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金太阳新课标资源网 wx.jtyjy.com Period 2Reading教学目标1语言知识目标:(1)学生能够正确读写及运用以下单词:lecture,recommend,preparation,comfort,academic,requirement,acknowledge,occupy,contradict,substitute(2)学生掌握下列词组的意思并能在句子中熟练运用:keep it up,fit in,get/be used to,as far as one is concerned,be occupied with2语言技能目标:学会表达和支持个人观点,能用所学的有关travelling abroad的词汇描述在国外居住生活或者学习的情况3情感态度与文化意识目标:(1)帮助学生树立国际意识,培养学生的跨文化交际能力。(2)培养学生坚强的意志,坚定克服困难、迎接挑战的决心。(3)在小组合作互动中,增强学生的团队合作与分享意识。重点难点使学生了解在国外旅行或学习时可能会遇到的一些问题,并学会怎样去解决问题和避免这样问题的发生。教学过程Step 1Prereading1Recent years,more and more Chinese students have chosen to study abroad.It has become a tendency.Do you think it is a good thing or not?Would you like to study in a foreign country?Why or why not?(the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad)Suggested answers:ADVANTAGESDISADVANTAGEShelp us to be independentcost a lot of moneybe easier to learn a foreign languagebe hard to communicate with othershelp to learn a lot about local customs and broaden our horizonsbe tiring to live in a new countrybe easier to learn advanced knowledge and technologybe homesick and lonelyhave many new experiences.2.You are going to read a newspaper article about a Chinese student who goes to study in England.What do you think she will find different from studying at a Chinese school/university?What do you think she might find difficult?剑桥大学牛津大学设计说明 通过对中国学生出国留学越来越普遍这一社会现象的介绍,组织学生讨论出国留学的优点和缺点。第一个问题是开放性的,又是发生在学生的周围的,可以让学生有话可说,阐述自己的观点,为接下来的阅读做好知识上和心理上的铺垫。第二个问题要求学生预测阅读课文中的主人公在国外学习可能遇到的问题以及英国学校和中国学校的不同,这样就自然地从实际快速导入新课。Step 2Fast reading1What is Xie Lei in England for?How long has she been in England?2Why is she doing a preparation course first?3What are some of the difficulties she was faced with when she first came to England?4Which two types of people have helped Xie Lei most since she came to England?Suggested answers:1She is in England to study at a university.Shes been in England for six months.2Because studying in England is different from studying in China and she needs to learn about these differences and improve her English.3Learning how to do everyday things like using a telephone,paying on a bus,finding her way around a strange city,understanding English as spoken in real life,learning how to write essays acceptable to her British lecturer.4Xie Leis host family and her teachers.设计说明 前两题是针对课文内容设计的理解题目,第三题紧扣Prereading的第二题,而且采用了解决问题(Problemsolving)任务型活动,有助于学生探究能力的培养。Step 3Detailed reading1Summarize the main idea of each paragraphPara 1:Xie Lei,a Chinese girl,is studying in a foreign cityLondon.Para 2:General introduction to Xie Lei and her study.Para 3:The difficulties Xie Lei met while living in London.Para 4:The advantages that Xie Lei gained while living with a host family.Para 5:Xie Lei is getting used to a Western universitys way of learning.Para 6:Xie Lei is now getting along well and is living an active life.Para 7:The newspaper will follow Xie Leis progress in later editions.2Find out the details about benefits she got and the difficulties she met in London.Benefits:(1)Of doing a preparation courseTo learn how to fulfill Western academic requirementsTo get used to a new way of life(2)Of living with a host familyTo learn more about everyday life and customs To have people explain things she did not understand(3)Of having a tutorTo explain why you cannot use other peoples work without acknowledging it To encourage you to express your own ideas with reasonsDifficulties:(1)At the universityLearning to read widely and analyse the textsExpressing ones own opinions with reasonsReaching the Western academic requirements (2)Of a way of lifeFinding a balance between study and a social lifeMaking new friendsUnderstanding and using everyday English3DiscussionWe have talked about the difficulties and benefits of studying in a foreign country.Now lets list the problems that Xie Lei had when she first went to England and give your advice.Work in groups.Xie Leis problemsYour adviceSuggested answers:Xie Leis problemsYour advice1.understanding and using everyday English1.listening to the radio or watching television to become accustomed to everyday English2.reaching the academic requirements of a Western university2.asking your tutor for advice before you start your academic writing3.making new friends3.joining a lot of university societies4.4.Step 4Further readingQuestion:What kind of person do you think Xie Lei is?Find evidence in the article to support your opinion.Suggested answers:excellent,diligent,brave,strong minded,firm determined,hardworking,independent,optimistic,sociable.“Its not just study thats difficult.You have to get used to a whole new way of life.”“Sometimes I feel like a child.”“Also,when I miss my family,its a great comfort
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