,但不能用于否定句. He is a teacher and a writer as well. (6.)might/may as well “不妨”“还是为好”,后跟动词原形 We may as well try it again. 1.我除了知道他来自德国外,对其他情况一无所知. 2.除天气不好外,这次旅游很愉快. 3.除约翰外,他们在英语学习上都很努力. 4.除了约翰他们也给我写了信. 5.教室里除了一个学生外没有别人. 6.这位老人宁愿步行也不愿意坐车. 7.刘胡兰宁愿死而不愿意投降.(rather) 8.把这本书和那本书比较,你会发现这本书更适合你读. 1.I know nothing about him except that he is from Germany. 2.Except for bad weather ,the journey was very pleasant. 3.They all work hard at English except John. 4.They all write to me besides John. 5.There is nobody but a student in the classroom. 6.The old man preferred walking to taking a bus. 7.Liuhulan preferred to die rather than give in . 8.Comparing this book with that one,you will find this book is suitable for you to read . 9.比起这本书,那本书更适合你读. 10.粗心的驾驶导致这次事故. 11.这孩子很聪明,但他的懒惰导致了他的失败. 12.这个导游将带你参观那座山. 13.他将带你去邮局. 14.他给了这个学校许多书还有一些钱. 15.这些老师和这个男孩都已经去过北京. 16.你不妨去海南旅游. 9.Compared with this book ,that one is suitable for you to read . 10.Careless driving led to this accident. 11.The boy is clever ,but his laziness led to his failure. 12.The guider will lead you to visit the mountain. 13.He will lead you to the post office. 14.He gave the school many books as well as some money. 15.These teachers as well as the boy have already been to Beijing. 16.You may as well visit Hainan . Module1Introduction and Pre-reading 1.We have really everything in common with America nowadays,except of course ,language. Have something/nothing/a lot /(a) little/much/many things in common with有一些共同之处 in common共有,共同的 in common with和一样 1.)他和他的哥哥毫无共同之处. He has nothing in common with his elder brother. 2.)我们彼此有很多共同之处. We have a lot in common with each other . 3.)和其他许多男孩子一样,他喜欢足球. In common with many other boys,he likes football. 2.make (much of )a difference 有影响,使不相同 1.)这对我们没有什么影响. It makes no difference to us . 3.be divided by sb into :被分成 这个蛋糕被妈妈分成了4部分. The cake was divided by my mother into 4 parts. 1.Everything is going on well.一切都进展良好。 1.)进展;2.)发生;3.)继续;4.)(时间)过去/消失;5.)(灯)亮;6.)用做证据 1.)工程进展如何? How does the project go on ? 2.)桥那边有许多人,那里发生了什么? There are so many people by the bridge.Whats going on there? 3.) 假如你像这样继续下去,总有一天你会犯大错误. If you go on like this ,youll make big mistakes some day. 4)让我们继续. Lets go on . 5)时间飞逝. Time goes on very quickly. 6)灯亮着,房间里一定有人. The lights are going on .There must be someone in the room . 7)我们正用你说的话作为证据. We were just going on what you had said. 跟踪练习: 1.这两篇文章(article)彼此没有任何共同之处. 2.同其他男孩子一样,他更喜欢户外运动. 3.这对我们有许多影响. 4.这个苹果被妈妈分成了4部分. 5.你的学习正进展的怎么样? 1.These two articles have nothing in common with each other .
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