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原版英语口语情景对话第0034集:写作eff的爱好是写作,一起来看看他怎么谈论关于写作方面的事情。WritingTodd: OK, Jeff, youre a writer.Jeff: A little bit.Todd: OK.Jeff: Hobby!Todd: OK. Talk about writing.Jeff: I write, I think you. writers write about what they know. So, and I dont know much so.so its difficult, difficult to be a writer. Now, writers write about what they know so, um, Im writing, I have a manuscript now about, uh, um, travelling, the people, the people Ive come in contact with and, uh, what I thought about then, in the situation weve been in when weve met, sort of thing so. But its difficult, its not easy, its not an easy thing to do. At first I did sort of thinking, mm, anyone could do it almost if you put the time into it but now I think its very difficult, you, you have to be creative, and its a lot harder than I think it seems, to pick up a finished product, a book, um, a physical book, or to take a book from the library, I think its. you underestimate the time that has gone into it. Its a long, lot of effort behind it so. its fun, I like it, but its very difficult. But its good.2
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