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Chapter3 A dangerous servant,课时安排 (two weeks),Reading 3课时 Listening and speaking 1课时 Language 2课时 Using English 1课时 Writing 1课时 More Practice 1课时 Mid-Term Progress File 1课时,教学目标,I. 学习有关电的知识 II. 学习情态动词 can, must, may的用法 III. 学习如何书写规则,情感目标,通过对电的相关了解,告诉学生要在日常生活中节省电能,安全用电。,Reading(I),a vacuum cleaner,a light bulb,a fan,a television,mobile phones,a radio,a rice cooker,a torch,an iron,How do these electrical appliances work?,Electricity,change into,forms of energy,radio,TV,torch,rice cook,fan,vacuum cleaner,iron,mobile phones,computer,heat energy movement energy light energy sound energy,S,l s,l,h,m,m s,h,l s,s,What is electricity? What can we change it into? III. Is electricity important or dangerous?,Group-work,I. To skim the whole text and think about the questions. 1. Who were talking about electricity? 2. What did Benny want to buy? 3. Could Daisy buy electricity when she returned? 4. Who was looking foolish at last? Page30 B Look and think,A packet of sweets and a packet of batteries.,Electricity.,Benny.,I. To skim the whole text and think about the questions.,Because if not used carefully, electricity can hurt us.,Quiz,1.热能 2. 动能 3.一种能量 4.把变成 5. 能量形式 6. 光能 7. 声能 8. 看起来傻 9. 做家务 10. 一个危险的仆人,Reading(II),1. Listen to the story carefully . 2. Practice reading out the whole passage. 3. Lets see who reads best.,Group,New words and expressions,1.battery batteries 2.scratch ones head: think hard in order to find an answer 3.a light bulb 4.be careful with: give attention to sth. 5.be connected to: join 6.A dangerous servant: A person who works in another persons house, and cooks, cleans ,etc, for them. v. serve/ n. service / n. servant,7.invisible: that cannot be seen 8.forms of energy: shapes or kinds 9.an iron 10.a rice cooker 11.a grin: a wide smile 12.get a bill 13.a meter 14.monthly: every month 15.in a way: not completely partly,16.Thats not a bad explanation: words that make something clear v. explain 17. movement energy: moving or being moved v. move 18. at last : in the end finally 19. a cable,P32. C1.C2 and C3,P32. C1.C2 and C3,P32. C1.C2 and C3,electricity,monthly,in a way,energy,buried,P32. C1.C2 and C3,Quiz,1. 一包糖果 2. 愚弄某人 3. 在某种程度上 4. 一个坏的解释 5. 小心对待 6. 得到账单 7. 最终 8. 被连接 9. 关掉 10. 一个电灯泡,Reading(III),I. Read Paragraphs 1-3,What did Daisy want to buy? What did Benny want Daisy to buy? Do you think if Daisy can buy what Benny wanted?,2. To fill in the blanks. Electricity is a good _. It flows through a _ . A _ measures the amount you use and you get a _ for it _.It is like water in a _. Electricity is _ . However, we can change it into _ that we can _, _and _. But sometimes electricity is much _ _. So we must _ it.,servant,wire,meter,bill,monthly,way,invisible,forms of energy,see,hear,feel,dangerous,more,be careful with,.Read Paragraphs 4-8 1. To think about the question “What does Electricity look like?”,Paragraph 7.,.Read Paragraphs 9-13 How does electricity get to Bennys flat?,It comes into our flat through thin wires, and these are connected to thick wires (cables) that are buried under the street. The thick wires are connected to a power station.,wires,meter,cables,street,power station,be connected to,be buried,2. To do true or false. (1).( ) At first Benny thought his trick had been successful. (2).( ) Daisy bought packets of electricity for Benny when she returned from the shop. (3).( ) The chemicals inside the batteries produce electricity.,T,F,T,. Read Paragraphs 14-21 1. “Who looked foolish at last?”,Benny.,Discuss,How does electricity come to our classrooms?,Quiz,1.有礼貌 2. 发电站 3. 以包计量 4. 产生电 5. 更比较危险 6. 进入 7. 测量数量 8. 挠头 9. 一包电 10. 粗线,LANGUAGE,Electricity is very important.,What do you think of electricity?,Electricity is dangerous.,1.use air conditioners to make us feel more comfortable in summer and winter. 2.use televisions to make our lives more enjoyable. 3.Use light bulbs to make our lives more convenient ,Why is electricity very important?,We can,I. We use can/cant to talk about what we are able or not able to do.,1.I can count. 2.Mary cant/cannot spell. 3.A:Can you type? B:Yes, I can./No, I cant. 4.A:What can he do? B:He can play football.,Look at the list and say what you can or cant do now.,1.drive a car 2.fly to the moon 3.stand on your head 4.draw a picture with my left hand 5.use a computer 6.make a kite,7.make music 8.sell vegetables 9.speak French 10.climb a tree 11.make a robot 12.swim in winter,II. We also use can or may to ask for and give permission.,1.You can/may sit down. 2.You may not/cannot leave. 3.A:May/Can they come in? B:Yes, they may/can. No, they may not/cant.,May I/we? Can I/we? Yes, /No,borrow your bic
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