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WEEK 2 TRANSLATION PROCESSLiteral & Liberal TranslationI Warm-up Practice Most automobile engines are internal combustion(内燃), reciprocating往复式 4-stroke四冲程 gasoline汽油 engines, but other types have been used, including the diesel煤油 and the 2-stroke. Homer sometimes nods.荷马有时也打盹 智者千虑必有一失 /人非圣贤孰能无过/人无完人 Selling refrigerators to the Eskimos is like carrying coals to Newcastle. carry coal to Newcastle 画蛇添足 向爱斯基摩人推销电冰箱简直是白费力气。 Chief Executive Donald Tsang曾荫权 Edmund Ho何厚铧 Bruce Lee 李小龙 Jackie Chan成龙 Andy Lau 刘德华 Any person who in any manner, makes use of or accepts the use of any apparatus, appliance, facility, privilege, or service whatsoever owned, leased, or operated by the Club, or who engages in any contest, game, function, exercise, competition, or other activity operated, organized, arranged, or sponsored by the Club, either on or off the club premises, shall do so at his or her own risk, and shall release and hold the Club, CITIC Shanqin Bay Golf Club, their affiliates, operators, governors, Executive Committee, officers, employees, representatives, and agents harmless from any and all loss, cost, claim, injury, damage or liability sustained or incurred by him or her, resulting from encounters with snakes and/or other native wildlife while on Club property. 炒牛河 Wet/ Dry-fried rice noodles with sliced beef芒果冰沙 Mango shakeII Translation Process 翻译过程四步走 1. 译前准备 2. 原文理解 3. 译语表达 4. 校对定稿 2.1 译前准备背景知识准备 翻译目的、译文功能、翻译对象、客户要求 Translation brief (翻译要求)Target readerTranslation policyInternet, books, papers, references 2.1.1 背景知识准备杨苡 Wuthering Heights 咆哮山庄 呼啸山庄 2.1.2 红楼梦翻译杨宪益、戴乃迭(A Dream of Red Mansions )戴维.霍克斯 David Hawkes (The Story of the Stone) 2.1.3 Internet search 有道 绍兴文理学院数据库 香港律政司数据库 北大法宝 人大法律数据库 Google ENGLISH WEBSITESTaiwan UK HK 2.2 理解阶段2.2.1 Understand the context I never had much in seeing you. There was no love lost between us at any time. 我向来不大想看到你,咱们俩人之间大概什么时候都不曾有过好感。(没有爱可失去) We grumble a little now and then, to be sure. But theres no love lost between us. 当然喽,我们有时也免不了争论几句,但是我们还是相亲相爱。(没有失去爱) Career officers complain about our educational system that presents them with school-leavers without ideas for employment. 下文(Employers deplore the fact that teenagers are unable to spell and write and calculate. )译文一:负责就业的官员抱怨,我们现在的教育制度在向社会提供毕业生时根本没有就业观念。译文二:负责就业的官员抱怨,我们现在的教育制度向社会提供的毕业生根本没有就业观念。 2.2.2 Understand words in the context The old man informed us that his wife had had thirteen children, one in every month of the year and one over besides. 老人风趣地(煞有介事地)告诉我们,他的妻子生了13个孩子,如果用一年十二个月一个月一个的话,还多出一个来。 “死”in Chinese 死、亡、 故、卒、逝、殺、毙、殒、崩、薨 亡故、身故、谢世、作古、归天、丧命、暴卒、夭折、羽化、就木、大行、殉情、挺腿、完蛋 回老家、玩儿完、填沟壑、山陵崩 溘然长逝、驾鹤西游、死于非命、玉殒香消、寿终正寝、一命呜呼、粉身碎骨、见马克思“死”in English Die, expire,Pass away, Kick the bucketRest in peaceBreathe ones lastReturn to dustJoin the choir invisibleGo to ones last homeGo to gloryDrop dead Sonnet 18 W. Shakespeare Shall I compare thee to a summers day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate: Rough winds do shake the darling buds ofMay, And summers lease hath all too short a date: Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines, And often is his gold complexion dimmed,And every fair from fair sometime declines, By chance, or natures changing course untrimmed: But thy eternal summer shall not fade, Nor lose possession of that fair thou owst, Nor shall death brag thou wanderst in his shade, When in eternal lines to time thou growst,So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see, So long lives this, and this gives life to thee. He was the late presidents alter ego and he is a close and influential friend of the president to be in office.昨晚我听到他把猪赶到市场上去了昨晚我听到他鼾声如雷,(声音就像把猪赶到市场上去一样)。 and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.民有、民治、民享之政府当免于凋零 (Abraham Lincoln, the Gettysburg Address)2.2.3 Understand the logic When he was a young fellow in the sixties. There is a definite link between smoking and lung cancer. But this doesnt make you too uncomfortable because you are in good company.2.3 To Express/reproduce 定义:1. Literal translation takes sentences as its basic units and the whole text into consideration at the same time in the course of translating. 2. Literal translation strives to reproduce both the ideological content and style of the entire literary work and retain as much as possible the figures of speech and main sentence structures or patterns. 直译是指在尽量保持原文语言形式不变的基础上,用地道的译入语准确再现原作的内容与风格。即在确切表达原文的基础上,注重原文的句子结构。 意译是指按照原文的句子结构翻译,所的译文不符合汉语习惯的情况下,重新组织句子结构,即舍形式而取内容,用贴切的译入语准确传达原作的意义。直译 不等于 rigid translation(硬译、死译)意译 不等于 over/under translation(翻译过度、翻译不足) When I want your opinion, Ill ask for it. 直译:当我需要你的意见时,我会问你的。意译:(因此)请你不
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