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英语大师 en.eywedu.net【全免费】,Unit 6 Shopping A Lets learn,英语大师 en.eywedu.net【全免费】,学习内容:,英语大师 en.eywedu.net【全免费】,设计思路: 1.通过问学生我要去海南旅游需要带什么物品,引出单词sunglasses,umbrella我要去哈尔滨旅游呢结合第三单元的天气,导入单词scarf ,gloves的学习。 2 通过go shopping导入句子Can I help you? The gloves are nice.Can I try them on? Sure. 3.进入文本听音正音。 4.读一读,连一连。音形意结合。 5.完成Complete and say。 6拓展。,英语大师 en.eywedu.net【全免费】,学习目标: 1.能听说,认读单词:glasses,umbrella,gloves,scarf. 2.能听说认读句子: Can I help you? The gloves are nice.Can I try them on? Sure.并能在情景中运用。,英语大师 en.eywedu.net【全免费】,sunglasses,umbrella,The _ are _.,The _ is nice.,sunglasses,umbrella,nice,英语大师 en.eywedu.net【全免费】,gloves,scarf,a green scarf,Its snowy. Its cold.,The gloves are nice.,英语大师 en.eywedu.net【全免费】,Assistant(售货员):Can I help you? Customer:Yes.The gloves are nice. ( 顾客),Lets go shopping.,Assistant:Sure.,Can I try them on?,Can I help you?,英语大师 en.eywedu.net【全免费】,英语大师 en.eywedu.net【全免费】,读一读,连一连:,glasses umbrella gloves scarf,英语大师 en.eywedu.net【全免费】,英语大师 en.eywedu.net【全免费】,Make a dialogue. Assistant(售货员):Can I help you? customer:Yes.The _ are nice. ( 顾客) Can I try them on? Assistant:Sure.,英语大师 en.eywedu.net【全免费】,Customer:The _ is nice, Can I try it on?,Assistant(售货员):Can I help you ?,Assistant(售货员):Sure.,英语大师 en.eywedu.net【全免费】,Assistant(售货员):Can I help you? customer:Yes.The _ is nice. ( 顾客) _? Assistant:_.,英语大师 en.eywedu.net【全免费】,Make a new dialogue. Assistant(售货员):_? customer:Yes._. ( 顾客) _? Assistant:_.,英语大师 en.eywedu.net【全免费】,Lets check! 同学们给你们五分钟的时间,请合上课本,自主完成练习册上的检测题,仔细做题,加油!,英语大师 en.eywedu.net【全免费】,英语大师 en.eywedu.net【全免费】,Homework: 1.Listen to the tape and repeat. 2.Design a suit of clothes and write their names.,
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