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1. We should also like to know what formalities are involved and the time taken for delivery. 我公司还想了解需要办理哪些相关手续以及交货所需的时间。2. We shall shortly have ready for shipment from Xingang to Hamburg 20 casks of sheep casings. 我公司准备不久将20桶羊肠衣从新港运往汉堡。3. We shall have a consignment of glassware for delivery from Shanghai to Nagoya . 我公司将把一批玻璃器皿从上海运往名古屋。4. We are pleased to inform you that we have booked freight for your Order No. 1234 of 20,000 refrigerator compressors on SS “Noah” with ETA 23 November. 现欣然奉告,我们已在“诺亚”号轮船上为你方1234号订单所订购的20,000台冰箱压缩机订妥舱位,预计11月23日抵达。5. The walnuts ordered have been put on board SS “Eagle” scheduled for sailing on 15th August. 所订购的花生已装上“雄鹰”号轮船,计划起航日期为8月15日。6.According to the terms of the contract, we forwarded you by air a full set of non-negotiable documents covering this consignment. 我们已按合同条款的规定,将有关该批货物的一整套装运单据副本航空邮寄给你方。7. We regret to say that your order cant be shipped within the prescribed time limit because of Force Majeure over which we have had no control. 很遗憾,由于我们不能控制的不可抗力,贵公司所订货物不能按时装运了。8. Insurance should be covered by the Seller against WPA according to Ocean Marine Cargo Clauses of the Peoples Insurance Company of China dated January 1, 1981. 应该依照中国人民保险公司1981年一月一日颁布的海洋运输货物保险条款 对货物进行投保。9. Under these circumstances, we shall have all the defective parts replaced at your expense. 鉴于这种情况,我们要求调换这些有缺陷的零件,费用由贵公司承担。10. The quality of the goods shipped against our order No. 9832 has been found not in conformity with the agreed specification. 我们发现,我方第9832号订单项下运来的货物质量与协议的规定不符。11. Upon examination, we found that many of the goods were severely damaged, and the whole parcel is quite useless to us. 检验后,我们发现很多货物已严重损坏而且整批货物对我们毫无用处。12 . We are sorry to say that the pattern is uneven in places and the coloring varies. 很遗憾,有些部位的花色不均匀而且颜色有色差。13 . We have examined the goods duly received and found Cases No. 3 and No.6 are broken and their contents badly damaged. 货物已按时收到,我们已作检查 ,但发现第3号货箱和第6号货箱破损,里面的货物严重 损坏。14. We regret to say that the goods were badly damaged apparently attributable to negligent packing. 很遗憾,货物严重受损,原因很明显,为包装粗心所致。15 . We are compelled to claim on you for $7,000. 我们被迫向贵公司索赔7000 美元。16 . We feel extremely sorry for the delay of the shipment which was caused by the belated arrival of the raw material.由于原料到货延迟而导致了装运延迟,我们感到十分抱歉。 17. We retain these goods if you will reduce the price by 15%.如果贵公司愿意降价15%, 我们可以收下这些货物。18 . With regard to the loss in weight, we would suggest that you make your claim on the forwarding agent, as in a case of this kind, we really cannot accept any liability. 这种情况的发生,我们确实不应承担责任。关于重量的丢失问题,我们建议贵公司向运输行索赔19. It is our hope that you will consider according us exclusive selling right for your machines. 希望贵公司能够授予我们独家销售贵公司机器产品的权利。20 . We firmly believe that you will enjoy a lot of benefits by appointing us your sole agent here. 我们确信,如果委派我们做贵公司在这里的独家代理,贵公司会获得很多利润。21 . After Paying due consideration to your proposals and investigating your business standing , we have decided to entrust you with the sole agency for our products. 我们对你方建议做了适当考虑,也对你方商业信誉进行了应有的调查,我们决定委托你方独家代理我方产品。22 . We are afraid its too early to dwell on the subject of sole agency, because we are not yet thoroughly acquainted. 由于我们彼此还不是非常熟悉,恐怕现在详谈独家代理事宜为时过早。23. After serious consideration , we decided not to commit ourselves at this stage, when the record of transactions shows only a moderate volume of business. 经过慎重考虑,我们决定暂不做此承诺,因为从交易的情况来看,目前的生意做得很一般。24. We believe that your products will sell well here provided there is an aggressive sales promotion campaign. 我们相信,如果有了积极的促销活动,贵方的产品一定会非常畅销的。25. Unless otherwise instructed, we will ship the goods by the first boat available toward the end of this month. 除非另有指示, 我们将把货物交第一艘可订到舱位的船只于本月底运出。. 26. With regard to the loss in weight, we are enclosing a surveyors report in order to prove to you that the loss could only have occurred in transit.对于重量的缺失,我们现随信附上检验报告,可以证明损失是在运输途中发生的。27. We are sorry to say that the pattern is uneven in places and the coloring varies.很遗憾,有些部位的花色不均匀而且颜色有色差。26
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