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激发中学生英语口语的兴趣项目设计者魏薇哈密电大提交日期2013年12月30日课程名称:英语(教育方向)Stimulating method & the junior students Interestsin oral EnglishInvestigatorWei WeiHami TV UniversitySubmitted on 30th Dec 2013In fulfillment of the coursePractical Project DesignAcknowledgmentI am mostly grateful to my supervisor Professor DuYing without whose support and patience this project would not even have got off the ground.No amount of thanks will be adequate for my students without whose willing participation in the project implementation it would have remained on paper.Last but not the least, big thanks go to my family who have shared with me my worries, frustrations, and hopefully my ultimate happiness in eventually finishing this project.摘 要本篇文章提出了一个详细的报告项目来解决这个大多数初级学生在说英语口语上的问题。假设,学习者的口头练习的兴趣将大大增加口语能力。这一假设验证的四周与特别设计的口语课堂教学的实践锻炼活动。在科学研究的方法上使用解析法原因分析、问卷调查和苏格拉底式的对话。关键词:激发;兴趣;方法; AbstractThe present study presents a detailed report of a project implemented to solve the problem that most of junior students are weak in speaking English. It is hypothesized that learners interest in oral practice will be greatly increased by better oral work design. This hypothesis is verified by a four-week practice of classroom teaching with the specially designed oral exercise activities.Among the methods of scientific investigation used are analytic method cause analysis. Questionnaire survey and Socratic dialogues.Main headings of the project reportIntroductions1. Identifying a problem2. 2.Problem analysis2.1 The analytic method2.2 Cause analysis2.2.1 Teachers side that is myself.2.2.2 The students side2.3 Socratic dialogues2.4 Questionnaire survey3. Project objective4.Project hypothesis5.Project rational5.1 Communicative approach in teaching speaking5.2 PPP model5.3 Communicative speaking activities5.4 The learners roles and responsibilities5.5 The role of the teacher5.6 The role of good lesson planning6. Project Implementation1.Identifying a problemLanguage is a communication tool. And the purpose for learning English in China has changed in recent years due to the Open Door Policy. In the past, everyday communication was not the main goal because one didnt need to listen and speak in English. but now spesking is very important. The students should not only express themselves, they can also communicate in different cases according to the culture. But in my teaching, some of my students who have high grades in English are not good at oral English. Some can not express themselves in English. Some of them are lack of interest in oral class.2.Problem analysisIn my opinion, there were four main reasons that accounted for students lack of interest in oral class. Firstly, some students were afraid of being laughed by others because of their poor pronunciation and performance. Secondly, some students wanted to say, but they didnt know how to get start and what to say. Thirdly, some students particularly those who did not do well in the traditional grammar-oriented written exam lacked self-confidence in oral work. They thought that the oral class was only the showing- time for the “top-students”. Fourthly, some students didnt think the oral practice is useful to their grammar-oriented exam, so they were not interested in it at all.The Problems had been troubling me for a long time and now I was determined to work towards the solution to the problem. I started off by making an analysis of the problems. In this period, I use the following methods:the analytic method, cause analysis, socratic dialogues and questionnaire survey.2.1 The analytic methodMy Problem is : Some of my students are not interested in “oral practice”.The phrase “some of” in my problem made me think of the other side of the issue: some of my students are not interested in “oral practice”. This, in turn made me think of these: Why some dont, while others do? Who are the some that dont? And who are the others that do? Moreover, “my students” is in contrast with “my colleagues students”. This prompted me to made a chain of reflections: What about some of my colleagues students? Is it also the case that they arent interested in oral practice? If, on the other hand, all of my colleagues students are interested, then my problem is actually caused by myself, not by my students. Probably the training I gave students was poorly designed. 2.2 Cause analysisI did the Cause Analysis on both “teachers side” and “students side”. I analysised the four main reasons of students not being interested in oral practice.2.2.1 Teachers side that is myself.About the first reason:
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