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Poems by - 李清照鳳凰台上憶吹簫 (宋)李清照 (1084-1156)Posted on March 24, 2010 at 8:05 pm香冷金猊 被翻紅浪 起來慵自梳頭 猊任寶奩塵滿 日上簾鉤生怕離懷別苦 多少事 欲說還休新來瘦 非干病酒 不是悲秋休休 這回去也 千萬遍陽關 也則難留念武陵人遠 煙鎖秦樓惟有樓前流水 應念我 終日凝眸凝眸處 從今又添 一段新愁Recalling Our Flute Duet At Phoenix Terrace Li Qing-zhao (1084-1156) 江紹倫譯Cold incenseresting in the censer in goldI tossed in bed sleepless my quilt in waves of red foldsIdly I get up to comb my hair slowLet dusts gather in my dresser fullLet the sun creeps up the drape closedSeized by fears of parting and separation painA lot need be saidWords disappeared before they could be letRecently I have lost much weightNot due to excessive drinkingNor because of autumn feelingBe as it may be as it mayHowever we sing the parting song you will leave anywayIll hold you dear however far you may strayFrom my bower engulfed in hazeThe stream near home its flow will continueStanding witness of how I pine for youGazing in absence day after dayWhere I fix my gazeA new grief begins hence to stay聲聲慢 李清照(1084-1151)Posted on December 28, 2009 at 5:11 pm尋尋覓覓,冷冷清清,淒淒慘慘戚戚。乍暖還寒時候,最難將息。三杯兩盞淡酒,怎敵他、晚來風急。雁過也,正傷心,卻是舊時相識。滿地黃花堆積。憔悴損,如今有誰堪摘。守著窗兒,獨自怎生得黑。梧桐更兼細雨,到黃昏、點點滴滴。這次第,怎一個、愁字了得。Tune: AdagioLi Qing Zhao 江紹倫譯I search and search for whats missingRiding on a cold lonely train hissingDrearily hurtfully painfullyWhence the weather alternates between warm and coldTis most difficult to forget and holdDrinking by cups and carafes alone I floatCannot dispel the gloom of dusk and drifts of sudden blowI watch geese flying passIn griefCould they be the ones I used to know Yellow flowers cover everywhere in pilesFadedWho would care to pick any to holdI sit by the window in solitudeWaiting counting how long will it take till night befallOf plane trees and drizzlesThey patter and grizzle at duskFor all theseHow could the word sorrow my circumstances narrate南歌子 李清照(1084-1151)Posted on December 28, 2009 at 4:57 pm天上星河轉,人間簾幕垂。涼生枕簟淚痕滋。起解羅衣聊問、夜何其。翠貼蓮蓬小,金銷藕葉稀。舊時天氣舊時衣。只有情懷不似、舊家時。Tune: Southern Country SongLi Qing Zhao 江紹倫譯On high the Milky Way veersOn earth window drapes fall lowTears wet the pillow and the mat is coldI wake from sleep to adjust my clothesWondering how long this night has to goThe green on my robe tells the budding lotus seedsGold threads fade where embroidered leaves are seenIn old weathers I wear clothes oldMoods remainTis not the same as moods of old菩薩蠻 李清照(1084-1151)Posted on December 28, 2009 at 4:54 pm風柔日薄春猶早 夾衫乍著心情好 睡起覺微寒 梅花鬢上殘故鄉何處是 忘了除非醉 沈水臥時燒 香消酒未消Tune: Buddhist DancerLi Qing Zhao 江紹倫譯Gentle breeze and a pale sun signal an early springWearing lined clothes I feel life is warm and pinkAwake from sleep a mild chill still invadesThe white mume on my hair fadesWhere is my homelandOnly when drunk can I forget this empty feelingI light incense before I retire to bed at nightIn the morning the incense gone but not my drunkenness一翦梅 李清照(1084-1151)Posted on December 26, 2009 at 8:47 pm紅藕香殘玉簟秋。輕解羅裳,獨上蘭舟。雲中誰寄錦書來,雁字回時,月滿西樓。花自飄零水自流。一種相思,兩處閒愁。此情無計可消除,才下眉頭,卻上心頭。Tune: A Twig ofMumeLi Qing Zhao(1084-1151) 江紹倫譯Pink lotus its fragrance fades on a mat of jadeI doff my silk robeTo board alone on an orchid boatFrom among the clouds who would send me a letter written on brocadeWhence the geese returnMoonlight will fill my bowerIn nature flowers drift as water flowsOne single agogHeartbreaks in two placesHow todismiss this sorrow I know notIt may disappear from eyebrow knitButsinks into myaching heart deep2 Comments on 一翦梅 李清照(1084-1151)Tags: 江紹倫如夢令 李清照(1084-1151)Posted on December 26, 2009 at 8:40 pm昨夜雨疏風驟濃睡不消殘酒試問捲簾人卻道海棠依舊知否知否應是綠肥紅瘦Tune: Like a DreamLi Qing Zhao (1084-1151) 江紹倫譯Last night rain fell intermittently with sudden blowsI slept soundly without finishing my remaining fine brewThis morning I ask my maid who is rolling up the screenThe geraniums arefine she says with a beamDyou knowDyou knowThey ought togrow leaves thick and green and red stems lean漁家傲 李清照(1084-1151)Posted on December 26, 2009 at 8:37 pm天接雲濤連曉霧。星河欲轉千帆舞。仿佛夢魂歸帝所。聞天語。殷勤問我歸何處。我報路長嗟日暮。學詩謾有驚人句。九萬里風鵬正舉。風休住。蓬舟吹取三山去。TuneFishermans Pride Li Qing Zhao (1084-1151) 江紹倫譯Waves of cloud and morning mist adjoin to paint the skyThe Milky Way turns to elicit a thousand sails danceDreamy my soul seems to have returned home in heavenFrom voices on highI was asked in earnest where I wish to goI say tis far far place I would go save the sun is oldMy poems are full of verses that shake peoples soulsThe legend big bird sails the wind to go ninety thousand liO wind dont you stopMy boat will sail through the mountain-bound divine sea
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