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一.用来分析原因的句型1. A number of factors might be accountable for (contribute to )(lead to )(account for)(result in)this situation(phenomenon) (problem). 2. The situation (phenomenon) (problem) mainly arises from (stems from)(results from)the following reasons.3. There are many factors that may be accountable for (contribute to )(lead to )(account for)(result in) the phenomenon, and the following are the most important ones.4. The reasons that might be accountable for (contribute to )(lead to )(account for)(result in) the phenomenon are varied.5. It cant be denied that the following reasons contribute to this phenomenon.6. Theres no doubt that the following reasons contribute to this phenomenon. 注:1. 2. 为简单句,考试时最好用复合句二. 用来分析原因的常用短语: 1. account for/contribute to/ lead to/ result in result from/ arise from/stem from2. (there are many) causes for.3. enrich our life/knowledge4. broaden our horizon 5. make our life colorful and meaningful/easier/more interesting make our life convenient 6. be related to has something to do with 7. with the rapid growth / development of 8. do harm to be good forbe essential important for be of great help value has become an indispensible part 9. provide .withsupply opportunities for 10. all walks of life 11.release our stress help people relax themselvesmake.relaxed三.列举原因或后果时常用的顺序词1. first of all/to begin with/ .to start with/ in the first place / first and foremost2. what s more/ more importantly/ in addition /additionally/more over/ in the second place/besides/ furthermore3. last but not least/ last of all / lastly4.for one thing / for another .on the one hand/ on the other hand5. another reason is that注:选用顺序词时尽可能选较长的短语四.用来举例的句型和短语1. A good case in point is .2. As an illustration, we may take . for example 3. Such examples might be given easily. For instance,.注:次部分最好选用一个举例的句型来举个例子,例证法是议论文中常用的方法。 五.分析后果的句型1. As the problem remains, some consequences may naturally follow as demonstrated below. 2. Duo to the problem, some consequences may not be avoided.用来表示结果的常用词: Thus,.= therefore,.= as a result,.= hence,.=consequently 六. 典型错句1.There are many factors account for /contribute to the phenomenon.(X there be结构不能直接加句子,可以加名词,或者带有定语从句的名词) Many factors that account for /contribute to the phenomenon There are many factors that account for /contribute to the phenomenon2. Use credit cards can solve the problems. (X动词原形不能作主语)3. It could convenient our life. ( convenient是形容词,句中没有谓语) It could make our life convenient . 4. You use the credit cards could be of great help. (X句子作主语,但少了引导词)5. Those (who think network classrooms replace traditional classroom) maintaining that(句子中没有谓语动词,应把maintaining改为maintain)6. Some people think that network classrooms can replace traditional classrooms may have some reasons as follows.(两个动词一个是主句的谓语,一个是从句的谓语,think that 应改为who think that)7. Those who are favor of (thinkbelievehold)that network classrooms replace traditional classroom(只有主语和后面的定语从句,没有主句的谓语动词,不是一个完整的句子)小结:检查此部分时时,看一下每一个句子的结构,主要是看动词,每个句子中一定要有谓语动词,要确保句子的结构不要出错(不是背诵的,自己写的最好用简单句);如果一个句子中有两个谓语动词,要么是并列的谓语,中间要有并列连词,要么一个是主句的谓语动词,一个是从句的谓语动词,不要少了从句的引导词。本次作业要求:1.开始的分析原因的主题句要用一个主从复合句 2. 列举原因的顺序词要用较长的 3. 要用一个举例的句型 2
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