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Simulations Users Guideand nomenclature1Content of the folder “Lionel”11.1Paper.doc and Figures.doc11.2Simulation.ppt11.3Elsevier.dot11.4Sellmeier.pdf11.5Index.xls11.6RMS.xls11.7Results.zip11.8Results EF.zip21.9R3809U-50_TPMH1067E08.pdf21.10Folders Simulation/ and Simul2e-/22Simulations Users Guide32.1Description of the source code files32.1.1main.cpp32.1.2parameters.h32.1.3PC-MCP.cpp/.h32.1.4window-PC.cpp/.h32.1.5transSilica.dat and transMgF2.dat32.1.6R3809U-58.dat32.2Personalizing the parameters32.2.1Gap size32.2.2Electric field32.2.3Changing the magnitude/angular distribution32.2.4Changing a parameter42.2.5Number of simulated electrons and precision42.3Execution of the program42.4Data files52.5Deeper in the program53Simulation of 2 electrons with the Coulomb repulsion64Beam incident angle discussion61 Content of the folder “Lionel”All the files I left are in the folder called “Lionel” on the Desktop when Jean-Franois Genats session is opened on the computer at the left of the printer called “EDGE 4”.1.1 Paper.doc and Figures.docMy publication (to be updated) and the figures I planned to include in it.1.2 Simulation.pptPowerPoint of my presentation (to be updated).1.3 Elsevier.dotModel I used in my publication.1.4 Sellmeier.pdfPDF document in which could be found the Sellmeier dispersion equation constants for the fused silica and the magnesium fluoride (MgF2). This helps me calculate the optical indexes in Index.xls (see paragraph 1.5) and so as to update the file R3809U-58.dat (see chapter 2.1.6).1.5 Index.xlsExcel file which contains the plot of the optical indexes of the fused silica and the MgF2 (ordinary and extraordinary indexes) in the range 0.2m , 7m.Simulation indicates the original data used in the ROOT simulation of the window, the others (O, E and Internet) the ones I calculated (cf. Sellmeier.pdf in paragraph 1.4).The limit 2, above which no erenkov Effect is possible, is represented, too.1.6 RMS.xlsExcel file containing all the RMS (in time, position and angle) values given by my simulation vs. the gap size for the different angular distributions (with E=100V/mm, data files stored in Results.zip) and then for different values of the electric field (arcsine distribution only, data files stored in Results EF.zip).1.7 Results.zipResult files for E=100V/mm and the 5 angular distributions. For a description of the content of the data files, please refer to the chapter 2.4. Nomenclature: D-g.txt D: distribution used: f:flat a:arcsine 2:Gaussian (1%) 3:Gaussian (1) 100:pseudo-Dirac : physical quantity angle time x: position g: gap size1.8 Results EF.zipResult files for the arcsine distribution and different electric field values. For a description of the content of the data files, please refer to the chapter 2.4. Nomenclature: E-g.txt E: electric field value in V/mm : physical quantity angle time x: position g: gap size1.9 R3809U-50_TPMH1067E08.pdfPDF document from Hamamatsu where the Figure 1 (photocathode radiant sensitivity vs. wavelength) helped me to recalculate the quantum efficiency of an MgF2 window. The result is the file R3809U-58.dat in the folder Simulation/ (a copy of this file could be found in the folder Simul2e-/).From a radiant sensitivity S(), the quantum efficiency QE is calculated with the formula:with QE in the range 0,1, S() in mA/W and in nm.1.10 Folders Simulation/ and Simul2e-/The content of these folders is described in the chapters 2.1 and 3.2 Simulations Users Guide2.1 Description of the source code filesThese C+ files are in the folder called Simulation/. Here is a short description of them.2.1.1 main.cppThis file contains the main function. It calls all the other functions to calculate the final state of each electron, their time of flight, the RMS and create & fill the data files.2.1.2 parameters.hThis file contains all the physical constants such as c0, , and h, some calculations constants and the parameters like the electric field or the size of the gap.2.1.3 PC-MCP.cpp/.hAll the functions used to calculate what happens (final state, ToF, RMS) between the photocathode and the first MCPs surface are in this file.2.1.4 window-PC.cpp/.hI wrote back some functions used in the ROOT simulation of the erenkov Effect, of the window and the photocathode in C+, so as to integrate them in my simulation. In the calculation of the optical indexes, I updated the Sellmeyer dispersion equation constants. To be continued“window-PC.h” is already included in the file main.cpp, even if none of its function is used.2.1.5 transSilica.dat and transMgF2.datThese files are identical to the ones coming from the ROOT simulation. They contain the transmittance vs. the wavelength of th
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