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水槽项目中外合资可行性报告Feasibility study report for sink project of sino-foreign joint ventures一. 总论General introduction1. 项目概况General information :1.1项目名称 :不锈钢水槽Name of the project: stainless steel sink1.2合营各方企业基本情况information of each party 1.2.1.外方企业的基本情况: The basic information of the foreign corporation: a.国别:委内瑞拉 country : Venez uelab.企业名称:乔艾尼贸易(上海)有限公司 Enterprise name : Shanghai Jenjune Limitedc.注册资本: Registered capital : d.注册地址: Registered address: e.法人代表: The legal representative: f. 联系电话(tel):021-50326950 传真(fax):021-50326952 邮箱(email):jhonyjenjune.com 1.2.2中方企业基本情况: The basic information of the Chinese Corperation a. 企业名称:富阳奔象五金厂Enterprise name: Fuyang Benxiang Hardware Factory b. 注册地址:富阳市新登镇白家村Registered address: Baijia Village,Xindeng Town,Fuyang City c. 法人代表: 白象林The legal representative: Xianglin Baid. 注册资本: 一千万 人民币Registered capital: 10 Million RMB e. 联系电话(tel):0571-63251278 传真(fax):0571-63258278邮箱(email):zhihua.bai163.com2. 拟建项目总投资:一千五百万 人民币Total investment for the proposed project : 15 Million RMB2.1拟注册地址: 富阳市新登镇白家村To be registered in : Baijia Village, Xindeng Town, Fuyang City 2.2拟注册资本:一千万人民币Registered Capital:10 million RMB 2.3各合营方拟出资比例:Investment Rations of each partya. 外方拟出资:柒佰叁拾伍万人民币 占总投资49%Investment of foreign corporation: RMB 7.35 Million ,the ration is 49%b. 中方拟出资:柒佰陆拾伍万人民币 占总投资51%Investment of chinese corporation:RMB 7.65 Million ,the ration is 51%2.4出资方式Forms of Investment :2.4.1外方出资方式:在注册中外合资公司时,打入伍佰万人民币作为注册资金,其余的贰佰叁拾伍万在公司开始生产时打入公司账户 Forms investment of foreign corporation: 5 million yuan is for registered capital when the new company is registered , and another 2.35million yuan will be remitted to company account when the company start to produce . 2.4.2中方出资方式:在注册中外合资公司时,打入伍佰万人民币作为注册资金,其余的贰佰陆拾伍万在公司开始生产时打入公司账户。Investment forms of Chinese corporation: 5 million yuan is for registered capital when the new company is registered ,and another 2.65 million yuan will be remitted to the new company account when the company start to produce.2.4.3中方资金来源及构成:伍佰万人民币由富阳奔象五金厂向银行贷款,其余的贰佰陆拾伍万由富阳奔象五金厂出资The source and composition of chinese corporation capital : 5 million yuan is the bank loans by Fuyang Benxiang Hardware Factory .Another 2.65 million yuan is investement by Fuyang Benxiang Hardware Factory .2.4.4合营期限:Term of joint venture :2.4.5利润分配方式:利润按各合营方投资的比例分配Distribution of Profits: based on the investment rations of each party 2.4.6发生亏损时各营方如何承担:发生亏损时各合营方按各合营方投资的比例承担亏损。The Liability of Each party when losses occur : based on the investment ration of each party二经营范围、市场需求预测和拟建规模Business scope,market demands and scale of proposed construction1. 经营范围:国内外各种型号的水槽Business scope: all kinds of the stainless steel sink model at home and abroad 2.国内外市场调查结论:Research about Internal & External markets 3.国内外需求分析和预测:国外市场:乔艾尼贸易(上海)有限公司现有每月7000-8000个水槽订单,南美和欧洲市场可销售每月50000-60000个水槽。国内市场:2010年全国商品房销售面积为75203万平方米,每户商品房按平均130平方米来作计算,有578万户商品房,每户用一个水槽,则要用578万个水槽,全年要用630万个水槽,若我司能占有10%的市场份额,则全年能销售630000个 。并且近几年,国内商品房销售一直处于上升趋势,以2010年为例,1-11月份商品房销售总数同比增长53%,这也意味着水槽的需求量也 呈上涨趋势。Analyses and predictions of internal & external Demands :Foreign markets: Shanghai Jenjune Limited now have 7000-8000 pcs monthly order. South America and European markets can sales monthly 50000-60000 pcs sinks .The domestic market: In 2010 year, the national commodity house sale area is 752,030,000 square meters .If each household commodity house is at an average of 130 square meters ,there are 5,780,000 households with a sink for each one and it will take 5,780,000 pcs sinks .Then it will take 6,300,000 sinks per year. If we can occupy 10% share of the market ,the annual sales will be 6,300,000 sinks .And in recent years ,the sale of domestic commercial housing have been rising.For example ,in 2010 year, the sales of the commercial household has grown 53% from January to November,it also means the demands of the sinks is growing too.4.拟建项目的规模 :拟建项目的初始投入在1500万元左右。 Scheduled scale of construction : beginning investment is around 15 million RMB.4.1生产能力描述:按一条流水线,每天工作8小时,可生产600个水槽。 按一条流水线,两班倒,换人不停机,可生产1200个水槽。Description of production capacity: a production line, 8 hours each day, can produce 600 sinks ; a production line ,thress shift a day, substitution of workers and non-stop machines,can produce 1200 sinks .4.2产品发展方向:水槽产品应以乔艾尼贸易(上海)有限公司现有的201不锈钢水槽为起点,然后慢慢做国内的304不锈钢水槽,因为国内的304不锈钢水槽价值大,同样设备的产出就大。Development trend of products : Beginning from the 201 SS sinks of the external market, then try to produce the 304 SS sinks of the internal market.Because the value of the 304 SS sink is much higher ,meantime the output of the machines is larger.4.3 所需水、电、气、动力要求:Requirements of Needed water,power,and gas:4.4 所需人力资源配置:a.财务两人:一个会计,一个出纳(暂兼职);b.生产车间:生产厂长1人,模具维修工人2人,质检1人,剪板2人,一线操作工人15人;c.包装车间2人;d.统计和仓库可兼职1人Human Resources needed :a. financial departme
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