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状语从句与非谓语的相互转化 1Since he was defeated, he left the room sadly. 2. Once he had been appointed supreme commander, he took the stern measures expected of him. .3. The stranger, after he had discarded his jacket, moved threateningly towards me. 4. He wrote his greatest novel while he was working on a freighter. 5. Once it was published, the book caused a remarkable stir. 6. Since he was persuaded by our optimism, he gladly contributed time and money to the scheme. 7. As he is a farmer, he is suspicious of all governmental interference. 8. The girl, who was upset by the activities of the ghost, decided to leave. 9. The climbers returned, who were hungry and exhausted. 10. The children, after they had eaten their fill, were allowed to leave the table. 定语从句与非谓语的转化 1. The substance, which was discovered almost by accident, has revolutionized medicine. 2. The book which is lying on the table is Marys. 3.The girl who stood in the corner was wearing make-up. 4.The dog which was barking next door sounded like a terrier. 5.A tile which fell from a roof shattered into fragments at his feet. 6.He is talking to a girl who looks like Joan. 7.Any coins that may be found on this site must be handed to the police. 定语从句与动词不定式转换:1.The next train that arrived was from York. 2.The time at which everyone should arrive is 8 pm. 3.The place at which you should stay is the Hilton. 4.The case which will be investigated tomorrow is connected with the explosion. 非限制性定语与非谓语的转换:1.The apple tree, which was swaying gently in the breeze, had a good crop of fruit. 2.The substance, which was discovered almost by accident, has revolutionized medicine. 3.The man, who was wearing such dark glasses, obviously could not see clearly. 4. The cost, which includes meals, is ninety franks. 状语从句与非谓语的相互转化的答案1.Defeated, he left the room sadly.2.(Once) appointed supreme commander, he took the stern measures expected of him3.The stranger, having discarded his jacket, moved threateningly towards me.4.He wrote his greatest novel while working on a freighter.5.Once published, the book caused a remarkable stir.6.Persuaded by our optimism, he gladly contributed time and money to the scheme. 7.Being a farmer, he is suspicious of all governmental interference.8.The girl, upset by the activities of the ghost, decided to leave. Upset by the activities of the ghost, the girl decided to leave. 9.The climbers returned, hungry and exhausted.10.The children, having eaten their fill, were allowed to leave the table. 定语从句与非谓语的转化 1.The substance, discovered almost by accident, has revolutionized medicine.2.The book lying on the table is Marys. 3.The girl standing in the corner was wearing make-up. 4.The dog barking next door sounded like a terrier. 5.A tile falling from a roof shattered into fragments at his feet. 6.He is talking to a girl looking like Joan.7.Any coins found on this site must be handed to the police.定语从句与动词不定式转换:1.The next train to arrive was from York.2.The time to arrive is 8 pm. 3.The place for you to stay is the Hilton. 4.The case to be investigated tomorrow is connected with the explosion.非限制性定语与非谓语的转换:1.The apple tree, swaying gently in the breeze, had a good crop of fruit.2.The substance, discovered almost by accident, has revolutionized medicine. 3.The man, wearing such dark glasses, obviously could not see clearly. 4.The cost, including meals, is ninety franks.
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