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乔治六世对德宣战文告(原文及拙译)1939年9月3日,即位才2年多的口吃国王乔治六世向世界发表了这篇著名的宣战文告,代表英国人民向人类公敌德国法斯西宣布开战。从此,养尊处优的英国王室与民更始,和英国人民一起感受战争与恐惧,共同在勇气和信念的支持下投身战斗,直至胜利。这篇文告是患有严重口吃症而且极不情愿做国王的乔治六世第一次作为元首成功向全英子民完整发表的讲话。在那个特殊的时期里,他克服了自己严重的口吃毛病,以无比勇气向亿万人民说完了这篇讲稿,同时也宣示了王室与国民共赴国难,并肩战斗的决心和坚毅。这篇文告发表后,以及王室在战争期间的表现,极大地鼓舞了英国人民对法西斯的战斗士气,也使英国王室作为英国国家象征的影响更加强化和稳固。这篇著名的宣战文告,寻遍网络,居然没有中文译文。所以我专门试着翻译了这篇文告。作为在今天同样处于当年英国类似境地的中国,向那个千年来不断做着大陆梦,屡败屡战,今天又想试图染指华夏圣土的禽兽之邦的宣战书!George VI - Kings Speech, September 3, 1939乔治六世1939年9月3日文告In this grave hour, perhaps the most fateful in our history, I send to every household of my peoples, both at home and overseas, this message,spoken with the same depth of feeling , for each one of you, as if I were able to cross your threshold, and speak to you myself. 值此存亡之秋,盖千古倒悬之时,寡人宣谕于海内外每户臣民,此腹心之意期达于每一人,卽如寡人亲语于前也。For the second time in the lives of most of us, we are at war. 吾国多数国民,今已二度身历兵戈矣。Over and over again, we have tried to find a peaceful way out of the differences between ourselves and those who are now our enermies; but it has been in vain. 我方再三竭力和解敌我之争,奈何徒然。We have been forced into a conflict, for we are called to meet the challenge of a principle which, if it were to prevail, would be fatal to any civlizaed order in the world. 今被迫迎战,率由无道开衅于前。其道行,则天下大道失坠矣。It is a principle which permits a state, in the selfish pursuit of power, to disregard its treaties and its solemn pledges, which sanctions the use of force or threat of force against the sovereignty and independence of other states.其道纵许一国抱怀权霸之私而弃约悔诺;其道纵许加兵他国,危言恫吓,以侵害主权及独立。Such a principle, stripped of all disguise, is surely the mere primitive doctrine that might is right. and if this principle were established through the world, the freedom of our own country and of the whole British Commonwealth of nations would be in danger. 其道去之伪饰,则露之眞实,此卽强权有理。其道荼毒于世也,则吾国乃至全英联邦之自由置诸累卵矣。But far more than this, the peoples of the world would be kept in bondage of fear, and all hopes of settled peace and of the security, of justice and liberty, among nations, would be ended.而更甚者,普天之下,兆民从此有惶惶之忧;万国之内,公义自由之承平治世有倾覆之难。This is the ultimate issue which confronts us.For the sake of all that we ourselves hold dear, it is unthinkble that we should refuse to meet the challange. 此诚死生大事也。是故用保吾道,我辈则不得不直面敌衅矣。In this, today, I now call my people at home and my people across the seas who will make our cause their own. 寡人今召我海内外臣民,其各勇负使命。I ask them to stand calm and firm and united in this time of trial.当此考验时刻,予请尔等泰然成城,万众同雠。The task will be hard, there may be dark days ahead,and war can be no longer confined to the battlefield. But we can only do the right as we see the right, and reverently commit our cause to God.其或被艰辛,或遭丧乱,而兵戈所祸更延及阵外,然吾人唯知义而行,虔祷天佑矣。If one and all we keep resolutely faithful to it, ready for whatever service or sacrifice it may demand,then with Gods help, we shall prevail. 是若吾等人人笃实忠诚于天主,幸赖天庥,吾道必达矣。May He bless and keep us all.唯神祚吾人也。
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