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2010-2009年高考英语试题分类汇编名词性从句(10福建)35. We should respect food and think about the people who dont have _ we have here and treat food nicely. A. thatB. which C. what D. whether(10湖南)35. Cindy shut the door heavily and burst into tears. No one in the office knew _ she was so angry. A. where B. whether C. that D. why 答案D名词性从句。该空引导宾语从句,根据句意“办公室中没人知道她为什么如此生气” (10天津)14. As a new graduate, he doesnt know _ takes to start a business here.A. how B. what C. When D. which B. 作为一名新毕业生,他不知道需要什么才能在这里开始经营。空格后的从句中takes是动词,其后缺少宾语,所以引导该宾语从句的连接词要用what。 (10北京)33. _ some people regard as a drawback is seen as a plus by many others.A. Whether B. What C. That D. How答案:B主语从句。一些人眼中的缺点是别人眼中的优点。从句中缺宾语,只能用B. what来引导. C.中的That引导主语从句不做成分。(10浙江)1How about camping this weekend, just for a change? OK, _ you want. Awhichever Bhowever CwhateverDwhoever答案:C本题考查引导词。句意:“这个周末野营怎么样,来点新鲜的?”“好啊,按你的意思吧!”根据语境分析出后者支持前面的提出的观点。9It is uncertain_ side effect the medicine will bring about, although about two thousand patients have taken it. Athat Bwhat Chow Dwhether答案:B主语从句的引导词。尽管大约有两千名病人服用过这种药物,但是,它会带来什么样的副作用还不确定。side effect意思是“副作用”,还原主语从句中的主干是the medicine will bring about _ side effect。故选择what,形容词“什么样的”,起修饰作用。10上海)36. One reason for her preference for city life is _ she can have easy access to places like shops and restaurants.A. that B. how C. what D. why答案:A是同位语从句。考察that引导同位语从句的用法。此处that不可以省略。(10山东)26. Before the sales start, I make a list of _ my kids will need for the coming season. A. why B. what C. how D. which答案:B宾语从句的引导词。句意应为“在大甩卖开始前,我把孩子们在下个季节里要用到的东西列了一个清单。”分析句式结构可知,空格处在句中引导宾语从句且在从句中充当need的宾语,所以B项结构正确。which 引导名词性从句时多表示疑问且要有一个明确的范围。(10上海)37. When changing lanes, a driver should use his turning signal to let other drivers know_. A. he is entering which lane B. which lane he is entering C. is he entering which lane D. which lane is he entering答案:B本题考查宾语从句。which引导的句子做know的宾语,句子用陈述语序。(10四川)14How much one enjoys himself travelling depends largely on_ he goes with,whether his friends or relatives Awhat Bwho Chow Dwhy答案:B考查介词后的宾语从句。根据句末的 whether his friends or relatives可知应是和谁去,故选B。句意为“一个人旅游多么享受很大程度上取决于他和谁去,无论是他的朋友还是亲戚。”(10全国)33. We havent discussed yet _ we are going to place our new furniture.A. that B. which C. what D. where 答案:D我们还没有讨论把我们的新家具放在哪里。题干中空格划在动词discuss的后面,因此考察宾语从句,根据句意在宾语从句中缺少地点状语,因此选择D。(10湖北)31. I want to be liked and loved for_ I am inside. A. who B. where C. what D. how答案:C宾语从句我想别人喜欢我是因为我的内在。也就是我inside的品质。只有what可以指代是什么。很多同学误选A,错误的用中文语言习惯去做英文题。(10全国)10.Have you finished the book? -No,Ive read up to_the children discover the secret cave.A.which B.what C.hat D.whereD宾语从句。Up to为介词结构,后接宾语从句从句;句意是“读到孩子们发现秘密洞穴的地方”,故用where引导这个宾语从句最合适。(10江苏)35. I prefer shutting myself in and listening to music all day on Sundays. Thats_I dont agree .You should have a more active life.A.where B.how C.when D.what选A. 这就是我不同意的地方.agree 是不及物动词,所以用where. 用表语从句.(10北京)32. Part of the reason Charles Dickens loved his own novel, David Copperfield, was _ it was rather closely modeled on his own life. A. what B. that C. why D. whetherB考查表语从句。从句不缺成分。狄更斯喜欢他自己的小说大卫科波菲尔的部分原因是小说创作非常贴近他本人的真实生活。(09安徽)1. _a certain doubt among the people as to the practical value of the project.A. It has B. They have C. It remains D. There remains(09湖南)2She is very dear to us. We have been prepared to do _ it takes to save her life.A. whichever B. however C. whatever D. whoeverC 名词性从句的引导词。句意为:她对我们来说是非常宝贵,我们已经准备好做一切来拯救她的生命。(09江西)3. The fact has worried many scientists _ the earth is becoming warmer and warmer these years.A. what B. which C. that D. thoughC 间隔式同位语从句的用法。即先行词是the fact 和that引导的同位语从句中间隔了谓语部分。(09海南)4. Could I speak to_ is in charge of International Sales please?A. who B. what C. whoever D. whateverC whoever既作了to的宾语,又作is in charge of International Sales please?的主语。“whoever”作代词,any person whothe person who“任何人”、“无论谁”、“的人”。(09陕西)5. The how to book can be of help to_ wants to do the job.A. who B. whomever C. no matter who D. whoeverD 此处从做介词to的宾语,是名词性从句,引导词做从句的主语,指人,意思是:无论是谁,选D(09海南)6. One of the most important questions they had to consider was _ of public healthA. what B. this C. that D. whichC 考查that作代词,that 作代词,往往用于特指,相当于“that名词”,它也只能代替事情不能代替人。(09上海)7. As a new diplomat, he often thinks of _ he can react more appropriately on such occasions. A. what B. which C. that D. how(09四川)8. News came from the school office _
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