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在线英语外教一对一培训 http:/www.51jzb.net商务信函写作:请求约见客户 要想业务成功首先要有客户愿意听你的推销,客户不愿意见你,你连推销的机会都没有,即使你能力再强产品再好野无补于事。顺利地约见到客户那得需要怎样的表达才能打动客户呢?分享一些约见客户的电子邮件写作。请求约见 Requesting an Appoinment常见会用到的句式:I am planning a trip to New York next month.我计划下个月到纽约。I will be in Beijing for business during the week of May 16th.我5月16号那周到北京出差。If it is convenient, I would like to arrange a time to meet.方便的话,我想跟您约时间见个面。I would like to meet to discuss our new product line.我想跟您当面讨论我们的新产品。If possible, I would like to visit you during my trip.有可能的话我想在旅行期间拜访您。Please let me know your schedule.请告诉我您的时间安排。Could we schedule a time to meet soon?我们可不可以安排在最近见面?look forward to seeing you soon.我期待尽快见到你。look forward to hearing from you soon.我期待着尽早收到你的消息。信例1,Dear Ms. Miller,I am planning a trip to Chicago from July 17th to 28th. Would it be possible to arrange a meeting to visit your office during that time? I would like to meet to discuss our plans for merger. Please let me know your schedule. I look forward to hearing from you soon.Sincerely,Ding Jun我计划7月17日至28日间到芝加哥出差。请问在此期间方便在您的办公室安排会面吗?值此机会,我想和您探讨有关我们的合并计划事宜。请告知我您的时间安排。希望能尽快收到您的回复。范例2:Dear Mr. Li,I am pleased to hear that you will be visiting Guangzhou next month. I am planning on being out of the country between March 6th and 12th; and will be unavailable those days for meeting with you. If it is convenient, can we arrange to meet March 14th? Please let me know if this arrangement willwork for you.Best regards,Martin Harris很高兴听说您将在下月到访广州。我计划于3月6日至12日间出国,在此期间无法与您会面。如果可行,我们能否安排到3月14日见面,请告知我这个安排对您是否适用。本文来自金嘴巴英语:http:/www.51jzb.net/forum/read-31655-13.html
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