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插曲:OurJ: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to English Club. I am Jency, the new one in the English club. Today is my pleasure to broadcast here.E: Hello! Everybody, Im Emily .The new one in the English club too. And it is also my pleasure to broadcast for you!J: OK, now lets beginning our topic.E: Jency, Have you ever heard Taylor swifts song, Like You belong with me?J: Yes, of course, Such as:love story、meanand so on.I love them so much!E: So, you know Taylor swift?J: Of course, shes one of my favorite artists.E: You must be lucky today! Because our topic is about Taylor .Yes, the topic is perfect spallation of music singer- Taylor Swift perfect spallation.J: When Taylor Swift first came to public notice she was a 17-year-old newcomer who loved singing with her own guitar. She was far more enthusiastic than accomplished, but had an undeniable spark.Four years later, the spark is more like pyrotechnics, and Swift has become a multi-awards winner, with the biggest selling albums for the past year.E:泰勒斯威夫特第一次走进观众的视野时,还只是个喜欢抱着吉他自弹自唱的17岁新人。尽管那时从她身上看到更多的是对音乐的狂热而非娴熟的技巧,但不可否认她迸发着迷人的火花。后来,火花变成了烟火,Taylor凭借去年推出的最高销量专辑成为诸多奖项的得主。E:Now lets enjoy theCold as youfrom her first album-Taylor Swift歌曲:cold as youE: For her consummate career, she was named Billboard magazines Woman of the Year last week. The 21-year-old singer-songwriter is the youngest artist to receive the honor. It comes on the heels of several 2011 Billboard Music Awards, among them Top Country Album for the five-time platinum selling Speak Now, her third album that was released last October.J: 基于其圆满的音乐事业,上周她被公告牌杂志评选为“2011年度女性”。这位现年21岁的创作歌手是该奖项最年轻的获得者。此前不久她刚刚在2011公告牌音乐颁奖礼获得数项大奖,其中包括凭借去年十月发行的第三张专辑现在说出来所取得的五白金销量而成功斩获的最佳乡村专辑奖。J: “Taylor has shown the power of good songwriting with music that has transcended genres,” Bill Werde, Billboards editorial director, said. “And at the young age of 21, Taylor has already made a major impact on music and has been an incredible role model for aspiring artists and young women everywhere.”E: “泰勒在作曲上展现出过人的才华,其音乐已经超越了现有流派。”公告牌杂志编务总监比尔沃德赞扬道。“尽管只有21岁,泰勒已经震撼了整个乐坛,不可思议地成为了激励艺人以及各地年轻女性的楷模。”J:Yeah, now I want to share a song for you. It is from Taylors album-.Fearless 歌曲:Love storyE: Swift is used to breaking chart records and winning honors since her career started. Her self-titled debut album, which was released in 2006, holds the honor of longest-running album on the Billboard 200 since 2000.She followed that up in 2008 with Fearless, a critically acclaimed album that established her as a skilled songwriter with several hits, including Love Story, You Belong With Me and White Horse.J: 自踏入歌坛后,打破排行榜纪录、斩获各大奖项这些事情对于斯威夫特来说早习以为常。她于2006年发行的首张同名专辑成为自2000年以来在公告牌排行榜前200名停留时间最长的专辑。她趁热打铁于2008年推出备受赞誉的专辑无惧的爱,几首热门单曲如爱的故事,你属于我和白马奠定了她作为娴熟的创作型歌手的地位。J: Not surprisingly, the 6-time platinum Fearless is the most awarded album in country music history in the US and her overall worldwide sales now exceed 20 million albums and 40 million songs downloads. Swift has spent the past year on the Speak Now World Tour in support of her third album, and now shes getting ready to go further.E: 不出意料,她推出的六白金专辑无谓的爱成为美国乡村音乐历史上获奖最多的专辑,全球发行总量已超过2千万张,歌曲下载量高达4千万次。斯威夫特去年一直在进行“现在就说出来”世界巡演,为第三张个人专辑造势。而现在她已经蓄势待发了。J: That amazing! Now lets enjoy music again. My favorite song of Taylor:Back To December,I hope you like it.歌曲:Back To DecemberE: According to a recent interview with The New Yorker magazine, Swift has so far written about 10 songs for a 2012 album. She said the new album is about feelings of growing up and becoming an adult.“Theyre sad, if Im being honest,” Swift told The New Yorker. “Theyre about my heartbreaks and my moving on. But more importantly, they are about achieving contentment. Youre not always going to be ridiculously happy as you grow up.”J: 斯威夫特在最近一次接受纽约客杂志采访时透露,她已经为2012年的新专辑创作了10首歌曲。她表示新专辑将诉说一些长大成人的感受。如果我实话实话的话,这些歌曲都很悲伤。”斯威夫特告诉纽约客杂志记者。“它们讲述着我的伤心和成长。但更为重要的是要懂得知足常乐。成长中你不会总是那么没心没肺地快乐。”J: I love Taylor. I think she is a miracle. Lets support to her.E: Youre right. Thats why we love her. She has a great talent for music.J: Yeah! Oh, its time to say goodbye. See you next time!E:And last song for you ,my favorite songSparks fly.Bye!歌曲:Sparks fly
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